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24911. vonKreedon - 1/7/2009 7:35:07 PM

Googling I found this (http://slice.seriouseats.com/archives/2007/10/the-pizza-of-milwaukee.html) in the sea of pizza parlors in Milwaukee:
"Just what is Milwaukee-style depends on whom you ask—and in which generation the person may have started eating pizza.

Tom Koester of West Bend goes back to the 1950s to define a Milwaukee style of pizza. "In those days, thin crusts were the norm," he said.

Dawn Hicks left West Allis for Marysville, Ohio, years ago, but she still identifies a Milwaukee pizza as having a cracker crust and a sweet sauce topping.

Mark Gold brought his Pizza Shuttle pizza here in 1985. Gold cut his teeth on pizza in his hometown of Detroit and tried to re-create the style here: think thicker, airier crust than a cracker crust. It may be catching on, he said, tongue in cheek.

"That's becoming more commonplace now with people under 30," said Gold. "People over 30 get the cracker crust. That's the traditional Milwaukee-style.""

24912. magoseph - 1/7/2009 7:36:49 PM

Ano, I'll find out when my son calls me this afternoon. He and his wife know all about food in this area.

Prof, tell us what's going on these days with your progeny, please?

24913. psychprof - 1/7/2009 7:43:15 PM

Oldest is group leader in charge of latest aircraft engine, youngest is a partner in Wall Street asset management firm, one DIL is a University Physician, one is in environmental policy at pubic utility. One granddaughter, I am still profing, Ms Prof doing University research.

We have a family place in mountians where we unwind as much as possible.

How's by you Mags?

24914. psychprof - 1/7/2009 7:50:18 PM

We clear the ice and hockey starts...

24915. psychprof - 1/7/2009 7:51:00 PM

hope I closed tags

24916. psychprof - 1/7/2009 7:54:11 PM

Mz Prof and I relaxing...

24917. anomie - 1/7/2009 8:08:56 PM

VK, thanks. So there's a "Detroit" pizza too? Never heard of that either.

What's weirder is that I never thought to google it! I google stuff all the time, but sometimes it doesn't occur to me...almost as though Google is a forgotten resource. But mostly it was an impulsive question when I saw Mago's post. Go figure. Go Google. Ha!

24918. anomie - 1/7/2009 8:10:56 PM

Nice place, Prof! Where's the boat?

24919. magoseph - 1/7/2009 8:28:52 PM

All are doing well, I see, Prof—thank you for the pictures. How old is your granddaughter and which couple had her, if you don’t mind to tell me, of course? My sons are fine; both married and doing very well in their jobs, (both work for ATT); the oldest lives on Lake Michigan, no children planned; the youngest lives in Arlington, TX and plans to make me a grandma. The four of them are vacationing in Jamaica the twentieth. As for me, I have become my husband’s caretaker the last three years—a labor of love, I should add.

24920. psychprof - 1/7/2009 9:12:49 PM

Mags...Oldest son has the daughter. I think my family is just getting started!!

Anomie...boat is coming soon.

24921. webfeet - 1/7/2009 10:24:31 PM

Judith, please know how sorry I am about your loss. I wasn't aware that this was an on-going struggle, and for that, I'm sure it must have been all the more painful. I'm sure that in time you will find ways to celebrate the good, and to find pleasure with all that you did before, keeping the very best of your time together close to you in heart and in memory.

24922. webfeet - 1/7/2009 10:42:08 PM

Lovely image. What's in the mugs, psychprof? Hot toddies?

24923. psychprof - 1/7/2009 11:41:02 PM


Yes, but just Ms Prof.

24924. Jenerator - 1/8/2009 2:19:49 AM

I love the relaxation pic, PP!

24925. Dubai Vol - 1/8/2009 6:33:41 AM

Mmm, pizza! Now that's a subject I can sink my teeth into! Matter of fact I'm making pizza for dinner tonight. The secret, if you have a regular oven, is to cook the crust on its own first, then add the toppings and bake it again. Funny thing: I have been using my crust recipe for decades, and just lately looked in my Betty Crocker cookbook and discovered it's essentially identical to the recipe for french bread.

24926. psychprof - 1/8/2009 3:45:53 PM

In defense of the moderators and especially Wabbit, I intend to post here more often. This place fits like a comfortable pair of slippers.

24927. arkymalarky - 1/8/2009 4:45:11 PM

That's great, PP. We all really enjoy your uplifting posts and pictures!

24928. magoseph - 1/8/2009 10:55:38 PM

Ano, according to my son, there's no "Milwaukee pizza that he knows about--he said he knows only the Chicago pizza.

24929. judithathome - 1/9/2009 5:43:05 PM

Thanks so much to everyone who expressed concerns for my family...we are doing fine and appreciate everyone thinking of us. It's good to know we have friends who cars. Thanks again.

24930. anomie - 1/9/2009 9:48:45 PM

Gracious words, Judith. Thanks. It's good to see you here.

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