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21508. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 5:18:06 PM

Tim Russert was sheduled for this morning--I guess he was too scared to show up.

21509. jexster - 4/9/2007 5:18:20 PM

21510. jexster - 4/9/2007 5:23:33 PM

Screw IMUS...I only watch for Cardinal Egan, Bill Clinton, Dr. Phil and Gen Patton

21511. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 5:26:42 PM

McGuirk should be fired. Imus should be suspended for an appropriate period. I just heard his apology. It sounded sincere, whether it was or not.

21512. thoughtful - 4/9/2007 5:36:04 PM

You're talking about the guy who embarrassed the president at the wash press corp dinner. He's not called a 'shock jock' for nothing. People listen because he says things or tries to get other people to say things that will embarrass them. While bernie is a rectum and imus may be a rectum for keeping him around, anyone who's ever heard imus for any length of time knows he's not a racist. And frankly, in my book, the comments that he made were nothing compared to what young people are listening to all the time in rap lyrics and think nothing of it. And if it's a racist remark because it came from a white guy, but it's an ok remark if it comes from a black guy, then that, in and of itself, is racist.

Was it a stupid comment to make? Yes. But I don't think it's any more offensive than other remarks they've made like women don't have any place playing basketball, or calling hillary satan.

21513. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 5:55:34 PM

Well, he deserves more than a slap on the wrist as far as I'm concerned and so does the network. Those kind of remarks have no place on the public airwaves. What he said was much more offensive than the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident. More than one sportscaster and a couple of major league club managers have been fired for less. I grew up in Louisiana and my parents who were from Nebraska taught me not to talk like that by the time I was in the second grade. Four letter words brought me a mild rebuke, but a racial remark pickked up from my friends brought punishment. Look what happened to the racist asshole who was running against Jim Webb for the Senate. Why should Imus or his producer McJerk be given a free pass?

21514. betty - 4/9/2007 5:57:40 PM

I meant to say Hi to Arky and Judith the other day and got distracted...

No, I would be furious if a temp agency left me high and dry like that. I think I would try a new agency.

21515. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 6:00:28 PM

Shock jocks (or more appropriately shock jerks) should not be given a free pass to make racist or anti-semitic (or homophobic or misognistic remarks). If the offended groups speak up the network will put a stop to the remarks.

21516. robertjayb - 4/9/2007 6:15:33 PM

Did Al Sharpton apologize for the Tawana Brawley farce? That one hurt people and cost public money. I don't understand the appeal of Don Imus but I doubt he ia as big a scoundrel as Sharpton.

21517. jexster - 4/9/2007 6:19:53 PM

WonkenHeimer...Deputy Chief of Operations Michigan State PC Pohlees

Speakin of which...

COPS:Fort Worth is rapidly becoming must see TV

Last night I learned:

1. That FT worth police love physical extracurriculars
2. That Hunky TexMexican Officer Maldinado of East Sector enjoys strenous excercise 5-6 days a week in gym, on bicycle and on girlfriemd
3. DO NOT have sex in front of a 5 year old child in any North Sector park after 11:30 pm...11:15 OK
4. The East Side is full of nappy headed ho's. Officer Maldinado has their names
5. Two black men accompanied by a white woman should NOT under any circumstances attempt to flee Officer Maldinado in a stolen pickup truck with shotgun in rack
6. Wonker MUST NOT under any circumstances approach women "manifesting for prostitution" in Ft Worth TX

21518. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 6:25:08 PM

The only mistake that Imus made was to point his attack at a group that is already low on the totem pole.

For example, Imus has called vice-president Cheney a cowardly draft dodger and war criminal that sends young men to their death. I heard statements of this kind and worse from Imus for the last two years without any outburst. (Of course, this could be because I’m not often listening to Fox).

To most people, a Cheney, (or a Clinton), because of his or her status is fair game, but the Rutger players simply are not.

21519. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 6:34:46 PM

The fact that Al Sharpton made an ass out of himself in the Tawana Brawley affair doesn't excuse Imus. Imus has a network TV and radio show. Sharpton was an independent rabble rouser. BTW, Sharpton has cleaned up his act considerably since the Brawley misadventure.

21520. judithathome - 4/9/2007 6:40:24 PM

Betty, I forgot to say hello to you the other day and welcome you back; my mom would be appalled at my lack of good manners...how's everything with you and yours?

21521. judithathome - 4/9/2007 6:43:02 PM

i BTW, Sharpton has cleaned up his act considerably since the Brawley misadventure.

Not trying to take up for Imus, who I think is a jerk, but Imus has done untold good in the cause of autism and helped myriad childhood cancer patients in the past years. He may be a jerk but he is an altruistic jerk.

21522. thoughtful - 4/9/2007 6:54:31 PM

j@h, you're right. And if he were kicked off the air, it would really hurt the ranch as he uses his on air promotion of it as the key source of money raising. He also raised a lot of money for the private rehab hospital in tx for veterans.

I'm a regular listener and it's because he or his sidekicks are funny at times, they are not syrupy like the network tv hosts (that's for sure!) but mostly i listen for the guests. He's a great interviewer as he actually lets the guests talk. Unlike these other shows like matthews who never lets a guest get a word in edgewise or the morning talk show where their idea of getting to know a guest is a 2 1/2 min stint with a commc'l interruption, imus will go on with a single guest for 15 min or more without commercials. And he's able to get some interesting people.

As an aside, hubby has tried the greening the cleaning products and he really likes them.

21523. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 7:02:47 PM

I hope he'll live this down after a while--I'd hate for him to go away. I often remember what you said long ago about him, thoughtful, that he was over the line sometimes, but then, there was always "...the occasional pearl. Do you remember?

21524. thoughtful - 4/9/2007 7:57:50 PM

sounds like something I'd have said, though to be honest, i don't remember.

Figures all this controversy and I missed the remark when he first said it because we hadn't seen the game yet...we recorded it the night before so as soon as I heard him say rutgers, I turned it off...I was afraid he'd say who won.

21525. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 8:19:22 PM

Now, I’m getting upset—even CNBC has something to say about Imus. Everybody who watches Imus knows that he’s not even close to being a racist. He made a terrible mistake, but it was just a mistake. Now, let’s compare him to Limbaugh who, everyone knows, is both a racist and misogynist and the evidence spouts from his mouth anytime you want to listen to him as I did for some time because I was interested in his command of the language. In fact, I listened to him until I could no longer stand his constant attacks on women.

My point is that there is a significant difference between a self-described racist and an absolutely non-racist who makes a mistake. Limbaugh should have been forced out years ago, never to return.

21526. jexster - 4/9/2007 8:21:23 PM

Spare us ..Imus had to go to Al Sharpton's confessional

I say call a fudge packer a fudge packer Col Wonkers

21527. concerned - 4/10/2007 1:43:18 AM

I was thinking about my MOR political attitude and what makes it unique. I think it is a melding of the most overall conservative attitude that allows most liberal approaches license consistent with human rights, freedom of speech and equality.

It's probably fair to call it a sort of radical centrism since a spectrum of political approaches inhere to it and it therefore usually cannot subscribe wholeheartedly to either end of the political spectrum:)

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