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24785. judithathome - 12/12/2008 6:36:44 PM

Lelsie went to the ENT specialist and he diagnosed exactly what his family doctor diagnosed last week: crystals have formed in his inner ear. The doctor did an Epley treatment on him: manipulating the head and using a little vibrating tool on his head behind the ear (this is to knock the crystals loose and move them to another area in the ear that doesn't deal with balance) It worked wonders and Leslie was walking out of that office smiling and feeling fine. He got a little motion sickness on the ride home and said later in the day that he wasn't feeling as good as when he left the office but not as bad as he HAS been feeling.

The problem with the treatment is that he has to remain upright for 48 hours and I know he is not going to be able to do that...in fact, I feel sure he toppled over and slept prone last night because he hasn't called this morning...ha! I think it's a hard thing to do but maybe if he sees what happens when he doesn't follow orders, he'll be more willing to follow through with it next week when he has another treatment.

(And you were right, Thoughtful...he IS his own worst enemy: he gets very negative and depressed when he's not feeling well and always looks on the worst case scenario...yesterday going to his appointment, he started a pity party and said he'd be better off in an assisted living facility. I slammed on the brakes and chewed him a new one...really fed up with him "giving up" and not appreciating what all of us are doing for him. He straightened right up after that, mentally-wise.)

And now Keoni is home with a horrible chest cold...he gets these every winter and I think it's because he's around so many people with his job...in their homes, etc. He's so very sweet when he's sick...so appreciative and keeps a good frame of mind even though he feels like hell.

And yes, he HAD a flu shot this fall. I refused one...and look who's NOT sick! ;-)

24786. judithathome - 12/12/2008 6:37:37 PM

..so appreciative of everything I bring him, I meant to say...not appreciative he HAS a cold!

24787. Wombat - 12/12/2008 7:28:20 PM

Would "tearing a new one" be faster and less gross than "chewing a new one?" Just askin'.

24788. judithathome - 12/12/2008 8:56:09 PM

Probably...you'll have to forgive me if my verbs are muddled.

Just talked to him and of course, he's not doing well because he didn't do what they said...allegedly, he is incapable of staying upright for 48 hours. He was extremely hateful over the phone and I just hung up on him.

I'm going to call the doctor on Monday and see if they can try again Monday or Tuesday. I've had an idea of something that will keep his head straight for the 48 hour period following...a curved foam gizmo that he can put on his neck and sit in a recliner without having his head flop over...if he doesn't follow the instructions on the next one, I'm going to tell him he's on his own.

Well, of course, I won't do that. But right now, I feel like doing it.

24789. judithathome - 12/12/2008 8:56:59 PM

I think I was going for "chewed him out"...

24790. magoseph - 12/13/2008 2:39:54 AM

Ms. No,
The TV show 20/20 has a program next Monday. It's called" Drama High--The Making of a School Musical.

24791. David Ehrenstein - 12/13/2008 3:14:07 AM

"Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow"

24792. magoseph - 12/15/2008 11:05:47 PM

Thanks, David for the song

I thought those were pics of Mago's house!

I just noticed your comment about the White House pictures, Wonks. Actually, I live west from your place, the other side of the lake in a house that was built circa 1925—a real nightmarish place, but one my husband won’t leave because his mother, his uncle Jack, his mother died here. I’m a prisoner of love, my friend.

We have had a terrible weather here, lots of snow and today now a temperature of 14°F and tonight it’ll be 2 °. It’s hell to keep Flexy and Butchdog happy and healthy, I tell you.

24793. judithathome - 12/16/2008 6:18:30 PM

I've been on the phone all morning getting an MRI scheduled for the week after Christmas for my son...these people don't understand that when someone has been off work as much as he has...all but the first two days of the month thus far...that they need to schedule tests over the time period when they are off.

Leslie went back to work today and will work until Tuesday next week, after which he will have 2 weeks off for the holidays with pay. Finally, I got the MRI scheduled for the 29th. If he'd not been allowed back at work before that 2 week period, he'd have lost five grand in pay for those two weeks. It's company policy that you lose the holiday pay if you don't show up in the weeks preceding the holidays.

Big incentive to show up for work!

He said just now that he doesn't feel that great but it's warmer at work than in his house and he was going stir crazy being at home all that time. It's 27 degrees outside.

24794. judithathome - 12/17/2008 1:48:25 AM

Wow...not much going on around the Mote today...

Arky, I finally got to see your Bro on the HGTV special. I'd have recognized him even without the banjo! ;-)

24795. arkymalarky - 12/17/2008 2:34:11 AM

Ha! I can imagine you haven't had much tv time the last few days. He's playing in LR this weekend.

24796. judithathome - 12/17/2008 5:07:37 PM

He looks like your dad.

I'd love for him to come to your party next year...the music would be devine, especially if you'd sing and Bob would play guitar with your Bro on banjo...and Rachel on piano. The Arky Quartet!

And if MsNo would show up! ;-)

24797. judithathome - 12/17/2008 5:16:56 PM

I'm beginning to get a complex...my name is "last poster" on about 6 threads...c'mon, wake up, you sleepy heads!

24798. anomie - 12/17/2008 5:30:33 PM

Hey, if you keep it to 3 or 4 chords, I could play a mean guitar!

24799. Ms. No - 12/17/2008 8:53:55 PM

Oh, that would be a fabulous time!! I'm not sure what my finances are going to be like come Summer, but if I can swing it I'd love to come out. Getting to sing with The Malarkeys would be the bee's knees!

My folks took a driving tour through the Ozarks this past Fall to see the colors and loved it. I could maybe get them to make the trip or at least stop through on their way to Tyler to see my aunt and uncle.

24800. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/17/2008 9:51:51 PM

I'm beginning to get a complex...my name is "last poster" on about 6 threads...c'mon, wake up, you sleepy heads!

What am I? Chopped liver?

24801. magoseph - 12/17/2008 11:02:44 PM

Each time I post, hours, even a day or two at times go by before someone finds his way here. It has come to the point that I often think that Wabbit should find another host who could do better.

24802. magoseph - 12/17/2008 11:07:38 PM

Wombat posted this in American Politics:

While not in general supporting anything that the Chinese government does, their policy of shooting "economic criminals" has a certain visceral appeal.

I often feel that way when I read or watch the news about young girls and women murdered by pedophiles.

24803. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 2:47:14 AM

You're doing a great job, Mags. Most people in the Mote have full and busy lives and just don't have a lot of time. I know I wish I had more time to spend here.

24804. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 2:49:10 AM

I'm ready for a summer music fest, Judith and No!

Btw, No, are you out for Chrisatmas? Friday's our last day.

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