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24951. judithathome - 1/21/2009 2:18:48 AM

I will.

24952. magoseph - 1/21/2009 6:36:19 PM

How did it go, Judith?

24953. anomie - 1/21/2009 7:42:37 PM

Judith, it would be great to contact your local folks. Email me. I've lived here for 2 years and don't know a soul closer than California.

24954. magoseph - 1/21/2009 10:38:15 PM

Handome couple

24955. judithathome - 1/22/2009 3:36:24 AM

Ano, send me an email...I thought I had your name under your user name but evidently, I don't.

If you don't have my email, send one to Wabbit and she will forward it...

24956. judithathome - 1/22/2009 5:30:37 AM

Just found what I think is your email...answer back!

24957. magoseph - 1/23/2009 8:30:54 PM

24958. magoseph - 1/23/2009 8:38:56 PM

My younger son is visiting his brother in Wisconsin.

24959. arkymalarky - 1/25/2009 2:18:19 AM

Well, back on dialup. It's not bad if you don't mind not seeing pictures. Netzero calls it highspeed 3G. For only $15 a month it beats satellite and isn't nearly as frustrating. Once Obama implements his rural development plan (! ;->) I'll get that DSL option I've been waiting for for so long, and my world will really change. IN the meantime, people who don't know my cellphone # will probably get a lot of busy signals.

I haven't posted about it in here yet, but I have two exchange students this year. We're going to set up a strict schedule. Right.

24960. arkymalarky - 1/25/2009 2:19:04 AM

Schedule for internet use, that is.

Posting was actually pretty fast, there! And it's fairly close to millennial time in here!

24961. wabbit - 1/25/2009 6:19:57 PM

I don't want to interrupt the flow of the novel, but I thought I'd grab what y'all had written so far and put it together here.

24962. judithathome - 1/25/2009 6:21:23 PM

Yesterday Leslie's daughter and I hosted a get-together at his house...more than 50 people showed up! It was a diverse group and nearly everyone said they were going to do this sort of thing rather than a funeral when their time comes...ha!

Actually, I thought that was one of the nicest compliments...and I think Leslie would have had a good time.

24963. wabbit - 1/25/2009 6:57:48 PM

What a wonderful tribute to Leslie, clearly he was much loved.

24964. arkymalarky - 1/25/2009 8:18:45 PM

Wow, Judith, that's wonderful!

24965. magoseph - 1/26/2009 11:22:17 PM

About Max Macks and from his thread:

Very Sad News About Max
Tabby - Jan 25, 2009 7:51 pm
This was passed on to me from a friend of Eugen's we both have been trying to find him...

I will get the URL of the site he visited.

I'm sad to pass on this news. The following email is from his 'contact' friend. Max has been an active member of CI for a long time, especailly enjoying the games/and camaraderie on This 'n That. We'll miss him. Dear Annie,

I am a friend of Eugen Stech's. I'm sorry to have to tell you that Eugen passed away about a week ago. He was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago with a bad case of pneumonia. Because his lungs were so weakened by his COPD, he was unable to fight off the infection. He was uncomfortable, but not in much pain. He died peacefully on Friday evening, January 16.

He did not want any kind of service, but some of his friends will be gathering on Thursday, January 29 to drink a toast to his life and remember him. If you or his other cyber friends would like to share something, please email it to me and I will bring it to share with the group.

I know how much he appreciated the online friends he made. After he moved out of his apartment, he was never able to get back into the regular communication that he had enjoyed. His online friends were key to helping him to understand and deal with his illness and to keep him from getting isolated. You did him a great service.


24966. wabbit - 1/27/2009 12:19:41 AM

Oh my, that is sad news. I always looked forward to hearing from Max during the Iditarod and Le Tour. His word games were fun, too.

R.I.P Max.

24967. arkymalarky - 1/27/2009 12:34:57 AM

Oh, how sad. He was a truly sweet man.

24968. Snowowl - 1/27/2009 1:30:05 AM

I was just coming to post the news. He really was a sweet mean. I didn't realise he suffered so badly from COPD.

I'm glad to read so many tributes to him and to realise just how well he was liked by so many.

24969. Snowowl - 1/27/2009 1:30:53 AM

mean = man.

There are times I really wish there was an edit function here.

24970. arkymalarky - 1/27/2009 4:36:37 AM

I hate the circumstances, but I'm so glad to see you in here, Snow!

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