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21119. wabbit - 2/10/2007 6:06:39 PM

What a relief, JaH, I hope Leslie continues to improve and do well.

21120. wonkers2 - 2/10/2007 6:45:34 PM

Good news, Judith!

21121. arkymalarky - 2/10/2007 6:51:18 PM

Oh that is SO Wonderful!

21122. tmesis - 2/11/2007 12:26:24 AM

I hope scientists will prove soon that smoking's bad for your blood vessels, so people will know not to smoke.

21123. judithathome - 2/11/2007 12:38:31 AM

Me, too...but that wasn't the problem with my son. He never smoked...he hated it and would, even as a child, chide people for doing so.

21124. Magoseph - 2/11/2007 1:29:32 AM

Hi, everybody--I'm sick of this weather.

21125. wonkers2 - 2/11/2007 1:49:07 AM

I think that smoking has a bad effect on one's blood vessels has already been established. At least it's clear that it causes them to contract. And when the capillaries near the skin constrict it reduces blood supply to the skin and causes premature wrinkling. A 50 year old smoker often looks 70.

21126. arkymalarky - 2/11/2007 2:03:12 AM

We've got a bit of sad news for people who've been out to the house. Gus died last night. Evidently he was hit by a car, though there wasn't a mark on him. Mojo and Bob are both pretty down. I'm sad too, but they were bigtime daily companions.

21127. judithathome - 2/11/2007 7:45:00 PM

Oh Arky...I told Keoni and he shed a tear...he felt so close to Gus because we were there when he walked up to the yard. I remember Keoni telling Bob, "You have a new dog."

One thing I know: he had a wonderful life once he found y'all.

21128. arkymalarky - 2/11/2007 8:26:39 PM

Give Keoni a hug from us all. I remember that. We were all on the porch, like "Whose dog is that? Did someone at the party bring him last night and forget him?" We got him a haircut last summer and I was thinking it's good now he has it all back and wondering when we would need to cut it again--it was an all-day job for the lady and cost about $50 (very reasonable, considering the work involved), but he loved his summer haircut.

21129. arkymalarky - 2/11/2007 8:29:38 PM

I'll try to find a picture and post it when I get on my laptop.

21130. Magoseph - 2/11/2007 8:52:27 PM

My sympathy to you and Bob, Arky--I know how painful it is to lose a loving pet.

21131. arkymalarky - 2/11/2007 9:04:19 PM

Thank you Mags! He chose us when we weren't looking for a dog, but he was the perfect companion for Bob and Mojo.

21132. judithathome - 2/11/2007 9:06:39 PM

Magos, I called the phone repair people and would you believe it? That idiot woman my phone line is crossed with was on the line the entire time I was making the report! The person I talked to had no problem understanding what my gripe was...ha! He could hear her plainly, too!

They are coming out tomorrow to fix it.

21133. arkymalarky - 2/11/2007 9:19:09 PM

That sounds like a nightmare. Reminds me of the old party-line days.

21134. lemwalker - 2/11/2007 9:23:29 PM

This might belong in News & Current Events, but it is now aged.
Some person from Manhattan wrote a book about the 10 worst places to live. Picked on Washington State a lot. The town I live near got an honorable mention as a "festering wound of a town". The city fathers and mothers are up in arms over it. Looking for a grant to spruce the place up, though Sitka spruce grows wild around here. Suggested they adopt as the motto; "Welcome to Forks, a festering wound". Bet folks would travel a long ways to visit such a berg. But they would rather waste money on facades to make it look like everywhere else.
I think the author was just having a bad vacation out here. Hell, I know I would have a bad vacation going to NYC!

21135. arkymalarky - 2/11/2007 9:41:45 PM

Those list books are so stupid. How about the 10 worst people to be? To read? I say embrace making a list. Dedicate something to the jerk who wrote the book and get him to come there for the ceremony. Give him the key to the city and a t-shirt.

21136. lemwalker - 2/12/2007 2:54:16 AM

good idea Arky! Give him a flag at the drag races

21137. greystoke - 2/12/2007 3:05:58 AM

I've been to Forks on vacation. Stopped at the library. I was only there for a short time, but it seemed nice. Close to the Pacific coast, right next to the Olympic National Forest. Good trout fishing. How bad could it be?

21138. Ulgine Barrows - 2/12/2007 9:03:03 AM

21134. lemwalker

O, I dunno, lemwalker, I've had some great vacations in NYC.

But I wouldn't wanna live there. A vacation is OK.

An those "Best Cities to Live" or "Worst Cities to Live"?
Who wrote those articles, anyone you trust?

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