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23882. wonkers2 - 4/7/2008 2:51:39 PM

NY Times on Mosley

23883. thoughtful - 4/7/2008 3:02:11 PM

Fingers crossed, we're supposed to break ground today.

23884. wonkers2 - 4/7/2008 3:10:46 PM

Darn civilized, those Brits: "Meanwhile, whilst still naked Mosley drinks a cup of tea with several of the hookers."

Didn't intend to ignore you Thoughtful. Good luck on the project! Have a cup of tea!

23885. magoseph - 4/7/2008 3:34:38 PM

Hello, everyone--I just talked to Judith and learned that her computer is on the lam for a couple of days.

Glad for you, thoughtful, I'm looking forward to read about the house's progress.

How's the Cap'n today, Wonk?

23886. alistairconnor - 4/7/2008 5:01:43 PM

Cap'n Dirty sez : "Quoits are for sissies. Americans use horseshoes!"

23887. wonkers2 - 4/7/2008 5:12:27 PM

The Cap'n's enjoying the latest sex scandal. The Brits make Spitzer and Clinton look like rank amateurs.

The Brits prefer indoor sports using whips and chains, followed by tea!

23888. wonkers2 - 4/7/2008 5:15:38 PM

Dickie and Max, evil twins?

23889. alistairconnor - 4/7/2008 5:16:14 PM

The thing that I find distasteful about the whole business is that Mosley is the son of Oswald Mosley, British fascist and friend of Hitler.

23890. magoseph - 4/7/2008 5:26:03 PM

23891. wonkers2 - 4/7/2008 7:15:09 PM

True. What goes around eventually comes around.

23892. thoughtful - 4/7/2008 10:02:55 PM

The gigantic machine is there ready to dig...but no one to run it! Wah!

23893. arkymalarky - 4/7/2008 11:23:00 PM

Oh man! Are the keys in it? ;->

23894. judithathome - 4/8/2008 2:18:51 PM

Back with my shiny new modem...but leaving for Dallas and the neurosurgeon's. Wish us luck!

23895. judithathome - 4/8/2008 2:20:33 PM

Oh, and congrats on "Digging In" day, Thoughtful...can't wait to see a picture of the little evergreen atop the roof on "Topping Out" Day!

23896. alistairconnor - 4/8/2008 2:23:35 PM

Good luck to you and Les, Judith!

Congrats on breaking old ground, Thoughtful!

And many returns to the happy Birthday Boyz Band (Ohio and Jex)

23897. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 2:42:30 PM

I doubt this will help get the excavator digging any sooner, but I couldn't resist:

Oh Ken,
Oh Ken,
Say when

To dig,
To dig,
A big

A hole
A hole
Our goal

To start
To start
Our heart's


A home
A home
Sweet home.

23898. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 2:43:57 PM

Best wishes to J@h & son...I'm sure all will go well. Sending good vibes your way.

Best birthday wishes to Ohio & Jex...many happy returns (seeing as April 15 is coming!!!)

23899. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 4:01:46 PM


Just got a response from the project manager:

A hole
A hole
A hole you shall have
Will be the best in all the land

Just wait
Just wait
But not for long
Soon you will sing a song a song

Is today the day
Just wait and see
A call from the site you will get from me

23900. wonkers2 - 4/8/2008 7:12:56 PM

Thoughtful, why don't you put up a link to the plans?

23901. wonkers2 - 4/8/2008 7:13:42 PM

Or to a front perspective?

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