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23852. wonkers2 - 3/29/2008 6:03:00 AM

We decided to have a Mote convention in the Bay Area next year! Great people, great place. It's fun to meet moties you've conversed with on the Net. Jex and Ms. No make four for me. Hardly anybody comes to Detroit any more. If anybody does, be sure and give me a jingle.

23853. Ms. No - 3/29/2008 7:52:18 AM

I should make a list. I may now hold the record for Moties/Fraygrants met among those of us still posting regularly. I know Wabbit's met a bunch as well, but I think Irv had us both beat back in the day.

23854. judithathome - 3/29/2008 11:11:48 PM

Well, MsNo, I'm one of the ones who's met you and Irv...and I like to think that Magoseph and you and Arky are by far the closest friends I've made...no offense to Irv whom I love dearly but we seem to have lost touch and you three are still my dearest and closest internet "buds" even though there are others I adore whom I've yet to meet...bur I know that you all three would take me in if I landed up homeless. Ha!

And I know that you all love Keoni and would do the same for him should he end up alone....

Forgive me if I'm sounding maudlin. Today a good friend called and in the course of our conevesation said some really sweet things to me about how he views Keoni and me...he said he sees the way Keoni looks at me and that he'd love to be able to look at someone that way...it made me a little "verklempt". Magos has said that to me before, too....and it makes me so appreciative of the life partner I have and my life in general...and I just wish that for everyone, that you all have someone in your lives that makes it comeplete.

23855. arkymalarky - 3/30/2008 1:52:33 AM

How sweet, Judith! The friends I've made here are some of my best in life. I don't warm up to people easily, and though I'm friendly with and like a lot of people, especially as a school teacher in a small, close-knit rural community; but my list of people I consider good friends is very short, and several of you are on it.

23856. wonkers2 - 3/30/2008 4:32:39 AM

Moties are special people. The ones I've met in person are all great folks, and I have no doubt that the ones I haven't met in person are just as nice.

23857. wonkers2 - 3/30/2008 4:34:23 AM

Speaking of Irv, who I haven't met, it's a small world. His mother taught two of my kids in Brookside grade school.

23858. Ms. No - 3/31/2008 6:29:11 AM

Aw, Jude. I'm really touched. It's funny, I was just talking to a friend the other day who's really soured on marriage and I was bragging on some of my favorite couples, on how I feel really happy to know so many truly happy marriages. You and Keoni were definitely on the list --- and I hope you know you're both welcome in any home I live in. ;-)

23859. thoughtful - 4/1/2008 2:47:17 PM

Such gushing! Here y'all!

23860. Ms. No - 4/1/2008 6:23:40 PM

hahahaha! Thanks, T!

23861. judithathome - 4/3/2008 10:28:59 PM

Magos, are you around? How's it going? I fear you may be under 6 feet of snow or something!

23862. judithathome - 4/5/2008 9:26:16 PM

Well, today is my son's 46th birthday and about an hour after I put in the oven a 6 pound pot roast with all the trimmings, he called and asked if I'd be upset if he went to the NASCAR race instead of coming over for dinner tonight. I sat there for about 3 seconds and then said "Of course not! Go ahead and have a great time and come by tomorrow and get the leftovers and your cake!" Because really....we go on Tuesday to find out what day his brain surgery is going happen and even though I've done a pretty good job of thinking positively, how could I say no to something he's been wanting to do for the past 4 years and might never get a chance to do again? So I said GO!

Upshot is, he calls back 15 minutes later and said he's not going because the couple he was going with got into a fight and he doesn't feel like spending 6 hours at a racetrack with them now. Ha!

23863. anomie - 4/5/2008 9:51:21 PM

Best wishes regarding your son, Judith.

Anytime spent at a car race would be pure hell for me. Did I ever tell my date-from-hell story here? Anyway, here's the short version with prices estimated due to my faulty memory...

Girl asked me to the Riverside 500...said she had free tickets. I don't like car races, but what the hell, it's free.

She had tickets to get into the "venue".

My costs:

Parking: 8 dollars
Pit passes: 16 dollars x 2
Grandstand seat: (it was either that or stand up somewhere) 15 dollars x 2
Beer: 5 dollars x 2

Sunburn from sitting hatless with full sun right in the face: Free

Race was backlit by the sun, so you couldn't really see the cars. And anyway, it was just the periodic zipping by once the race started.

Left the race before it was half over.

Consolation: Got laid, but it was hardly worth it.

23864. judithathome - 4/5/2008 10:25:32 PM

Ha! My neighbor goes to this race every year...he has a knock-out wife who is 6 feet tall and very pretty...think Charlize Theron. They get to go compliments of some business associate who has one of those monster big RVs with a platform on top and is set up every year in the infield...my neighbor has been spoiled for seeing the races any other way.

He learns this week that business associate is getting a divorce and may lose RV...and much of his money. So my neighbor is bemoaning the fact he may have to go back to the stands to see the races now.

I had no idea that the best...and most expensive seats...at NASCAR races are high up in the stands. (That is, if you can't get infield tickets with a guy whose RV has a platform on top!) The "front row" ones are the cheapest.

23865. anomie - 4/5/2008 11:52:08 PM

Yeah, there were a zillion RVs there with roofs set up for viewing. In fact, the grandstand crowd was sparse, at least where we were. And we were quite low, so no, we couldn't see much. This wasn't NASCAR back then. It was formula one I believe. Not NASCAR though I'm sure.

Anyway, I guess the high up seats let you see the other side of the track.

23866. wonkers2 - 4/6/2008 4:21:50 PM

Anomie, was that the last time........you went to a NASCAR event? :-)

23867. wonkers2 - 4/6/2008 4:23:36 PM

The last one I went to was the Indianapolis 500 time trials in 1958. Once was enough. (And I didn't even get laid!)

23868. anomie - 4/6/2008 5:09:53 PM

Yep. Last time for any kind of car race. Although, I do remember a time when I was very young going to races on a wet clay track, where old beaters would slide around an oval track. And then the main event was a demolition derby. It was fun. Don't think I could handle the noise and smoke these days though.

23869. anomie - 4/6/2008 5:10:36 PM

Indy 500 is formula one, no?

23870. wonkers2 - 4/6/2008 8:17:00 PM

I'm not sure. Indy is not listed on the Formula 1 championship circuit.

23871. robertjayb - 4/6/2008 9:27:27 PM

Indy is not formula one...here is an indy car:

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