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21006. judithathome - 1/26/2007 3:45:07 PM

Thoughtful, I'm so sorry to read about your mom...here's hoping it's just a scare.

21007. thoughtful - 1/26/2007 4:09:02 PM

Thanks J@h. The Cat scan results show it is something, and fairly good sized at that in her right lung. Cat scan also revealed an aortic aneurysm. Nice. Next step is a pet scan which she'll have next wed. Until then, it's more wait, wait, wait....

Me, I think i'd high-tail it off to a surgeon right away. Why screw around? Get rid of the damn thing and move on. I mean if it is cancer, which is most likely, it can only spread. It's not going to go away.

21008. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 5:00:43 PM

Yes. And my impression is that they don't usually waste much time before doing surgery to correct an aortic aneurism. At least, that was the case with a friend of mine.

21009. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 5:01:49 PM

Mago, you sent us bad weather! Snow advisory today and it's snowing like hell right now.

21010. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:27:13 PM

We've snow predicted for Saturday night--right now, it's 25, will be 38 at three. Starting Sunday, we're supposed to have a week of bitter cold.

You're getting this snow from up north WI where it's snowing right now.

21011. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:32:51 PM

Golly, do you see what I see? I must have done it, but now I have no idea how to get rid of it.

21012. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:34:10 PM

Oh, well, it doesn't seem to stop the flow--so I guess I'm going to close up the browser and see.

21013. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:39:52 PM

This is what I have between my last post and the Posting Window. I can click every one of the entries.

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21014. wabbit - 1/26/2007 6:51:00 PM

mags, you didn't do it. It started with an open table and an unclosed comment tag in wonkers2' post. When Ms. No corrected the table, the comment tag was still making a mess. I've deleted all three posts and it all seems to be working now. I'll repost the name tables in a sec...

21016. wabbit - 1/26/2007 6:58:43 PM


20985. Magoseph - 1/25/2007 3:37:52 PM

How many people in the US have your name?

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

20990. wonkers2 - 1/25/2007 6:17:09 PM

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

21017. wabbit - 1/26/2007 7:03:24 PM

I've been offline for a few days, so to catch up a bit...

WoW, hard to choose between those two, but I lean marginally toward the first.

iiibbb, congratulations!!

t'ful, I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she will be ok. I'm with you, I'd get to a surgeon asap.

21018. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 7:13:53 PM

Sorry, wabbit! Thanks.

21019. wabbit - 1/26/2007 7:23:29 PM

No biggie, wonkers2. I couldn't figure out how the tags in your post got messed up, or where the comment tag came from, but it is easy enough to delete, clean-up and repost.

21020. thoughtful - 1/26/2007 8:38:27 PM

thanks wabbit.

wonks, it depends on the size of the aneurysm. Apparently lots of elderly people have them but if they are small and not likely to burst anytime soon, they just prescribe the usual, lower cholesterol, get exercise, keep bp low kinds of stuff. But if they are large and at risk of bursting, they move fast. A ruptured aorta is sudden death. Problem with the small ones though is they can lead to blood clots and strokes.

Somehow I'm just not prepared for any of this. Mom is 81 and I figured she'd be around and in decent shape for another 20 years anyway, seeing as her mom made it to 98 and her dad to 99.

But for whatever reason, I remember seeing the stats from a gerontologist, people are at greater risk of dying between 80 and 85 than they are in the 5 years after. For whatever reason, there's a lot of crap that happens in the early 80s, and if you survive them, chances are you'll hang in quite a bit longer.

21021. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/26/2007 11:55:32 PM

Thanks wabb, I wondered where you were. This is no night to be in New England . . . BRRRRRRRR!

21022. concerned - 1/27/2007 2:48:29 AM

From HowManyofMe.com, I typed in 'Azusa Shiratori' and 'Adolf Hitler', and didn't get a single hit on any of the four names.

Then I typed in 'Aloysius Smith', got no hits on the first name, but won big on the last name (it's a ringer).

How about this? There's 6 people in the US named 'Jesus Christ'.

Thanks for the link, btw.

21023. tmesis - 1/27/2007 1:41:53 PM

Robert De Niro, 1943-2007

... Those are the years he has been alive so far.

21024. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/27/2007 5:51:33 PM

From an email I received . . .

"I was in Wal-Mart buying a large bag of Purina for my dog - and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog...(Duh!)

"I was feeling a bit crabby, so on impulse, I told her no, I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms.

"Her eyes about bugged out of her head.

"I went on and on with the bogus diet story and she was totally buying it. I told her that it was an easy, inexpensive diet and that the way it works is to load your pockets or purse with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The package said the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again.

"I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her.

"Horrified, the lady asked if something in the dog food had poisoned me and was that why I ended up in the hospital?

'I said. "No, I'd been sitting in the street licking my butt when a car hit me!".

"I thought the tall guy was going to have to be carried out the door....

21025. wonkers2 - 1/27/2007 7:39:51 PM

Pretty funny!

21026. judithathome - 1/29/2007 1:44:07 AM

tmesis, you little shit! ;-)

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