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22611. Magoseph - 9/14/2007 4:50:10 PM

...but top students are doing better than ever before.

True and I think these students should go directly to university rather than to college like many around here do because they want to be with their friends who would be failing at university.

22612. Magoseph - 9/14/2007 5:20:33 PM

I'm trying to wean myself cold-turkey from coffee, so I didn't buy any yesterday. Well, I'm on my way to town now, a raving maniac. How pathetic can one gets!

22613. judithathome - 9/14/2007 9:42:18 PM

The same way I am giving up cigarettes...I am so furious that "the two of us giving up cigarettes" entails ME not smoking at home so Keoni won't smoke at home but him still smoking at work!

22614. judithathome - 9/14/2007 10:23:25 PM

Jeez, just when I think maybe high school kids are doing okay, the girl next door came came home in tears and scared out of her mind because the rival school that they play in football tonight came over to her school yesterday and put those unremovable stickers all over cars that said "Heights Sucks Dick" so her classmates went to the rival school and wrote on their car windows "Heights Rules!"

In return today, a student from the rival school planted a PIPE BOMB in front of her school...everyone was evacuated and sent home and the bomb squad detonated the pipe bomb.

What the hell is going on with these kids? These are two of the premiere public schools in town...it's insane!

22615. judithathome - 9/15/2007 12:51:32 AM

I have great news: Leslie is on his way to the rehab facility and has been cleared for 7 days of in-patient therapy by his insurance company. After that, they will evaluste his condition and go from there.

22616. judithathome - 9/15/2007 12:54:45 AM


22617. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:37:10 AM

At another school I worked in we got pictures for our annual of a rival team which vandalized the school--after they got caught. We got pictures of several poor cheerleaders sobbing as they worked to get the campus back in order. The pipebomb thing will ruin that kid for life.
Bob firmly belives there should be nothing in public schools but intramural sports.

GREAT news about Leslie!

22618. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:43:12 AM

At another school I worked in we got pictures for our annual of a rival team which vandalized the school--after they got caught. We got pictures of several poor cheerleaders sobbing as they worked to get the campus back in order. The pipebomb thing will ruin that kid for life.
Bob firmly belives there should be nothing in public schools but intramural sports.

GREAT news about Leslie!

22619. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:45:53 AM

Sorry about the double but I couldn't go forward or back.

I'm very disappointed in WildBlue. I was better off with dialup and a web accelerator for text stuff, and I just don't do that much video or audio online. and with WildBlue it doesn't always load anyway. And if there's even light rain it goes out. I wish I could use the blackberry as my modem, but reception's not quite consistent enough out here.

22620. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:46:38 AM

Sorry about the double but I couldn't go forward or back.

I'm very disappointed in WildBlue. I was better off with dialup and a web accelerator for text stuff, and I just don't do that much video or audio online. and with WildBlue it doesn't always load anyway. And if there's even light rain it goes out. I wish I could use the blackberry as my modem, but reception's not quite consistent enough out here.

This will probably double again. Sorry.

22621. Jenerator - 9/17/2007 2:00:14 AM

I know I am a little late to the conversation, but just thought I'd add what my Superintendent says regarding the educational crisis of today. In a nutshell, times have changed and companies have changed. People are no longer looking for a large, unskilled workforce. Instead, companies are requiring people with advanced degrees and experience. The person who dropped out 30 years ago or who got his GED had better odds of finding an entry level job and rising through the ranks than today's dropout. Today, the person who drops out is perceived as ignorant and a quitter. Plus, companies aren't looking to fill a lot of low-level jobs, nor are they looking for careerists.

Why hire Joe Blow who quit school when one can hire someone with a bachelor's degree?

22622. judithathome - 9/17/2007 4:12:20 AM

For the same reason they vote for a man with a degree who has no common sense? Because this is a crazy world we live in....

Sorry but a degree is just one way to judge a person's worth...you can get a guy with a degree who is a really dishonest person. In fact, he might even have received his degree through nefarious means. But hey, go right ahead and put him in charge and when the company goes under because the guy with the degree doesn't have a clue, well, whaddaya gonna do?

22623. judithathome - 9/17/2007 2:21:28 PM

We went to see my (degreeless) son last night at the rehab center and whether he realizes it or not, he is a changed man from the last two weeks. And I feel it is due to the fact they are getting him up and making him exercise and move and that is getting more oxygen to his brain.

He doesn't even remember fighting us for the last two weeks about not going in for out-patient therapy...he's doing so well that I feel he will only have to stay there the requisite 7 days his insurance initially approved.

22624. judithathome - 9/17/2007 2:47:35 PM

Jeez, going down the list of threads here, I see my name as last poster on far too many of them...have I pissed off everyone? ;-)

22625. Ms. No - 9/17/2007 4:22:56 PM

Ha! You have been quite fired up. I had a pretty good if fairly busy weekend and then yesterday had a social obligation that, quite frankly, I'd rather have swapped for a trip to the dentist. It didn't turn out as badly as I had every right to fear, so I'm feeling much better now.

22626. judithathome - 9/17/2007 4:38:07 PM

I was sick all last week with some sort of problem that seemed like a virus but with throwing up as the only effect. I literally lived on white bread and milk for the week and never left the house once.

Saturday we went to CostCo...oh how fun! Not.

And yesterday before we went to see my son, we went to dinner at Keoni's ex-girlfriend's new house...about 4 years ago, she moved back to South Dakota to get her son away from unsavory pals and show him life in a small town. It worked wonders for him but she nearly went nuts so they have moved back here and she bought a home about two blocks from this HUGE high school that is brand new and looks like a college...media-driven football stadium, indoor pool, the works. He's excited about it because he wants to be a chef and they have "chef" classes in a state of the art teaching kitchen. I was awed by the whole thing...we ain't in Kansas any more, Toto!

Anyhow, her house is about 2 years old and is a mini-McMansion. Its really small but has all the amenities of the large ones: trendy kitchen and open floor plan, fireplace, walk-in closet in her master bedroom with an "en suite" bathroom; spa tub, etc. I think they may have a pool, too, but forgot to check out the backyard.

It was really nice for the two of them but I was shocked at how very tiny the whole thing was. I think we may have more square footage in our 1950s ranch-style house.

No one asked how much she paid for it. I think we'd all be stunned at the cost.

22627. Ms. No - 9/17/2007 5:20:18 PM

I was bummed to find out that my folks bought a fairly new home when they moved. I was hoping they'd get something old and interesting since they're in Baton Rouge. I haven't seen it yet. I'm sure it's fine, but it sounds like their old house - not that there was anything wrong with the old house. It was lovely as far as new homes go and they had it built for them, but....well, I'm a sucker for older styles and construction. I'm more inclined toward pre-WWII architecture.

22628. thoughtful - 9/17/2007 5:32:11 PM

Boy, J@H, you've had more than your share of troubles lately. I hope the times ahead are improving for you.

22629. judithathome - 9/17/2007 10:07:22 PM

MsNo, have you been to Baton Rouge? Older homes come with lots of problems in Louisiana, not the least of which is termite damage.

We have some friends who bought an older home in Shreveport and our Katrina friend bought one in Alexandria...both have inherited very costly nighmares.

22630. Ms. No - 9/18/2007 2:34:51 AM

Yeah, I imagined as much, and although Cory loves his yardwork and landscaping neither he nor my mother much want to pick up a hammer or do major remodeling/restoration.

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