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10065. greystoke - 6/27/2010 2:09:39 AM


The driver of the car, later identified as Cano, got out of the car and ran across the highway several times in front of passing vehicles. Dispatchers then started fielding reports that the man was "standing out in the roadway and was wearing no clothes."

Before troopers could arrive, a nude Cano got into a fight with a motorist who had stopped. He then jumped into his own car and started driving east on the highway.

About 17 miles away, Cano "intentionally" rammed a vehicle with a couple from Cheyenne in it. When both vehicles stopped, Cano, still naked, attempted to get into the couple's vehicle. Meanwhile, a woman driving by who saw the crash stopped to help. Cano forced his way into her vehicle and "found a 9mm semi-automatic handgun in the female's vehicle and began firing it from inside the vehicle out the closed windows," the highway patrol said.

Cano fired one round, narrowly missing the female driver. He fired a second round out the side window of the vehicle, and allegedly fired at the vehicle he had rammed, police said. The woman fled her vehicle, from which he was firing shots, on foot.

The couple from Cheyenne, still in their rammed vehicle, tried to drive away from the chaotic scene, but Cano jumped back into his car and began chasing them. He caught up and rammed the couple's vehicle once again, police said.

Still armed with the gun, Cano then drove his own car about three miles down the highway, stopped, got out and lay down naked in the road. At some point the gun jammed.

He then got up and threw an unknown object at a passing vehicle, shattering the driver's window. As a passerby tried to shepherd Cano off the highway, the suspect stabbed the passerby in the leg with an unknown sharp object. Several passing truck drivers and motorists stopped and Cano, now armed with a pipe, began breaking out windows of vehicles. A truck driver suffered cuts at this point, police said.

10066. greystoke - 6/27/2010 2:10:16 AM


10067. greystoke - 6/27/2010 2:12:05 AM

The headline was supposed to be:

Naked Gunman in Wyoming

10068. robertjayb - 6/30/2010 5:05:00 PM

The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

Oh, wait. They are already here..

I must be getting more cynical in my old age. Everytime I hear anything about the suburban Communist spies being rounded up, I think of Graham Greene's "Our Man in Havana."

10069. thoughtful - 7/1/2010 7:23:07 PM

As one commentator said, the US has learned more about how Russian spies operate from this than the spies ever learned in New Jersey!

I mean what were they telling the mother ship? The US public transportation system sucks? They hate their politicians and paying taxes? There are weird savage creatures rumored to be in the Pine Barrens? and there doesn't seem to be anyone who can be both honest and mayor of newark?

10070. iiibbb - 8/8/2010 1:15:56 PM


Through the lens of The Constitution this issue is obvious.

I casually know many Muslims, and they're all very nice... but even I have to wonder sometimes about the Muslims I don't know.

But then I thought about it, and I basically find that I don't trust any groups anymore... political... religious... anyone who's organized.

Have I turned into an anarchist?

10071. arkymalarky - 8/8/2010 8:21:50 PM

Sounds like you've turned into my husband and lots of other people I know, and myself to a large degree.

10072. wabbit - 9/4/2010 3:29:21 PM

Here's hoping Snow Owl and AC's family's are all safe and far away from the quake zone.

...Christchurch and its neighboring small towns bore the full force of the quake, which brought down power lines and bridges and wrecked roads and building facades. However, no deaths and only two injuries were reported...

10073. judithathome - 9/7/2010 11:38:43 PM

SnowOwl is fine...slept through it, in fact. Plus was across the country from where it struck.

10074. greystoke - 9/10/2010 1:38:52 AM

Pastor Claims to Have Stopped Ground Zero Mosque

This Pastor Jones is quite the piece of work. Why would anyone make a deal with him? What's to stop someone else from burning a Koran? Its not like he is the only person who can do it.

This whole situation is absurd. I have nothing against Moslems or any other religion, but I think Pastor Jones should proceed with the burning. In fact burn some Korans every day. Maybe Moslems could retaliate by burning Bibles and Torahs.

Its the threat of burning that put this in the news every day. If it happened, and happened repeatedly then it would no longer be a big deal.

10075. greystoke - 9/11/2010 12:35:50 AM

This guy already burned a Koran in Nov 2006, where were his headlines?

I think we will see a lot of this tomorrow. I wonder if Barnes & Noble has enough copies to go around ...

10076. vonKreedon - 9/17/2010 5:07:25 PM

Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert's "competing rallies:
Stewart: Rally to Restore Sanity
Colbert: Keep Fear Alive

10077. iiibbb - 9/17/2010 10:19:08 PM

I'm seriously considering going.

10078. arkymalarky - 9/18/2010 3:20:39 AM

Wish I could.

10079. iiibbb - 9/22/2010 3:10:40 AM

I feel I'd rather praise this father than demand an apology from him.

10080. vonKreedon - 10/13/2010 9:55:08 PM

Kudos to the Chilean government for a very well managed rescue of the trapped miners. The level of detail in the planning is something to be studied by project management students.

10081. judithathome - 10/19/2010 9:12:28 PM

I only glanced at the news stories...thought I saw a Texas flag on the rescue capsule...was that correct?

10082. vonKreedon - 10/20/2010 5:00:22 PM

The Chilean flag:

and the Texan flag:

are very similar.

10083. robertjayb - 10/21/2010 8:17:07 PM

So similar that one Texas county put the Chilean flag on electon materials prepared for early voting.

10084. arkymalarky - 10/21/2010 10:04:26 PM

ROBERT!! Howya been?

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