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23889. alistairconnor - 4/7/2008 5:16:14 PM

The thing that I find distasteful about the whole business is that Mosley is the son of Oswald Mosley, British fascist and friend of Hitler.

23890. magoseph - 4/7/2008 5:26:03 PM

23891. wonkers2 - 4/7/2008 7:15:09 PM

True. What goes around eventually comes around.

23892. thoughtful - 4/7/2008 10:02:55 PM

The gigantic machine is there ready to dig...but no one to run it! Wah!

23893. arkymalarky - 4/7/2008 11:23:00 PM

Oh man! Are the keys in it? ;->

23894. judithathome - 4/8/2008 2:18:51 PM

Back with my shiny new modem...but leaving for Dallas and the neurosurgeon's. Wish us luck!

23895. judithathome - 4/8/2008 2:20:33 PM

Oh, and congrats on "Digging In" day, Thoughtful...can't wait to see a picture of the little evergreen atop the roof on "Topping Out" Day!

23896. alistairconnor - 4/8/2008 2:23:35 PM

Good luck to you and Les, Judith!

Congrats on breaking old ground, Thoughtful!

And many returns to the happy Birthday Boyz Band (Ohio and Jex)

23897. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 2:42:30 PM

I doubt this will help get the excavator digging any sooner, but I couldn't resist:

Oh Ken,
Oh Ken,
Say when

To dig,
To dig,
A big

A hole
A hole
Our goal

To start
To start
Our heart's


A home
A home
Sweet home.

23898. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 2:43:57 PM

Best wishes to J@h & son...I'm sure all will go well. Sending good vibes your way.

Best birthday wishes to Ohio & Jex...many happy returns (seeing as April 15 is coming!!!)

23899. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 4:01:46 PM


Just got a response from the project manager:

A hole
A hole
A hole you shall have
Will be the best in all the land

Just wait
Just wait
But not for long
Soon you will sing a song a song

Is today the day
Just wait and see
A call from the site you will get from me

23900. wonkers2 - 4/8/2008 7:12:56 PM

Thoughtful, why don't you put up a link to the plans?

23901. wonkers2 - 4/8/2008 7:13:42 PM

Or to a front perspective?

23902. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 8:35:49 PM

well, i don't have them electronically...

23903. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 8:37:41 PM

Now, if i can only get ken to stop writing poetry and find the @$#*&%!! excavator! Most frustrating as the weather yesterday and today were beautiful but by fri, sat and sun it's supposed to be all rain.

23904. thoughtful - 4/8/2008 10:26:20 PM

From all my conversations with people who have built houses, I gather this is just the very very beginning of a very very long line of frustrations.

23905. arkymalarky - 4/8/2008 10:48:17 PM

It is, but it's worth it, and if you keep your karma right you'll look back on it fondly. And there's a lot of pride and good feeling in it. I look at the decisions I've made and after 11 years I'm still satisfied and happy with my choices. I haven't even changed paint colors. Not that I won't one of these days. Our original mortgage financer, who built a much more palatial home than ours, said he didn't regret anything about his building decisions, down to the placement of his light switches.

A good friend built when I did and she's changed things up a lot--once due to a tree falling in the middle of her house. Her house is over twice as large as mine, and I remember when we were doing the foundations she cried because hers seemed so small. It's amazing that you walk around in what seems like a tiny space that becomes a nice-sized room. I don't know if it'll seem that way to y'all or not, but I remember wondering how we'd even turn around in our front bay room.

23906. judithathome - 4/9/2008 5:22:04 AM

Leslie will have a stent put in on Thursday April 17. The doctor told him it is hospital policy (which he made very clear he personally opposes) that ten grand has to be paid upfront before the hospital will allow the surgery...WITH insurance!

I told Les this is why he needs to vote differently this time....ha!

Anyhow, the money is no problem...but that is just because our family is lucky...what about someone who has a desperate need for this surgery but can't come up with ten grand in ten days?

Anyhow, this whole thing sounds surreal...he will spend Thursday night in the hospital, go home on Friday, and the doctor said if he wants, he can go back to work on Monday! This doctor, who has long and slender gorgeous fingers, will be fiddling inside my son's brain and he says to us that afterward, my son can go back to work in two-day's time...it's amazing to me!

23907. wonkers2 - 4/9/2008 5:46:42 AM

My Grosse Pointe GOP friends who oppose "socialized medicing" say that nobody goes without health care in the U.S. If they don't have money, all they have to do is show up at an emergency room and they will get the same treatment as anybody else.

23908. thoughtful - 4/9/2008 1:37:57 PM

I hope you suggested to your friend that s/he try showing up at the emergency room to get a colonoscopy screening test and see how far s/he gets.

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