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10072. wabbit - 9/4/2010 3:29:21 PM

Here's hoping Snow Owl and AC's family's are all safe and far away from the quake zone.

...Christchurch and its neighboring small towns bore the full force of the quake, which brought down power lines and bridges and wrecked roads and building facades. However, no deaths and only two injuries were reported...

10073. judithathome - 9/7/2010 11:38:43 PM

SnowOwl is fine...slept through it, in fact. Plus was across the country from where it struck.

10074. greystoke - 9/10/2010 1:38:52 AM

Pastor Claims to Have Stopped Ground Zero Mosque

This Pastor Jones is quite the piece of work. Why would anyone make a deal with him? What's to stop someone else from burning a Koran? Its not like he is the only person who can do it.

This whole situation is absurd. I have nothing against Moslems or any other religion, but I think Pastor Jones should proceed with the burning. In fact burn some Korans every day. Maybe Moslems could retaliate by burning Bibles and Torahs.

Its the threat of burning that put this in the news every day. If it happened, and happened repeatedly then it would no longer be a big deal.

10075. greystoke - 9/11/2010 12:35:50 AM

This guy already burned a Koran in Nov 2006, where were his headlines?

I think we will see a lot of this tomorrow. I wonder if Barnes & Noble has enough copies to go around ...

10076. vonKreedon - 9/17/2010 5:07:25 PM

Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert's "competing rallies:
Stewart: Rally to Restore Sanity
Colbert: Keep Fear Alive

10077. iiibbb - 9/17/2010 10:19:08 PM

I'm seriously considering going.

10078. arkymalarky - 9/18/2010 3:20:39 AM

Wish I could.

10079. iiibbb - 9/22/2010 3:10:40 AM

I feel I'd rather praise this father than demand an apology from him.

10080. vonKreedon - 10/13/2010 9:55:08 PM

Kudos to the Chilean government for a very well managed rescue of the trapped miners. The level of detail in the planning is something to be studied by project management students.

10081. judithathome - 10/19/2010 9:12:28 PM

I only glanced at the news stories...thought I saw a Texas flag on the rescue capsule...was that correct?

10082. vonKreedon - 10/20/2010 5:00:22 PM

The Chilean flag:

and the Texan flag:

are very similar.

10083. robertjayb - 10/21/2010 8:17:07 PM

So similar that one Texas county put the Chilean flag on electon materials prepared for early voting.

10084. arkymalarky - 10/21/2010 10:04:26 PM

ROBERT!! Howya been?

10085. judithathome - 1/8/2011 11:59:54 PM

Take a look at this article:


Guess who was shot today in Phoenix?

10086. judithathome - 1/9/2011 12:00:22 AM

Sorry, I've forgotten how to link these things....

10087. anomie - 1/9/2011 1:41:59 AM

And I'm reminded of our own Sharon Angle's "Second amendment solutions" comment. The nuts!

10088. judithathome - 1/13/2011 3:10:59 AM

Sarah Palin's "blood libel" remark should be the final nail.

10089. iiibbb - 1/13/2011 4:13:54 AM

I hate Palin.

I agree with her that she's got nothing to do with this incident.

That doesn't absolve her rhetoric.

If she did have nothing to do with it, why did she feel the need to do an 8-minute response?

10090. arkymalarky - 1/13/2011 4:43:05 AM

She seems to think it's all about her. I think Judith's right.

10091. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 4:49:39 AM

Well there goes my weeknight lineup. I may just quit msnbc.

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