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5927. jexster - 1/1/2008 10:57:08 PM

Get your bets DOWN

Take Ohio State and the 4 1/2

5928. OhioSTOPAS - 1/2/2008 3:30:29 AM

??? Lacking confidence in your Tigers?

5929. wonkers2 - 1/2/2008 4:18:04 AM

Nope. I'll take some of your Buckeye money.

5930. jexster - 1/2/2008 6:47:03 PM

LSU is the dumbest team in college football. Even its white players are dumber than OSU's darkies. OSU's defense will be able to contain the LSU running game and their offense will a la Woody Hayes run it right up the gut of the overrated LSU defense and the grossly overrated Dorsey.

I always call a spade, a spade

5931. jexster - 1/2/2008 6:47:32 PM

How could I forget Les Miles - most overrated coach in football

5932. wonkers2 - 1/2/2008 7:39:02 PM

Put yer money where yer mouth is er shut up!

5933. wabbit - 1/2/2008 7:42:23 PM

http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Hawaii-New-Orleans-Sugar-Bowl-defensive-lineman/photo//080102/483/b077522955d14cf7853b19a6af3f1b99//s:/ap/20080102/ap_on_sp_co_ga_su/fbc_sugar_bowl;_ylt=Ag6Kf1jP33Dnvf2JDsTqiSWl24cA - Charlie Riedel, APGeorgia would love to be back at the Superdome next week, playing for the title it really wanted. Instead, the Bulldogs will have to settle for being Sugar Bowl champs. Overpowering the country's last unbeaten team, black-clad Georgia took out its frustration at getting passed over for a shot at the BCS championship with a 41-10 rout of Colt Brennan and the Warriors on Tuesday night. Next Monday, on the very same Superdome field, Ohio State will meet LSU in the national title game. The No. 4 Bulldogs feel they're as deserving as either of those teams, and they'll certainly get no argument from Hawaii, which came to the Big Easy with a perfect record and left all beaten up.

This would have been a perfect Rose Bowl for the USC Trojans, except for the one part they couldn't control. They couldn't pick their opponent. The sixth-ranked Trojans routed Illinois 49-17 on Tuesday and showed the rest of the country that, yes, maybe they are the best team in college football right now. Certainly, a better test could have come against Georgia or Virginia Tech, or maybe next week against Ohio State in the national title game. But the Rose Bowl wanted a Pac-10-Big Ten matchup, and the national title game didn't want Southern California. So, it wound up being USC-Illinois in the Granddaddy of 'Em All, and the Trojans made the Illini pay.

Colorful confetti flip-flopping around him, fans in black and gold chanting his name, Tony Temple and his Missouri teammates were basking in a terrific ending to a magical season. Only one thing was wrong - the setting. See, this was the Cotton Bowl, not the national championship game they were a win away from reaching, and it wasn't the Orange, Fiesta or Sugar Bowl like they thought they deserved. Motivated instead of deflated, the guys from the 'Show-Me State' did their best to prove they belonged in the BCS by routing Darren McFadden and Arkansas 38-7 on Tuesday. Temple led the way, rushing for 281 yards and four touchdowns, both records in the 72-year history of the Cotton Bowl. Mizzou (12-2) was ranked No. 1 after beating Kansas in the regular season finale, then lost badly to Oklahoma in the Big 12 title game - so badly that the Jayhawks wound up with an at-large berth into the Orange Bowl. Coach Gary Pinkel kept his team's spirits up by having them put together a list of reasons why Dallas was a great place to spend New Year's Day. Recruiting and appeasing their largest out-of-state alumni base likely were near the top.

Michigan coach Lloyd Carr was doused with water, surrounded by dancing players and then carried onto the field. He went out a winner. Chad Henne threw for 373 yards and three touchdowns, Mike Hart ran for 129 yards and two scores and the Wolverines upset No. 9 Florida 41-35 Tuesday in the Capital One Bowl to win their first bowl game since 2003. This one was special. Michigan's senior class won its first bowl game in four tries and Carr ended his coaching career on a high note. Henne, Adrian Arrington and Mario Manningham torched Florida's secondary all game. Arrington caught nine passes for 153 yards and two touchdowns, and Manningham added five catches for 78 yards and a score. The Gators (9-4) kept it close thanks to four turnovers and plenty of big plays by Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and speedster Percy Harvin. Playing with a broken bone in his non-throwing hand and facing constant blitzes, Tebow was 17-of-33 for 154 yards and three touchdowns. He also ran for 57 yards and a score. Harvin ran 13 times for 165 yards and a touchdown, and caught nine passes for 77 yards and a score. It wasn't enough.

NCAA Football

5934. jexster - 1/2/2008 8:02:20 PM

I think the 2 best teams in the country played yesterday. USC and GA. I REALLY felt sorry for Hawaii...June Jones's Run and Shoot I wouldn't inflict on my worst enemy

5935. jexster - 1/4/2008 11:03:51 PM

Golden Band from Tiger Land

5936. jexster - 1/8/2008 5:29:21 AM

Ohio State really sux

5937. jexster - 1/8/2008 6:32:04 AM

The most over-rated sacks of dog shit since..since

Mr. and Mrs. Bill

5938. jexster - 1/8/2008 11:37:48 PM

Fool us once Ohio U ...fool us twice

We won't get fooled again

LSU Good to Geaux

5939. OhioSTOPAS - 1/9/2008 4:30:46 AM

Last I remember we were ahead 10-0, and then it's all blacked out. We won, right?

5940. judithathome - 1/10/2008 12:59:40 AM

Hey, hello there, Ohio!! Stop by the Cafe and let us know how you're doing!

5941. Ms. No - 1/11/2008 8:00:04 PM

I'm really bothered that Marion Jones is sentenced to six months in prison. She gets the maximum sentence while she's still nursing a child and yet Barry Bonds doesn't serve a day.

Not that I think steroids should garner a jail sentence anyway. Let their respective sports fine, expell and shame them. What the fuck purpose does it actually serve to put these people in jail? It's showboating, pure and simple.

5942. wonkers2 - 1/11/2008 8:09:17 PM

Any opinions on who's lying Roger Clemens or his trainer, Brian McNamee? A knowledgeable acquaintance who believes Clemens is lying pointed out to me recently that Clemens went through periods of being a free agent several years in a row, possibly because MLB drug testing is not done on free agents. So, he could stoke up on steroids or whatever without fear of being tested.

5943. jexster - 1/13/2008 5:27:34 AM

Clemens is from Texas

Next dumb question

5944. jexster - 1/13/2008 5:29:10 AM

5945. jexster - 1/14/2008 3:04:42 AM

Great sports start 2008 - Tigers are the champs and the Cowboys be da chumps!

5946. alistairConnor - 1/14/2008 11:53:09 PM

Double amputee Pistorius banned from Olympics

An IAAF statement said that the South African's "cheetah" running blades were technical aids and as such were in clear contravention of IAAF rules. This means effectively that he is banned from competing against able-bodied athletes.

"It is evident that an athlete using the "Cheetah" prosthetic is able to run at the same speed as able-bodied athletes with lower energy consumption," continued the statement. "Running with prosthetic blades leads to less vertical motion combined with less mechanical work for lifting the body. As well as this, the energy loss in the blade is significantly lower than in the human ankle joints in sprinting at maximum speed.

Fair enough. Wouldn't want to start a fad of athletes cutting their legs off to improve their times.

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