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21200. Magoseph - 2/20/2007 11:21:22 PM

I agree, a darn shame it is. When is the treatment starting, thoughtful?

21201. thoughtful - 2/20/2007 11:54:36 PM

Thanks, guys.
She needs more testing done tomorrow and next week and we're hoping we'll be able to get her into surgery by the end of next week.

It'll be about 5-6 days in hospital for the surgery.

I keep pressing the docs about the need for speed. Time is not our friend when it comes to cutting out a cancer.

21202. judithathome - 2/21/2007 12:08:34 AM

No kidding...I had to urge the surgeons to do it for my son at Christmas time rather than wait til after the New Year as they wanted...I could see the blood counts getting worse by the day.

21203. arkymalarky - 2/21/2007 12:45:58 AM

Oh man, Thoughtful, I'm so sorry.

21204. alistairconnor - 2/21/2007 1:06:29 AM

Hoping for the best Tful...

So how's your boy, Judith?

21205. judithathome - 2/21/2007 1:25:08 AM

Oh, that was 34 years ago, Alistair...he is fine now. The only one of a group of kids still alive and doing great after that experimental pediatric chemo and surgical treament.

His latest bout with the blood clots (twp weeks ago) has left him chastened and doing fine. He's going back to work next week. Thanks for asking.

21206. judithathome - 2/21/2007 1:26:11 AM

TWO weeks ago...sheesh. (It's cocktail hour here!)

21207. alistairconnor - 2/21/2007 1:36:21 AM

I'm relieved to hear that, Judith: last news I had, he seemed likely to lose a leg.

21208. wabbit - 2/21/2007 2:08:36 AM

JaH, it's good to hear your son is doing so well. I had a cousin who did not survive the pediatric chemo, just about 31 years ago. She was 7-1/2 when she died.

Thoughtful, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope the VATS is all she'll need and that she recovers quickly.

21209. thoughtful - 2/21/2007 4:00:55 PM

Thanks for all the well wishes...it means a lot.

We just heard from the wife of a friend of ours. Not unexpected, but sad nonetheless...he died of cancer. Lymphoma which had spread from earlier bouts with cancer. He had other medical issues as well including a stroke when he was in his 40s. Of course, he was a smoker as was his wife...I think she finally quit. He made it to 57 and leaves a son of 18 behind.

A couple of weeks ago we'd heard from the son of a friend of my father's that his father died...age of 89. Mom asked if he'd been ill long. The answer was no...it was homocide. Killed in his own home by someone in the community. Very unusual for that rural, peaceful town.

Just too much bad news lately.

21210. arkymalarky - 2/21/2007 11:49:26 PM

Elderly people are sometimes targeted in rural communities. Burglaries also sometimes occur in systematic ways in rural areas. We had a ring of burglars operating out here for a while who were finally caught, and they were from over 40 miles away. They burglarized a friend's house a few miles over and remarked in their plea bargain how friendly our friend's dogs were.

21211. Magoseph - 2/22/2007 2:01:56 PM

Our area has become urban the last ten years, but the remaining natives are complaining bitterly about the higher real-estate taxes and the increasing police protection we now enjoy.

They had a series of burglaries years ago and demanded that more police cars cruise the area at the time. Flexy remembers the screaming at the association’s meetings and what they were told at the time, which was-- Sell your extra lots and let’s upgrade! Catching up on the local trend, they all sold and made bundles of money and now they complain of too much local school taxes, too may police cars, and too many new stores in town.

21212. thoughtful - 2/22/2007 3:32:20 PM

ah yes, the old: be careful what you ask for.

21213. arkymalarky - 2/23/2007 1:03:12 AM

If we all did what the whiners wanted we'd still be living in caves.

I always wondered about our county cop policy of putting a sticker on the mailbox to show they'd patrolled our road. I think if I were a burglar, I'd strike the houses with the stickers first.

21214. Magoseph - 2/23/2007 1:47:38 AM

We don’t have a mailbox since an armada of snowmobiles systemically destroyed every one on our street one night and escaped the police.

One particularly good thing now that the new homes have people from the city is that when someone throws a rowdy party or decides to play with fireworks the police are here in a moment.

21215. arkymalarky - 2/23/2007 1:53:10 AM

People have gotten to bricking theirs in around here, but if someone hits a mailbox accidentally it could be a serious, injury or death accident. I don't know that preserving the mailbox is worth it.

21216. judithathome - 2/23/2007 7:01:25 PM

Our house is so old, we have a mailbox on the front porch...when new rules about mailboxes on the street came into effect, ours were grandfathered in. We still have a mailman who walks up to each house on the street and plops the mail in...if you're outside, you can speak to him! And he'll speak back...friendly guy and in great shape from all the walking.

21217. Magoseph - 2/23/2007 9:59:03 PM

I’m going to take Flexy to my older son’s house on Lake Michigan sometimes this weekend, really just to get him out of my hair for a while. I’ll seat him in front of the Panasonic flat-panel TV (one that he wants and I don't)while I water the plants, check the cat-feeder, and enjoy the scenery. The poor man is showing signs of cabin fever and a day away from home, I hope, will improve his mood.

My two sons are at a resort in Cancún for the wedding of the youngest one. The wedding is taking place right now, so here I am waiting for the call to the new mother-in-law.

21218. thoughtful - 2/23/2007 11:23:18 PM

How exciting. Weddings are such a happy time.


21219. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 12:05:07 AM

Congrats on the new DIL Mags!

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