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10048. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 6/18/2010 1:21:21 AM

10049. thoughtful - 6/18/2010 2:57:10 PM

From a sarah palin tweet:
"Extreme Greenies:see now why we push'drill,baby,drill'of known reserves&promising finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?"

10050. greystoke - 6/18/2010 5:21:44 PM

One problem with her logic is that the oil companies and their Republican water boys told us that offshore drilling was completely safe, too.

10051. vonKreedon - 6/18/2010 10:28:55 PM

Not to mention, ummm...
Alaska Oil Spill Fuels Concerns Over Arctic Wildlife, Future Drilling

10052. greystoke - 6/19/2010 1:28:31 AM

2006 ??? Old news. I am sure that Big Oil has put procedures in place to make drilling completely safe in onshore places. Would Sarah lie to us?

10053. greystoke - 6/19/2010 1:29:34 AM

What are you, an Extreme Greenie ?

10054. vonKreedon - 6/19/2010 7:57:33 AM

You betcha {;-)

10055. alistairConnor - 6/21/2010 11:22:10 AM

You couldn't make it up...

10056. wabbit - 6/22/2010 3:01:56 PM

AC's link: You couldn't make it up...

I just posted this same link in American Politics. She's unreal. I guess that makes me an Extreme Greenie.

10057. judithathome - 6/22/2010 4:25:05 PM

Last night...or rather early this morning...I watched a documentary that made me ill: it's called Gasland and I recommend it highly. I'll put it this way: my city was mentioned in it and the subject matter...natural gas wells...is probably coming to neighborhood near you soon.

I had NO idea the drilling was on such a massive scale! This was a chilling eye-opener, even if the director had an anti-gaswell slant...if even a third of what he shows is factual and not biased filming, we're playing with fire. Literally.

Basically, we're doing (or having it done to us) to the underground water supply what BP is doing to the Gulf.

10058. vonKreedon - 6/23/2010 6:40:11 PM

Breaking news: AP has announced that US Army General David Petraeus has been named to replace General McChrystal

This is, IMO, great news.

10059. greystoke - 6/24/2010 12:40:39 AM


Josh Fox came to my town in PA and showed it at our theater a few weeks ago. Not a single elected official showed up, and if any oil or gas men showed up they didn't say a word.

I believe what he showed. Marcellus Shale drilling here in PA is bad for the environment in multiple ways --

1. streams are dewatered as the drillers pump the water from there to well for hydrofracturing.

2. They mix the water with poisonous chemicals and pump it into the ground. Only about half of it comes back out, and that is supposed to be treated. Of course it often gets dumped into the streams without being treated because that is a whole lot cheaper.

3. They fracture the rock allowing the fluids and the gas to get into the ground water.

We have been repeatedly assured by the oil and gas companies and our elected officials that its completely safe. Sound familiar?

10060. arkymalarky - 6/24/2010 7:47:04 PM

One thing I love about where we live is our excellent well water. Same for the cabin in CO. I wouldn't give that up for any amount of money and thankfully no one around us in either place can screw it up.

10061. arkymalarky - 6/24/2010 7:49:13 PM

We could have city water, but when we were on it it smelled like bleach. Cleaning bad water isn't that appealing, even if they really do it.

10062. judithathome - 6/26/2010 3:41:33 AM

We have been repeatedly assured by the oil and gas companies and our elected officials that its completely safe. Sound familiar?

Oh, definitely; if their lips are moving, they're lying...they store the frac water in huge birms and install sprayers underneath the surface...in the hottest part of the day they spray the standing, tainted water into the air so it will evaporate more quickly...where the hell do they think all the impurities go? Into the air!

And this town has a very low water table...my ex dug our well with a post hole digger! Sure, we only used that water for the lawn but it wasn't a hugely deep well...there's no way I believe that fracking BS doesn't contaminate the water table.

We get our drinking water from a lake reservoir but the water IN IT comes from somewhere besides rainfall. Run off from the low water table, no doubt.

10063. judithathome - 6/26/2010 3:42:17 AM

Arky, are they doing gas well drilling anywhere near y'all?

10064. arkymalarky - 6/26/2010 5:02:14 PM

Nope. That's what made me think how lucky we are. The closest problems we've had are the chicken farm (for sale again) and the hog farm that's now gone, and they weren't close enough to affect us. In fact, I don't know of any gas drilling anywhere, tho I'm sure they're drilling somewhere in AR.

10065. greystoke - 6/27/2010 2:09:39 AM


The driver of the car, later identified as Cano, got out of the car and ran across the highway several times in front of passing vehicles. Dispatchers then started fielding reports that the man was "standing out in the roadway and was wearing no clothes."

Before troopers could arrive, a nude Cano got into a fight with a motorist who had stopped. He then jumped into his own car and started driving east on the highway.

About 17 miles away, Cano "intentionally" rammed a vehicle with a couple from Cheyenne in it. When both vehicles stopped, Cano, still naked, attempted to get into the couple's vehicle. Meanwhile, a woman driving by who saw the crash stopped to help. Cano forced his way into her vehicle and "found a 9mm semi-automatic handgun in the female's vehicle and began firing it from inside the vehicle out the closed windows," the highway patrol said.

Cano fired one round, narrowly missing the female driver. He fired a second round out the side window of the vehicle, and allegedly fired at the vehicle he had rammed, police said. The woman fled her vehicle, from which he was firing shots, on foot.

The couple from Cheyenne, still in their rammed vehicle, tried to drive away from the chaotic scene, but Cano jumped back into his car and began chasing them. He caught up and rammed the couple's vehicle once again, police said.

Still armed with the gun, Cano then drove his own car about three miles down the highway, stopped, got out and lay down naked in the road. At some point the gun jammed.

He then got up and threw an unknown object at a passing vehicle, shattering the driver's window. As a passerby tried to shepherd Cano off the highway, the suspect stabbed the passerby in the leg with an unknown sharp object. Several passing truck drivers and motorists stopped and Cano, now armed with a pipe, began breaking out windows of vehicles. A truck driver suffered cuts at this point, police said.

10066. greystoke - 6/27/2010 2:10:16 AM


10067. greystoke - 6/27/2010 2:12:05 AM

The headline was supposed to be:

Naked Gunman in Wyoming

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