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20880. Magoseph - 1/12/2007 8:38:29 PM

Glad that he's better, Judith, and I hope the jury duty won't be too much for him. Sunday night, we're supposed to get snow, all night into the early morning. I went to the store and it took me for ever to get out of there. Evidently, people want to avoid the Saturday crowds.

20881. arkymalarky - 1/13/2007 1:02:04 AM

I guess it's different everywhere, Judith, but if I had to go in even half the times they called me I would have missed a bunch of work, but they called back and cancelled almost every time due to plea bargains. I would think he could be pretty busy with it since we're a much less populated area. And the county I work in hardly called the two colleagues of mine, who were on jury duty when I was, at all. It's very rural compared to my county. Which is saying a lot.

Hope you don't get snowed in, Mags. It's just dreary here, but that looks like a massive system.

20882. arkymalarky - 1/13/2007 1:03:56 AM

The topic has passed, but another book I'm going to reread is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I read a really good article on Pirsig a few weeks ago, but I was already wanting to reread it, and Walden.

20883. wonkers2 - 1/13/2007 5:13:41 AM

So many must reads, so little time!

The Cap'n sez, "So many women, so little time!"

20884. alistairconnor - 1/16/2007 12:01:53 PM

What, no wails and tales of winter woe and snow?

Cut off from the world by the blizzard, Mago?

20885. Magoseph - 1/16/2007 1:47:22 PM

Gee, Ali, is that only thing I talk about these days, the weather? Your recent pictures in Escapes reminded me of a time when I went around accompanied by a handsome man and two good-looking kids. You and the beauties in your life must be noticed everywhere you go with them.

Anyway, we only had three and a half inches around here. Yesterday by five in the morning, the roads were cleared, as was our parking lot. A good thing since I had to take Flexy for doctor check-ups on his eyes and general health.

20886. alistairconnor - 1/16/2007 3:37:55 PM

No, I was genuinely curious, bordering on the worried. Saw a scrolling headline on CNN this morning about 39 deaths in the blizzard in the US.

And as for poor Mago only getting 3 1/2 inches... I think I'll leave that for someone else to bite on.

20887. prolph - 1/17/2007 11:56:48 AM

jeez......I regret whining about cold here . the news says thousands 0f people in the plains and east are without heat and electricity and some are dead. it is still cold here but i have central heating and i can live without
avocados. it's still a 2 cat night but we're all bundled.

patsy and two burmese.

20888. wonkers2 - 1/17/2007 3:26:23 PM

"Two cat night," never heard that expression. Descriptive.

20889. Magoseph - 1/17/2007 5:00:19 PM

... I think I'll leave that for someone else to bite on.

Cette remarque m'a fait bien rire, Ali!

It was eight degrees last night.

20890. alistairconnor - 1/17/2007 5:55:15 PM

Anything like a three-dog night, Patsy?

20891. wonkers2 - 1/17/2007 6:59:39 PM

I assume it refers to having two cats sleep at the foot of one's bed to keep your feet warm???

20892. wonkers2 - 1/17/2007 7:00:31 PM

It's helpful when the snow's "ass deep on a nine-foot Indian."

20893. prolph - 1/18/2007 1:04:42 AM

i don't have 3 dogs so 2 cat nights. the cats sleep on my shoulders
and are warm and furry.

20894. wonkers2 - 1/18/2007 6:02:00 AM

Clever! Two cat night. Until now I never connected with the meaning of Three Dog Night.

20895. wonkers2 - 1/18/2007 6:02:30 AM

We have one cat on our feet every night, winter and summer.

20896. judithathome - 1/18/2007 6:31:23 AM

My cat is still so small, she wouldn't cover a foot, much less two.

She has her own bedroom, anyhow. Around 9pm every night, I go into Keoni's bathroom and plug in this little space heater that I put on the countertop...it has a thermostat and cuts off when the room is warm enough...and Harley walks right in and goes into the linen closet where her little fleece bed is and climbs right in.

Everyone says we should give her the run of the house at night but she gets into too much trouble doing that during the day. And on really cold days, she goes into her "bedroom" in the afternoons for naps. She's almost like a dog in that regard.

20897. prolph - 1/18/2007 7:44:44 AM

j@h how is harly's nose?

20898. Ulgine Barrows - 1/18/2007 9:00:13 AM

20878. thoughtful - 1/12/2007 3:40:27 PM
And of course we had a dentist in town named Dr. Pulley.

There's one in every town. Here, we have Dr. Toothout.
Is that sick humor, or what?

Maybe I'll put an ad in the local catholic paper, for my cleaning services: Our Lady Of Perpetual Squalor.
No, I think not.

20899. Ulgine Barrows - 1/18/2007 11:51:20 AM

mmm, that small hilarity was for you, Magoseph.
Happy New Year.

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