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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10165 - 10185 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10165. judithathome - 12/6/2011 2:04:33 AM

Standard & Poor's said Monday that it placed 15 members of the euro currency union on review for a possible downgrade as the debt crisis in the eurozone continues to worsen.

The blanket warning applies to AAA-rated nations such as Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Luxembourg, the U.S.-based credit rating agency said in a press release.

But the review does not change anything for two members of the 17 nation monetary and currency union. Greece's credit rating currently reflects a high risk of default, and Cyprus was already under review.

S&P said the review was prompted "by our belief that systemic stresses in the eurozone have risen in recent weeks to the extent that they now put downward pressure on the credit standing of the eurozone as a whole."

10166. judithathome - 12/6/2011 2:06:14 AM

Hey....wake up, USA...we are in the "effed" zone now!

10167. judithathome - 12/16/2011 7:59:52 PM

Christopher Hitchens, RIP

I loved Christopher Hitchens...didn't always agree with him but he, like William F. Buckley before him, was ALWAYS a delightful read no matter what he was saying.

He was quick-witted and erudite and I'm sure had he ended up in heaven, he'd have voluntarily exited to be in hell.

10168. iiibbb - 12/17/2011 5:27:52 AM

I am really disappointed with my favorite store

10169. judithathome - 12/17/2011 7:14:20 PM

I am, too...which is why I cut up my card and sent it to their corporate headquarters along with a note that said I'd come back to their store when they came to their senses.

10170. judithathome - 12/19/2011 9:11:36 PM

I heard a joke today...Hitchens and Havel got to pick the third person to die and they chose the Korean guy....

10171. judithathome - 12/19/2011 11:28:55 PM

Granted, this is an "iffy" site but even so, it's scary:

Tests Set Off By North Korea After Kim Jong Il's Death

10172. thoughtful - 12/23/2011 5:54:30 AM

In case you missed it, they won't be making CDs after 2012. That may not be a big deal for you young 'uns, but for an oldster like me who plans on getting at least another 10 years out of her car, it matters. CDs are the only way to get music into the thing so I'm prepping now. I just bought some Dan Fogelberg and need to get some Cat Stevens yet.

If you've not heard Wysteria, it's worth a listen....don't know how to embed the video on the iPad. So sorry for the awkward link.

Dan Fogelberg's Wysteria

10173. arkymalarky - 12/23/2011 6:24:45 AM

You can get mp3 and other music playersxthat will plug into your car outlet and go thru your speakers

10174. arkymalarky - 12/23/2011 6:25:33 AM

My brother, no joke, idolizes dan fogelberg

10175. arkymalarky - 12/23/2011 6:39:48 AM

Stan informs me I am wrong, but I would check with radio shack because I think he is wrong.

10176. wabbit - 12/23/2011 6:11:54 PM

Soundfly aux. MP3 player - sorry Stan. ;)

I'm sure others are available.

10177. judithathome - 12/23/2011 9:33:56 PM

Jeez....CDs are going the way of 8 tracks? How long before DVDs are trashed because you can get the movies directly to your computer or phone?

So new cars are going to be equipped with....what? Radios and what?

I know I'm old now...I just hate all these gizmos people are plugged into and the way written communication is all 156 letters and OMG! and LOL! and spelling correctly has fallen to the wayside in favor of "fonetic spllng".

(Of course, I misspell as much as anyone and so you'd think I'd be all for THAT!)

10178. arkymalarky - 12/24/2011 1:45:19 AM

Mp3s and ipods hold so much more and are smaller and editable. I bought a 1" sq shuffle and love it. Load whatever i want and go. If i can keep it out if the washing machine.

And having started here and having taught english 30 years, i love the new media, its broadness, flexibility and universality.

10179. arkymalarky - 12/24/2011 1:48:23 AM

And for rural folks like us smartphones are a huge help. I've given up on regular internet for now.

10180. thoughtful - 12/24/2011 3:17:02 AM

The problem with all this technology is that it requires work. I like being able to flip "on" and get music. No fuss, no muss.

I have a shuffle and while it's great for listening to podcasts while I'm walking, it does require recharging and adding and deleting files ... but at least you can subscribe to the podcasts so refills are minimal effort.

Loading an ipod requires $$ and time and effort I'm not willing to give.

One of the best things the internet has brought is itunes radio which requires no effort but allows for more selected offerings to listen to for free. Wonderful.

10181. arkymalarky - 12/24/2011 5:45:44 AM

A lot if what you can load is your own cds, totally free and legal. A shuffle has no features, really, just the ease of loading and carrying your music.

10182. arkymalarky - 12/24/2011 5:48:23 AM

If you have a pc a shuffle and cds you should be good to go. Just put your cds into your pc itunes and select what goes into your shuffle.

10184. judithathome - 12/24/2011 10:43:45 PM

How odd...the front page shows 10183 posts with the last one being from Magoseph...what happened to her post?

10185. arkymalarky - 12/25/2011 2:05:45 AM

That happens sometimes when someone looks in and hits sonething--i forget what--without actually posting.

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