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24827. iiibbb - 12/20/2008 4:08:03 PM

"two" abodes.

24828. magoseph - 12/20/2008 5:15:11 PM

Great news--I'm happy for you!

How did you advertise your house? It may be possible already for everyone to find out online.

24829. Wombat - 12/20/2008 5:15:17 PM

Congrats to your wife and good luck to you!

24830. arkymalarky - 12/20/2008 5:44:44 PM

Great news 3i3b!!

24831. iiibbb - 12/20/2008 6:20:46 PM

We'll put it up officially next month, but our realtor says she has someone who is looking for exactly what we have. Fingers crossed.

24832. judithathome - 12/20/2008 6:48:31 PM

Well, make sure you tell her that beautiful coffee table you built is NOT part of the deal! ;-)

And congrats to you and your wife...2009 looks like a good year for you both!

24833. wonkers2 - 12/20/2008 6:57:56 PM

iiibb, I hope it works out well for you! Merry Christmas!

24834. Ms. No - 12/20/2008 7:35:13 PM

Congratulations, i3b3, and good luck --- I wholeheartedly agree with your strategy of witholding info until the house is sold.

24835. Ms. No - 12/21/2008 10:51:28 AM

Wheee! I'm four hours into the new volume of the family cookbook. Should've started it a week ago, but it should still turn out okay -- if not quite as visually interesting as the first edition.

24836. David Ehrenstein - 12/21/2008 5:22:57 PM

Merry Christmas!

24837. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/21/2008 6:21:40 PM

Hysterical David--thanks!

24838. David Ehrenstein - 12/22/2008 1:03:22 AM

Lola Heatherton's Christmas Special

24839. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/22/2008 3:08:58 AM

The whole Liberace's Musical Salute to the Holiday clip . . .

24840. judithathome - 12/22/2008 5:46:10 PM

I think I'll live...wouldn't have bet on that outcome over the weekend, though.

God, I hate being sick when there's stuff to be done.

Was cheered considerably by a phone call yesterday from our favorite restauranteur who unfortunately is now residing in New Jersey. (MsNo, do you remember Joe, from the Italian restaurant? The one closer to our house, not the one where we met your folks.)

Anyhow, he called to wish us Happy Holidays and to tell us he's coming to town in 3-4 weeks and he wants to take us out to dinner. I told him I'd rather he'd just move back and cook us dinner every night...ha! I guess if he did that, it would be counter-productive to my weight loss project, though.

24841. magoseph - 12/22/2008 8:01:09 PM

We're stuck here, the three of us, Judith--the weather is abominable--the roads are very dangerous, what with the snow ploughs having a hell of a time to keep them deiced and the fact that, if I fall and break a bone, Flexy’s fate may be one that he absolutely does not want.

How do you feel now?

24842. judithathome - 12/22/2008 10:01:29 PM

Ha! Well, no snow or broken bones, at least!

24843. arkymalarky - 12/22/2008 10:50:59 PM

Hate that y'all have had the crud. I've been decompressing the last couple of days. We've been healthier than usual, except I've been having more migraines for some reason. I'm cringing over the dramatic weather change we're supposed to have tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get a few pretty days with good temps this break.

Went to the Hyundai place Sat and thought about you.

24844. judithathome - 12/22/2008 11:15:10 PM

Yes, it's 28° right now and supposed to get up to 60° tomorrow here. I guess it won't make any difference to me since I'm stuck in the house with this shit, anyhow.

Now I think I'm trying to pass a kidney stone...been healthy all year and everything is hitting me at once the last 2 weeks of 08.

24845. judithathome - 12/22/2008 11:16:31 PM

Speaking of Hyundai, I am loving that car sooo much! Ronnie has a special place in my heart, forever, for fixing us up with that wonderful vehicle!

24846. anomie - 12/23/2008 12:26:55 AM

Glad you like your car, Judith. The Hyundais I've seen look pretty nice too. I saw a new Jag at, of all places, Costco the other day. 44K and it didn't look like much. Cars are steadily losing their distinctive looks across model lines. The new BMW 3-series are downright ugly.

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