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8155. wabbit - 8/19/2017 10:23:50 PM

Anyone else psyched about the eclipse on Monday? I'll be watching on a computer (while at work, oh well). Thinking of Patsy.

I remember my Dad making a pinhole viewer out of a potato chip can, a pinhole on one end and vellum on the other, pointed toward the sun and all the neighborhood kids in our driveway looking at the eclipse on the vellum. We weren't in the path of totality, but still, pretty cool for little kids in 1963.

Nine years later, we were in MA and doing it all over again in our driveway, teenagers now, but just as fascinated and with the neighborhood in attendance.

I hope parents will do what my Dad did and get the kids excited to see something that doesn't come around in your neck of the woods every year.

Hey Arky, party at your house on April 8, 2024?

8156. arkymalarky - 8/19/2017 11:00:35 PM

It's a date!

Our kids are going outside at 12:45 and we have special glasses for all of them and Moses kids are going as well. I don't know if schools are doing that everywhere, but I think a lot of them are. It would be better for Moses Vantage Point than ours, but that's okay.

8157. wabbit - 8/19/2017 11:33:12 PM

April 8, 2024, it's only 7 years away...I'm down!

8158. Ms. No - 8/20/2017 4:57:10 PM

I'm so there!!

8159. arkymalarky - 8/20/2017 5:12:48 PM

For some reason it just popped into my head, toga toga toga!

8160. arkymalarky - 8/20/2017 5:14:20 PM

Bed sheets are what we all may be wearing by then for variety of reasons oncs Trump gets through with us.

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