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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10085 - 10104 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10085. judithathome - 1/8/2011 11:59:54 PM

Take a look at this article:


Guess who was shot today in Phoenix?

10086. judithathome - 1/9/2011 12:00:22 AM

Sorry, I've forgotten how to link these things....

10087. anomie - 1/9/2011 1:41:59 AM

And I'm reminded of our own Sharon Angle's "Second amendment solutions" comment. The nuts!

10088. judithathome - 1/13/2011 3:10:59 AM

Sarah Palin's "blood libel" remark should be the final nail.

10089. iiibbb - 1/13/2011 4:13:54 AM

I hate Palin.

I agree with her that she's got nothing to do with this incident.

That doesn't absolve her rhetoric.

If she did have nothing to do with it, why did she feel the need to do an 8-minute response?

10090. arkymalarky - 1/13/2011 4:43:05 AM

She seems to think it's all about her. I think Judith's right.

10091. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 4:49:39 AM

Well there goes my weeknight lineup. I may just quit msnbc.

10092. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:37:47 PM

Hmm. Nine more posts about Keith would get to a millenial.

10093. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:38:50 PM


10094. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:39:22 PM


10095. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:40:08 PM


10096. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:40:41 PM


10097. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:41:55 PM


10098. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:42:49 PM


10099. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:44:51 PM


10100. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:45:10 PM


10101. arkymalarky - 1/22/2011 6:47:29 PM

Hard to do on a phone in the country. The preceding millenial is dedicated to the memory of Countdown.

10102. wabbit - 1/23/2011 3:55:25 AM

Hooray Arky!! Two good ones in a row!

10103. arkymalarky - 1/23/2011 8:53:34 PM

Ha! Just noticed that wasn't a milennial!

10104. judithathome - 1/23/2011 11:55:36 PM

I wasn't going to say anything....however, I do admire your tenacity!

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