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22406. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 7:13:01 AM

Ms. No, get a Mac.

22407. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 7:48:48 AM

apologies for the 22405 "kick his ass for suiciding" comment, that is my own personal hell.

Your 22357
And it's so disappointing that this of all things should affect me so. Of all things. To let him of all people have this kind of impact on me. It's simply wrong. I'm wrong to allow it.

Well, he was your brother, part of your family; his death is bound to have an impact on you. I don't see anything wrong.

22408. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 7:50:01 AM

Ms. No, get a Mac. You are as fully fabulous as a person who should have a Mac, is.

22409. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 7:53:33 AM

And in other news, I have been spending way too much time at that make-a-snowflake site.


22410. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 8:38:09 AM

wabbit, divorce blows.

22411. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 9:12:13 AM

iiibbb, what's up with you? Did you pick Mississippi?

(I get an unholy pleasure typing Mississippi, I might add)

22412. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 9:16:03 AM

it's one word I don't make a mess of, like 'teh'

22413. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 10:33:56 AM

I don't care what the neighbors say.

22414. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 12:11:44 PM

Showin' me a hand I knew even the cops couldn't beat

22415. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 12:14:01 PM

~Bruce Springsteen

22416. Ulgine Barrows - 8/12/2007 12:15:38 PM


Excuse me.

22417. robertjayb - 8/12/2007 6:19:03 PM

R.I.P., Merv Griffin

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Merv Griffin, the big band-era crooner turned impresario who parlayed his "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" game shows into a multimillion-dollar empire, died Sunday. He was 82.

Griffin died of prostate cancer, according to a statement from his family that was released by Marcia Newberger, spokeswoman for The Griffin Group/Merv Griffin Entertainment.

From his beginning as a $100-a-week San Francisco radio singer, Griffin moved on as vocalist for Freddy Martin's band, sometime film actor in films and TV game and talk show host, and made Forbes' list of richest Americans several times.

22418. arkymalarky - 8/13/2007 2:47:31 AM

I grew up watching Merv Griffin.

Judith, do you think he's stressed about this new job? He may be moving up into a new slot he's still unsure about.

22419. wonkers2 - 8/13/2007 2:56:03 AM

Arky, don't make excuses for him. He sounds like a real jerk to me.

22420. judithathome - 8/13/2007 3:13:14 AM

We went to tour the new prep school where our friend is now Dean. It's in the middle of Arlington TX but is on a campus that is several wooded acres and has covered walks all through it. It's a marvelous place...quiet and removed from the hustle of a megamillion dollar football stadium being built less than a mile away from the campus.

Our friend is so excited about this school...it's mandatory that all graduates be college ready and signed on to one. It's K through 12. He did the neatest thing: he got our other friends' two brilliant kids enrolled there. These two are exceptionally bright and have been bored to death in public school. This is the best thing that could have happened to both of them!

This school is considered a private public school...small enrollment and if you as a student screw up once, you are out and back in regular public school. It's underwritten by the Gates Foundation.

And Arky, judging from the way he became almost a commandant when we entered the premises, I don't think he is nervous AT ALL...this is the job he was made for. But I have to admit, I am happy for him because he was wasted in the school where he taught before. He has good ideas and commands respect and always impressed me because he wore a shirt and tie every day to his old school where they had no dress code whatsoever...here, he'll be in a school blazer.

And by the way, my little topless story went off without a hitch: he fell for it like a rock. It will be years before I spill the beans about it, too. I'd love it if he somehow got a date with her and asked about it...bwaaahhaahahahaha!

22421. arkymalarky - 8/13/2007 3:26:12 AM

The Gates Foundation needed to expand to K-12. High school alone wasn't working as well as it should have, and they changed leadership fairly recently. I have mixed feelings about charter schools. The very fact that they can be so selective gives them a leg up and keeps poor at-risk kids from getting chances if they're behind or discipline problems--yet they receive state and federal money. My sharp senior who almost got thrown out of Michigan urban schools wouldn't likely have gotten in there, but the small school environment is exactly what he needed.

And a new job that is a step up and dramatic change would be stressful, which to me is very different from being nervous or insecure about it, even though it's exciting and even when you're made for it. His preparation may be seeping out into his social life, simply because a job like that is all-consuming. Or I may be making excuses, as Wonk said. I can't say, since he didn't give me the opportunity to meet him. ;-)

22422. alistairconnor - 8/13/2007 7:59:24 AM

You are as fully fabulous as a person who should have a Mac, is.

An interesting and true remark. Friends who have Macs are generally artist types. It used to be true that the best software for music, the graphic arts etc. was only on Mac, but now it's evened out. Mostly, they tend to be people who can't be bothered being "computer literate", and want clean lines, good design and simplicity. A single supplier with a relatively cool corporate culture. Some sort of socialist chic.

22423. alistairconnor - 8/13/2007 8:02:10 AM

"Was that an invitation?"

Well actually I was thinking of myself and my two daughters (Shame on you!!).

But now that you say that... there are some Almodovar films I haven't seen yet... and my girlfriend has a Spanish lesbian colleague who's in love with her... (How dare you put such thoughts in my head!!)

22424. judithathome - 8/13/2007 12:32:01 PM

Arky, what you say is true but he had a similar job at his ESL school...and his recent actions are in no way foreign to his personality. He's always been a bit of a jerk. Ha!

22425. thoughtful - 8/13/2007 2:07:43 PM

Thanks ulgine, no apologies needed. I've certainly run the gamut of emotions over this thing including the fact that he took the chicken sh*t way out...though at the same time my heart breaks for the awful despair he must have felt to get to the point where suicide seems not only reasonable but the optimum choice.

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