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Host: Ms. No, arkymalarky

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3338. judithathome - 6/2/2017 10:16:28 PM


3339. Ms. No - 6/4/2017 3:37:25 AM

I didn't know there was going to be a test!!!

3340. JaH - 6/10/2017 10:08:54 PM

Okay...I finally got in but still can't post in Politics....do ya think it's because I have so much pent up RAGE against Trump? HA!

3341. JaH - 6/10/2017 10:22:58 PM

Okay...I get the post window in every thread but politics.

3342. wabbit - 6/11/2017 12:00:36 AM

I have no idea why that would happen - if AC ever checks in, maybe he will know.

3343. arkymalarky - 6/13/2017 1:21:41 AM

Couldn't get the mote to work on my phone, tossed my cookies, doing okay now

3344. Judith - 8/12/2017 2:23:07 PM

wabbit testing

3345. arkymalarky - 8/12/2017 3:50:03 PM


3346. wabbit - 8/12/2017 5:08:27 PM

Alas, that was me, not JaH, I'm trying to figure out why she can't get in to post.

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