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20858. arkymalarky - 1/11/2007 5:48:58 AM

Now that I am finally done with my big project (turned in today) and courses where required reading has taken up a lot of time, I'm going to start by picking up FINALLY Guns, Germs, and Steel, which I've wanted to read since the discussions here. Several colleagues have read it and loved it. I got half-way through Language Instinct and hope to finish it, too. I've got a lot of others I want to read and re-read, but that won't start until I'm officially done with all but one class, in mid-May.

I've read more in the last several years than I ever have in huge chunks and in a plow-through fashion, but legislation and research usually somehow just aren't that satisfying--fascinating, but not like treating myself to downtime the way a good book (fiction or non-) does--especially when I'm having to use them to write masses of papers for school and education activism. The project I turned in was about 100 pages of text, forms, etc.

We have a full semester ahead of us on my job for numerous reasons, and I have to do a research project (not exactly a thesis, but I won't know until I meet with the Dept. Chair) and take one night class, but I'm hoping it will all be well behind me/us by spring break.

Right now I'm so glad just to be chilling, it's all I plan to do through the three-day weekend, so I don't know yet if I'll pick up anything to read or not. I ought to get stuff to listen to on my commute, but I find I want to listen to music (usually loud music, but sometimes really low-key stuff) more than anything else. I haven't turned on the tv since around early October. The computer has been my one time-related indulgence, since I've had to be on it so much anyway.

20859. arkymalarky - 1/11/2007 5:51:14 AM

I read it to Bob as "cat." My dad has really been into William James the last few years.

20860. judithathome - 1/11/2007 6:37:24 AM

Got a call tonight from my son's stepdaughter...she was at the ER with my son who was sent there by the doctor this afternoon due to his blood pressure being so high. Sonnie said she'd just found out when she stopped by his house tonight and his house guest told her where he was.

I could have beaned my kid for not calling anyone...by the time he saw her and told her to call me, the doctor was there signing his release. So we didn't go see him because he was given a sedative to take when he got home and told to rest...seems he decided he felt better NOT taking his BP pills so he just stopped them. I hope this scared some sense into him.

20861. judithathome - 1/11/2007 6:38:59 AM

Arks, glad to hear you got that massive paper in on time. It'll all be worth it...this summer, you'll be laughing about how easy it all was!

20862. thoughtful - 1/11/2007 3:29:14 PM

j@h...sorry to hear about the scare.

I don't know what it is...I know so many people who said well, my bp is normal so i don't need these pills anymore...never once thinking that the reason why their bp is normal is BECAUSE they are taking their pills.

Also, there are lots of bp pills out there, so if one is giving you side effects you don't like, ask about another. My ma recently switched hers as the old one was giving her a chronic dry cough. With the new one, she doesn't get that.

20863. Magoseph - 1/11/2007 4:12:03 PM

Judith: Good to hear, Magos!

Wonkers: Glad your back is better.

Thank you, I must say that following the doctor’s advice to the letter has done wonders for me. I don’t depend on the pain pills anymore and

Judith, it took me a while to persuade Flexy to change his ideas about the BP’s medicine—I remember that one of his arguments for not taking it was that he felt better without it.

Thoughtful, Flexy took the BP pills twenty years ago and on the results of one try, he decided the doctor was conspiring with the entire pill-making industry to do him in—-Ten years ago about, I had to threaten to move out if he didn’t take the pill.

20864. Magoseph - 1/11/2007 4:12:41 PM

Okay, okay, toys

20865. Magoseph - 1/11/2007 4:13:17 PM

Oh no,

20866. thoughtful - 1/11/2007 6:41:57 PM

good thing you did...the prospect of being laid up in bed with half your body paralyzed due to stroke doesn't sound like a nice way to live....

Hubby is on a very low dose one but doc keeps insisting he take it as his arteries are very narrow.

I'm not on any, yet, but have been in the past when my Graves' disease is active. I know that a too-high dose can make you feel awful, which is why it's so important to work with the doc to get one that works without side effects.

20867. judithathome - 1/11/2007 7:44:45 PM

My son has been "working with" his doctor for over 12 years to get it right...he has taken so many different ones that he has almost run out of options. Sine he was 10 years old, not a day has passed for 34 years that he was not on one sort of medication or another. He's had one stoke and 4 other "events" which initials I can't recall and he's been on TONS of meds for the past 5 years. He has deadening of the nerve endings in his legs and arms due to aftereffects of chemo...

I can see how he might think he feels better stopping everything and probably to him, "better" just means UN-medicated. But I hope he sees now that he can't do this just to "feel better"...he has to take them or run the risk of not feeling at all due to the side effect of death.

20868. wonkers2 - 1/11/2007 8:46:14 PM

Wow, that's tough duty. I've been taking three pills a day plus vitamins for a year and will probably continue for the rest of my life.

20869. arkymalarky - 1/12/2007 12:38:00 AM

Wow, I'm glad he's okay and I hope you're right, Judith, that he will go from here and take his meds.

On a much less major health note, I'm going to have to go back to the allergist and tell him I quit my shots and medicine and need to start back--I've had chronic crud since fall. I don't know why I feel like I'm going to be in trouble. I'm paying him, for crying out loud. But I did leave my gynecologist over hormones after surgery, which I hated because in some ways he was better than what I've had since. But I don't regret it.

20870. arkymalarky - 1/12/2007 12:41:31 AM

Arks, glad to hear you got that massive paper in on time. It'll all be worth it...this summer, you'll be laughing about how easy it all was!

Thanks! Everyone I work and live with (kids included) is glad too. I'll sure be laughing about the fact it's over. I'm already doing that, and I still have three more classes and possibly some revisions on that project to do.

20871. alistairConnor - 1/12/2007 12:43:26 AM

Better to leave your gynecologist over hormones than... your husband.

20872. arkymalarky - 1/12/2007 12:58:33 AM

I'm sure, man though you are, you can appreciate I'm between a rock and a hard place...so to speak.

20873. wabbit - 1/12/2007 1:22:32 AM

Speaking of gynecologists...I have told many people of the gynecologist at UMass Amherst when I was there, back in the dark ages. His name was Dr. Clapp. I saved an appointment card, because I was certain nobody would ever believe me.

I was scanning the newspaper a few weeks ago when something caught my eye. You know how that happens, something grabs your subconscious attention and you end up reading the whole page to try to figure out what it was. Well, in my case, it turned out to be Dear Abby. I never read Dear Abby, but I read through that day's column, a series of letters about peoples' names, and lo and behold:

[...] DEAR ABBY: I swear this is true: When I visited my first gynecologist when I was in college (the University of Massachusetts at Amherst), his name was Dr. Clapp. -- V. COOK, BLUE HILL, MAINE [...]

Confirmation! I have saved that Dear Abby column.

20874. arkymalarky - 1/12/2007 1:28:06 AM

Ha! I'll bet he was razzed in gynecology school.

20875. wonkers2 - 1/12/2007 4:31:53 AM

Let's have a little clap for wabbit!

20876. CharlieL - 1/12/2007 7:23:32 AM

The drummer in one of my old bands had a dermatologist who was named Dr Spott.

20877. arkymalarky - 1/12/2007 8:20:51 AM

So if a patient decided to quit him he could just say "Out Damned Spott" because he didn't perform that function.

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