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22581. judithathome - 9/4/2007 1:41:03 PM

Well, last week I sent a "cookie bouquet" to the nurses at ICU and now, my son wants me to send an Edible Design bouquet of "fruit flowers" to the nurses at the station where he had a private room for two days.

I've no idea what is in store for the physical therapists once he finishes up with that...but I think he can do that one on his own.

22582. judithathome - 9/4/2007 1:51:03 PM

Here are the websites for the two companies:

Edible Arrangements

Cookies By Design

22583. judithathome - 9/4/2007 3:07:46 PM

We had breakfast for dinner last night, Arky...you knw what THAT means...I'm having leftover biscuits for breakfast this morning!

Keoni did a casual version of Ronnie's casserole...just did it all in one skillet. Pretty darned good considering he was winging it.

22584. arkymalarky - 9/5/2007 1:56:41 AM

Oh yum! I'm full-fledged dieting now, trying to undo the summer's damage. I've about got to where I was in CO.

Great to hear Leslie's doing so much better!

22585. wabbit - 9/5/2007 2:12:15 AM

JaH, there is also the Fresh Fruit Bouquet Company, an upstart similar to Edible Arrangements. I like those fruit arrangements, they make a nice change from flowers. Glad to hear your son is on the mend.

Hey Patsy!

Hey vonK!

22586. judithathome - 9/8/2007 7:33:19 PM

Where the hell IS everyone?

22587. arkymalarky - 9/8/2007 10:39:24 PM

I'm here, just sick with a cold. Stayed home Friday.

How's Leslie?

22588. judithathome - 9/9/2007 2:10:21 PM

Way too stubborn...now, he WANTS to be an in-patient for rehab.

22589. Magoseph - 9/10/2007 3:09:31 PM


22590. judithathome - 9/10/2007 6:59:49 PM

That's the cheeriest thing that has happened for him today, Magos! He was supposed to play in a golf tournament with the Big Boss from Denver but woke up to horrific thunderstorms and it's STILL raining. It was called off and he's very blue so I showed him your message and he said to tell you Mahalo!

22591. alistaircoNnor - 9/10/2007 7:04:29 PM

Posting from a playstation... just to prove it can be done... wont make it a habit

22592. Ms. No - 9/11/2007 4:48:19 PM

Happy Anniversary to the MOTE!!!

22593. alistairconnor - 9/11/2007 5:04:04 PM

Ah yeah I remember now... Happy birthday to us.

Gee that was strange posting with a Playstation... I felt like Stephen Hawking (though not as smart.)

22594. judithathome - 9/11/2007 8:16:42 PM

I don't even know what a PlayStation is...I thought you meant you were on a laptop at topless bar or in a sandbox at a playground.

22595. Ms. No - 9/11/2007 9:54:37 PM

A sign of the modern age: surfing porn on a laptop while sitting in a topless bar.

22596. judithathome - 9/12/2007 1:00:43 AM

Yeah...and taking part in "grief porn" by sending blanket emails to people asking them to turn on their headlights on 9/11 to "memorialize" the date.

Why not give X-amount of dollars to the survivor's fund or support a fire station with donations or contribute hours to the Red Cross or anything except the totally empty gesture of turning on your car lights for a day...when the newer model cars have automatic lights turned on whenever the car is in motion, anyway?

Why immortalize the date with an empty gesture instead of using your brain to vote for candidates who will make a difference instead of those who seem destined to win because they have more money? Why not work for change within your own community and see to it that candidates who don't support what you believe in get defeated?

Why not make 9/11 mean something more than an empty gesture you can make once a year to make you feel you are really showing what a great American you are?

22597. Ms. No - 9/12/2007 6:43:35 AM

Because we Americans far prefer maudlin sentimentality and treacly pap to substance.

Don't mind me I'm feeling curmudgeonly after a conversation in my Euro-history class pointing out that in 1930 a 4th grade education still produced a more literate and better spoken person than fully 80% of the students in California State Universities.

The dumbing down of America is damn depressing.

22598. judithathome - 9/12/2007 7:06:06 AM

No effin' shit!

I can't believe the number of people I've met who aren't aware of nine tenths the authors I recognize...AND have read...and I'm talking about people who have been to college. Which I have not, by the way...

I'm not an educated person by any means but I know who Descartes is and what he said...in Latin...and I know that the "s" is silent in his name.

It's astonishing to me that high school graduates can hardly carry on a conversation these days. It's demoralizing.

22599. judithathome - 9/12/2007 7:08:22 AM

No effin' shit!

And how is THIS for a perfect example...HA!

22600. prolph - 9/12/2007 9:06:14 AM

cheer up my grandaughter has just started macgill she is taking
chemestry. however montreal is not her start; right here in sunny
california she had enough honor credits that macgill has given
her two senesters credi t ( we are deligted because thats a lot of
mony) canada is now no longer less than usa $

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