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Host: robertjayb

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10860. robertjayb - 4/20/2013 3:46:58 AM

Print Lives...online...

I seldom see USA Today except as a motel freebie. This morning I somehow fumbled across it on Kindle, was immediately impressed with the clarity of their Boston coverage and checked in from time to time throughout the day. Plain words, frequent updates and a coherent story line made a welcome contrast to the usual dueling egos of TV news. Boston's Herald and Globe did well too.

As a onetime ink-stained wretch, I was proud of the craftsmanship. Pulitzers all around!

10861. wabbit - 4/20/2013 2:39:08 PM

I kept going back to the local NPR station, WBUR. Their coverage was very good, not sensationalized.

This is too funny not to share.

10862. robertjayb - 4/21/2013 11:03:24 PM

A man intent on his mission.

On the farm I made lots of trips over and through barbed wire fences. Don't believe I would have tackled those spikes. More at risk there than the jeans. Looks hazardous to the credentials

BTW, in the vernacular barbed wire is "bob wire."

10863. robertjayb - 4/22/2013 4:34:15 PM

Wow! What a surprise: People intent on doing crime don't follow rules.

Who would have thought...

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts police official say the brothers suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon before having shootouts with authorities didn't have gun permits.

"Cambridge Police Commissioner Robert Haas tells The Associated Press in an interview Sunday that neither Tamerlan Tsarnaev (tsahr-NEYE'-ehv) nor his brother Dzhokhar had permission to carry firearms."

More rules. That should stop 'em. Ya, youbetcha!

10864. arkymalarky - 4/22/2013 7:13:05 PM

Yes, when They have no way of keeping up with them it's easy to get around the law. And, using that line of reasoning, we should Make murder legal

10865. judithathome - 4/23/2013 7:25:07 AM

And do away with speed limits because people just speed, anyhow.

10866. iiibbb - 4/23/2013 3:10:48 PM

Speed limits essentially inform drivers the speeds that statistically speaking society has determined offer the best balance of getting somewhere safely with okay fuel economy.... it doesn't keep people from going 100 mph if that's what they're intent on doing.

In NY they are going to modify the SAFE act so that 10-round magazines will be allowed, but only 7 rounds can be in them. You know, "common sense gun control".

10867. robertjayb - 4/23/2013 6:29:32 PM

Arky and Judith miss the perhaps obscure point of my post on guns. I'll try to do better. But basically it is that setting up ineffective rules that serve primarily to agitate, inflame, and inconvenience the innocent and law-abiding may not be a productive route to the desired goal, whatever that may be.

10868. arkymalarky - 4/23/2013 7:03:24 PM

I don't see background checks and limits on magazines as inconveniencing legitimate gun owners.

10869. iiibbb - 4/24/2013 12:41:02 PM

The devil is in the details. One version of universal background checks was going to keep private party sales records permanent. And even the ACLU raised some concerns about the registration bill.

10870. Jenerator - 4/24/2013 9:50:38 PM

I'm seriously contemplating driving to Waco to help block the Westboro nuts from protesting at the funerals scheduled tomorrow for the victims of the West fertilizer explosion.

10871. arkymalarky - 4/24/2013 10:42:54 PM

Good for you.

10872. judithathome - 4/24/2013 11:18:28 PM

What on earth could be their reasoning for THAT? Were some gay people in the explosion?

I don't believe in hell or heaven but if there is any chance either place might be real, I certainly know where THOSE folks are going when they die.

10873. judithathome - 4/25/2013 12:22:06 AM

Arky, WTF is up with that Cotton guy from Arkasas? I'd be the first one to make fun of someone elected from my state but THAT guy is an idiot.

10874. judithathome - 4/25/2013 12:27:16 AM

Sorry, posted too quickly...he said today on the floor of Congress that under Obama, in less than 5 years we've had five terror attacks and in the seven years after 9/11 under Bush, ZERO.

I don't know about most people but I think Bush has to own 9/11 as happening on his watch. And no offense to Boston but that was a hell of a lot worse than what happened there. Not to mention Bush has some sort of warning that those attacks were going to happen...not just a little buzz that 2 brothers might....MIGHT...be on a watchlist.

10875. arkymalarky - 4/25/2013 2:36:41 AM

Oh he's nothing to the gop nut who said the 2nd amendment indicated a right to shoot uncooperative GOP legislators, to encourage the others. The Koch bros have turned ar politics into a fiasco. It's a nightmare.

10876. judithathome - 4/25/2013 5:33:42 AM

Speaking of the Kochs: they are trying to buy the Tribune company which owns 9 newspapers the major ones of which are the Los Angles Tribune and the Chicago Tribune.

Citizen(s) Kane.

10877. robertjayb - 4/25/2013 2:14:57 PM

There will be scant praise from me for Barbara Bush but bless her flinty old heart for declaring that the country has had enough Bushes.

10878. robertjayb - 4/27/2013 1:45:50 AM

Interesting program about the 2nd Amendment on the PBS Need To Know program. You could look it up.

10879. robertjayb - 5/7/2013 7:43:52 PM

Time to relax those jerking knees?

Violent gun crime has dropped dramatically in the past two decades, but the majority of Americans think it's more of a problem now than ever, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

According to the survey, done in March, 56% of Americans believe gun crime is worse today than it was 20 years ago. And 84% believe in recent years, gun crime has either gone up or stayed the same — when the reality is that it has dropped significantly.

The rate of non-fatal violent gun crime victimization dropped 75% in the past 20 years; The gun homicide rate dropped 49% in the same period, according to numbers Pew researchers obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Bureau of Justice Statistics.

(USA Today)

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