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23765. jexster - 3/9/2008 3:08:44 AM

Anything looks good next to the Failed State of MI Wonkers..

My late partner was from Omaha...tell me all about Omaha and he'll roll over in his grave

23766. jexster - 3/9/2008 3:10:04 AM

New computer screen cleaner

23767. Ms. No - 3/9/2008 3:32:36 AM

Thanks, Jen

My brother was in last night and we went out to dinner and had a couple beers later. A good night -- things are stressful getting mom and the kids moved and settled but all in all going as smoothly as possible. He's actually staying there tonight with her family so I'm really encouraged.

He did bring me a funny story about my oldest nephew who seems to be handling things well according to the counselor who's checking up on him.

Paxton is afraid of bees. A couple of days ago he and my bro were out at the park and a bee buzzed them and Paxton scampered yelling "A bee! A bee, Daddy!"

My brother said "It's just a bee."

Paxton: "I'm scared of bees, Dad."

Bro: "Paxton, you've never been stung by a bee."

Paxton: "But Dad, I don't want to be stung by a bee."

Hey, you can't argue with that logic! Auntie C has been avoiding bee stings in just that manner all her life.

23768. David Ehrenstein - 3/9/2008 3:35:24 AM

Just in case you're not feeling GAY enough.

23769. thoughtful - 3/9/2008 5:04:19 PM

So sorry about the family issues, MsNo. I have no words of wisdom to offer other than you're not alone. I've long ago decided that a normal family is dysfunctional and a 'functional' family, whatever that is, is totally abnormal.

Families...can't live with them and can't live without them.

23770. Magoseph - 3/10/2008 7:53:01 PM

Good afternoon!

23771. iiibbb - 3/11/2008 5:17:29 AM

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...

... I'm at a conference in my hotel room and I can't find my wedding ring.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...

The security people won't let me in the room where I know I had it off my finger because it was itching a bit. I don't know if I dropped it or not.


23772. arkymalarky - 3/11/2008 5:50:11 AM

Oooooh, that's bad. Maybe you could speak to the hotel management. Let us know if you find it.

23773. Ms. No - 3/11/2008 7:11:38 AM

Good luck, i3b3 -- hope this post is moot and you've already got your ring back by the time you read it.

23774. alistairconnor - 3/11/2008 11:34:56 AM

There's a short story in that, iii...
Or rather, in the way my imagination ran riot when I read your post.
Sorry, not making fun of you, hope you found/find it!

Something like : you're nervous about going to the conference function without your wedding ring because a sexy young researcher has been giving you the eye.

23775. Wombat - 3/11/2008 5:26:34 PM


I have a similar story. Not long after I returned from my honeymoon, I took our dog out to chase tennis balls on a nearby soccer field. I had noticed that my ring fit loosely, but didn't think anything of it. I was relaxing on the couch after dinner, when I noticed that I was no longer wearing my wedding ring. A cursory search did not turn it up, and I was preparing to take a flashlight and search the soccer field--in by inch at night (you think my wife would notice??), when I checked behind the couch cushions and found it. I got it tightened the next day. Told my wife after it was resolved. Good luck!

23776. iiibbb - 3/12/2008 12:00:09 AM

Short story = I found it this morning.

23777. iiibbb - 3/12/2008 12:02:04 AM

I've lost 35 lbs since I was married and my ring has been fitting really loose lately, and sometimes gets itchy.

I've developed a bad habit of taking it off and quickly forgetting it's not on.

I hope to develop the habit of putting it on the opposite hand when it gets uncomfortable.

23778. Ms. No - 3/12/2008 1:49:24 AM

Excellent news, iiibbb! How about on a chain around your neck when you have to take it off? That way you may forget that you haven't put it back on, but you'll never have to worry that you've left it someplace.

23779. alistairConnor - 3/12/2008 1:51:57 AM

... and if it's too heavy, I'll carry it for you, Mr Frodo.

23780. Wombat - 3/12/2008 3:53:19 AM

The jeweler soldered a little metal strip inside the ring. Now it fits fine. Glad you found it iiibbb.

23781. arkymalarky - 3/12/2008 4:05:01 AM

Great 3i3b!

LOL, Alistair!

23782. alistairconnor - 3/12/2008 11:41:52 AM

I surpassed myself this morning.

Girlfriend worked the night shift, she got home just as I was getting out of bed, and went straight to sleep. I had breakfast and dressed discreetly, then let myself out. The instant I pulled the door to, I knew I'd left my phone and keys behind.

I started to leave the building... changed my mind (expecting phone calls)... went back and rang the doorbell, wearing a contrite expression.

She didn't answer the door. Then I realised I'd closed the hallway door, to protect her from noise, and wouldn't hear the doorbell unless she was awake.

I'll go back at lunchtime and try my luck.

23783. Magoseph - 3/12/2008 4:23:45 PM

How did you start your car if you left your keys inside?

23784. alistairconnor - 3/12/2008 5:29:01 PM

I rode my bicycle to work, my dear. Like I always do.

Well actually, I don't always ride my own bicycle. Often, I take a public bike from the stand in front of the apartment building.

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