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24398. judithathome - 9/9/2008 2:17:02 PM

Rumor has it that WC is down for the count.

24399. magoseph - 9/9/2008 2:47:39 PM

That's just too bad, ladies. Thanks.

24400. marjoribanks - 9/10/2008 6:10:58 AM

If WC is dead, why not try one more time to attract a nucleus of new posters to this blessed ol' place?

How about a WC Refugee All-Stars thread, plus dedicated new threads for core discussants of various topics who want to keep the discussion going? Perhaps recruit gatekeeper-types like PP?

Long live The Mote!

24401. iiibbb - 9/10/2008 1:20:02 PM

What is WC? Isn't that European for bathroom?

24402. magoseph - 9/10/2008 3:02:04 PM

Wc stands for "worldcrossing", iiibbb--A large forum with many small fora. Correct me, anyone, if I'm wrong.

24403. magoseph - 9/10/2008 3:05:28 PM

On our mote opening page, we have links for the following fora from WC: Random International and All Things International.

24404. judithathome - 9/10/2008 5:56:58 PM

What is WC? Isn't that European for bathroom?

HA! An apt analogy!

24405. wabbit - 9/11/2008 2:30:02 PM

I would love to have PP come back, I haven't had the time to devote to Sports this year. Everyone else from Random is also welcome (d'uh, right?).

And while I'm here, Happy Birthday to the Mote, we are nine years old today, having officially opened for business on 9/11/99.

24406. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 9/11/2008 3:27:27 PM

Happy Birthday, especially to your generous heart, wabb and to the many others around here!

24407. Ms. No - 9/11/2008 4:25:13 PM

A very happy birthday to us!

24408. magoseph - 9/11/2008 5:05:25 PM

Nation marks 7th anniversary of terror attacks

24409. thoughtful - 9/11/2008 7:05:38 PM

Ah happy bday moties!

I was sitting at my desk this a.m. at about 8:45 am and remembering the conference call I was on when I heard about the first plane crash. Thinking how odd it is that 7 years later, I'm still at the same desk, same office, same job...life is so different, yet so the same.

What a terrible tragedy...still breaks my heart. I'm still unable to watch any footage about the event. I was supposed to be in the WTC at a meeting on that very morning, a meeting I chose to blow off. Little did I know....

The wife of a friend of mine worked in the WTC and she had company the night before, drank a little too much wine and chose to go to work a little late....she saw the plane hit as she was walking toward the building. She's still with us...her boss was killed.

How capricious.

24410. magoseph - 9/11/2008 7:21:58 PM

I found this YouTube in Le Monde newspaper. This is so neat to be able to listen to it with the French translation available, don't you think?

24411. arkymalarky - 9/11/2008 10:23:25 PM

I was at school with the kids, watching the coverage on the tv in the library. It was very surreal.

24412. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 4:30:02 AM

Well, we've been out of electricity almost all day. The wind is crazy and we went to check on Bob's mom, who's ok but with no electricity either, and it's now too dangerous to go to my parents' who have electricity. Judith, what's it done your way? I can't get weather on the Blackberry from here for some reason.I'm about to try again.

24413. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 12:32:08 PM

Still out. I know shit happens, but I am not happy.

24414. Jenerator - 9/14/2008 1:51:07 PM

It wasn't bad in DFW. Out to the East, around Tyler, Ike hit pretty hard.

24415. iiibbb - 9/14/2008 2:49:36 PM

One of the worst times a hurricane ever got me my power was out for a week and the storm never really touched us. What was worse, I was in this tiny isolated block. The apartments 2 rows up had power, and 2 rows down. It was just one breaker. I took forever for the power company to come because we constituted a small number of customers and they were definitely taking the approach of whatever job helps the most people is what gets done first.

24416. iiibbb - 9/14/2008 2:51:04 PM

That was the late 90's. I didn't even have a cell phone... luckily I know to always have at least one phone in the house that doesn't need A/C power.

24417. judithathome - 9/14/2008 2:58:07 PM

As Jen said, we got nothing but a steady rain all day...no gusting winds, nothing but gentle rain. East of Dallas trees were uprooted, etc.

The only Ike wreaking havoc around here is Leslie's new black and white male kitten...he came by my friend's house on Friday and fell in love with the little scamp. Decided to name him Ike so he'd remember when he got him...ha!

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