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24767. judithathome - 12/10/2008 5:17:19 PM

Yesterday, my son was scheduled for an MRI here in town. Yesterday was particularly hard on him, symptom-wise, but we drove over to the MRI place and waited the requsite hour and a half to get him seen...no one keeps a schedule in the medical community any longer...and the tech came out and motioned to me. Seems they can't GIVE him one because of the aneurysm clip in his head! Even though it is not metal...they need verification from his neurologist that it is MRI compatable.

While I can appreciate their dilemma, I was still furious...not at them, they were super nice about it. But I got on the phone to the neurologist as I was driving us back to Leslie's house and reamed them out...the neurologist was called by Les' family doctor yesterday morning and HE gave the okay for the MRI! Why didn't HE mention the friggin' clip...we didn't remember it until we were at the imaging place filling out paperwork and even then, I figured since it was plastic, we were good to go. Well, I can appreciate the imaging guys' concern and need for verification...and am glad they were alert because if it HAD been metal and he'd gone through that, he'd be dead. (He couldn't have had one done there, anyhow, because it was a closed machine. (Les is claustrophobic)

Anyhow, the neurologist faxed verification to the family doctor (last night after the family doctor was gone for the day...) and now we're back at square one, waiting to find a place that will a.) have an "open" MRI machine and b.) have an appointment open.

Meanwhile, we STILL haven't got a referral and appointment with the ENT doctor to actually
treat the vertigo...I called this morning and asked them to go ahead and schedule him with the ENT doctor because I'm almost 100% certain this MRI is a waste of time. The doctor wanted it to cover his ass...in case it is a circulation problem instead of vertigo. Well, I suppose he IS concerned about Leslie, too...treatment involves manipulation of the neck and he is post-surgical in that area.

Still, he is sick as a dog and needs something done NOW. This is driving me crazy because all I've done the past week is try to get my son some treatment...I spend at least 6 hours a day either with him, at the doctor's, or on the phone trying to get him fixed. I could kick those ER people in the ass for releasing him last Wednesday night...they should have checked him into the hospital and called an ENT doctor but they sent him home with a puke bag and prescriptions. How can one control nausea with meds while throwing up?

I'm about to lose it, big time.

24768. thoughtful - 12/10/2008 6:09:41 PM

See if the doc can give him a suppository for controlling nausea..my gf suffered from severe migraines that involved vomiting and the suppositories saved her.

So sorry to hear he's having these problems.

24769. judithathome - 12/10/2008 6:40:02 PM

Oh, he HAS those but refuses to use them...he may have changed his mind since yesterday, though.

Finally got a response from his doc...we see the ENT guy at 8:30am tomorrow. And they located an imaging place for the MRI...said it may be a few days before we can get one but to go ahead to the ENT guy tomorrow.

Also, they are faxing the verification of the aneur. clip over to the MRI place...god knows where in town the place is.

It makes me mad that we wasted two days waiting for an MRI that didn't happen, though. We should have been sent right over to the ENT guy on Monday afternoon.

24770. thoughtful - 12/10/2008 9:10:09 PM

he HAS those but refuses to use them

sounds like he's his own worst enemy....

24771. robertjayb - 12/11/2008 12:48:32 AM

Snow! Freaking snow! This calls for brandy. Too bad the stuff I have on hand is awful. But I'll brave it.

24772. arkymalarky - 12/11/2008 1:35:45 AM

Hey, aren't you in Houston? Wonder if we're supposed to get any!

24773. robertjayb - 12/11/2008 1:54:41 AM

According to intellicast.com Shreveport should be getting snow or mixed (?) fairly soon and the system is moving slowly to the northeast. El Dorado seems to be in the path. Snow/mixed shows up for Houston too. I'm 100 miles from Houston and right now on the western edge of the weather.

24774. arkymalarky - 12/11/2008 1:59:28 AM

Sounds like one of the rare cases it goes south of us. Don't see any predictions here. Snow days are the absolute best days out of school, but it's best if we don't have one now--we're in the middle of our end-of-semester insanity. Hope you don't have to get on the road.

24775. judithathome - 12/11/2008 3:45:23 AM

My son failed the 6:30 pm MRI this evening and is spending the night here...we're seeing a specialist tomorrow morning at 8:30am.

24776. judithathome - 12/11/2008 3:47:28 AM

Failed: couldn't hack the procedure. He's still throwing up and dizzy...even laying down on our couch.

24777. magoseph - 12/11/2008 8:14:55 PM

One Last Christmas

24778. wonkers2 - 12/12/2008 5:45:50 AM

Nice view from your living room window, Mago!

24779. magoseph - 12/12/2008 11:49:15 AM

How about his one, Wonks, what do you think?

24780. magoseph - 12/12/2008 11:55:07 AM

Last one, I promise, Wonks.

24781. magoseph - 12/12/2008 5:50:16 PM

Turning 100 at Carnegie Hall, With New Notes

Here is what especially drew my attention, aside from his accomplishments and his sense of humor: Mr. Carter, whose father was a lace importer, was born in New York. He attended Harvard with a recommendation from Charles Ives, majored in English, and went to France to study composition with the legendary teacher Nadia Boulanger. He wakes every day at 7 a.m., composes for two and a half hours, goes out for a constitutional with an aide, rests after lunch, composes again or receives visitors in the afternoon, and watches French satellite television in the evening, if he does not have a concert to attend.
He said he has gone back to reading the classics, including “Hamlet.” After starting a third bout with Proust in the original French, “I got a little sick of it two months ago,” he said. “That’s why I turned to Shakespeare.”

24782. wonkers2 - 12/12/2008 6:05:57 PM


24783. magoseph - 12/12/2008 6:14:58 PM


Wow to what, Wonks, the White house pictures or the one of Mr. Carter?

24784. wonkers2 - 12/12/2008 6:18:04 PM

I thought those were pics of Mago's house!

24785. judithathome - 12/12/2008 6:36:44 PM

Lelsie went to the ENT specialist and he diagnosed exactly what his family doctor diagnosed last week: crystals have formed in his inner ear. The doctor did an Epley treatment on him: manipulating the head and using a little vibrating tool on his head behind the ear (this is to knock the crystals loose and move them to another area in the ear that doesn't deal with balance) It worked wonders and Leslie was walking out of that office smiling and feeling fine. He got a little motion sickness on the ride home and said later in the day that he wasn't feeling as good as when he left the office but not as bad as he HAS been feeling.

The problem with the treatment is that he has to remain upright for 48 hours and I know he is not going to be able to do that...in fact, I feel sure he toppled over and slept prone last night because he hasn't called this morning...ha! I think it's a hard thing to do but maybe if he sees what happens when he doesn't follow orders, he'll be more willing to follow through with it next week when he has another treatment.

(And you were right, Thoughtful...he IS his own worst enemy: he gets very negative and depressed when he's not feeling well and always looks on the worst case scenario...yesterday going to his appointment, he started a pity party and said he'd be better off in an assisted living facility. I slammed on the brakes and chewed him a new one...really fed up with him "giving up" and not appreciating what all of us are doing for him. He straightened right up after that, mentally-wise.)

And now Keoni is home with a horrible chest cold...he gets these every winter and I think it's because he's around so many people with his job...in their homes, etc. He's so very sweet when he's sick...so appreciative and keeps a good frame of mind even though he feels like hell.

And yes, he HAD a flu shot this fall. I refused one...and look who's NOT sick! ;-)

24786. judithathome - 12/12/2008 6:37:37 PM

..so appreciative of everything I bring him, I meant to say...not appreciative he HAS a cold!

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