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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10288 - 10307 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10288. vonKreedon - 5/14/2012 9:33:43 PM

I had a cat that I hitch-hiked with all over the NE. She was fine with the hitch-hiking and getting in and out of cars, but the one time I took on the Boston subway she pissed all over me.

10289. arkymalarky - 5/14/2012 10:52:07 PM

The end of the talent show was when Romney drove by and offered Pudsy a ride.

10290. arkymalarky - 5/14/2012 10:53:53 PM

When I was a kid a stray cat got in an open window and crapped in our toaster when my mom tried to chase him out. Breakfast was never quite the same after that.

10291. concerned - 5/23/2012 5:10:37 PM

Man Arrested for OWI with Zebra, Parrot in Front Seat of Truck

Apparently, this is a 'baby' zebra. I missed in the interview if the zebra was actually ever in the front seat. I question whether, even if you could cram a several hundred pound horselike animal into the front seat of any vehicle that it would be safe to drive. Also, I question the wisdom of taking a large, admittedly unfriendly parrot under no restraint into a public area. Might bite somebody's finger off. Not sure I'd appreciate a bird spraying feces into my dinner platter, either.

10292. Wombat - 5/23/2012 6:29:04 PM

Give it a cracker...

10293. vonKreedon - 5/23/2012 6:56:42 PM

One day a cop is sitting in his car by the side of the road and a pick-up drives by and the bed is full of penguins. The cop flips on the lights and siren, and pulls the driver over. He walks up and asks the driver about the penguins.
"Well officer, they were all clustered together by the side of the road, so I stopped and they all just jumped right in the back, so I figured I'd take the them home and watch a movie, maybe March of the Emperors or something."

The cop tells him that he can't take them to watch movies, he needs to take them to the zoo pronto. The driver says that that sounds like good idea and drives off.

Stop me if you've heard this before.

So, the next day the cop is back in his spot by the side of the road and the pick-up drives by again with the bed full of penguins wearing sunglasses.

The cop stops the car and asks the driver what the hell he thinks he's doing with the penguins.

"Well officer, I took them to the zoo like you said and they liked that a lot, so today we're going to the beach."

10294. Wombat - 5/23/2012 9:08:30 PM


10295. judithathome - 6/1/2012 9:28:31 PM

Read this on another forum:

"Zimmerman's bail has been revoked -- he had undeclared money and a passport that he forgot to mention he picked up two weeks after the shooting. Guess they finally got around to listening to his taped jail conversations with his wife in which they spoke in code about moving money around and the passport in the safe deposit box."

Story Here

The Zimmermans claimed they were broke, but they actually had collected about $135,000 in a PayPal account they set up to solicit contributions. Before it was closed, they collected $200,000, his attorney later revealed.

I'm astonished that many people contributed that much money to this guy....

10296. vonKreedon - 6/1/2012 10:10:59 PM

Why? The evidence as it's dribbled out is quite a different story than the initial rush to judgement told. Zimmerman was obviously in a fight with Martin, a fight that from the physical evidence Zimmerman was losing badly. The evidence as I understand it now says to me that Martin confronted Zimmerman and for unknown reasons attacked him, knocked him to the ground, sat on top of Zimmerman and knocked his head against the ground before Zimmerman shot him.

So, I can see people legitimately giving money for Zimmerman's defense, believing that he was being railroaded. I disagree with the railroaded part of the equation, I continue to believe that the initial refusal of the local DA to investigate was just wrong, but I understand the impulse to resist railroading.

10297. judithathome - 6/1/2012 11:16:58 PM

Well, I have seen nothing that convinces me that the man is innocent. He could have defended himself without killing the kid, period.

Not to mention he had no business following him with a gun in the first place.

So you're saying the fact he lied to the judge and claimed to be destitute has no bearing on how you view his story?

Usually when a person lies to a judge it, at the very least, calls into question how truthful he is about other aspects of his story.

It does for me, anyhow.

10298. arkymalarky - 6/1/2012 11:21:25 PM

Your assessment of the evidence is way different from mine. He was on the phone following Martin after being told not to. He shot and killed an unarmed teen whom he was pursuing without reason. Nothing would have happened had Zimmerman not acted improperly with an unarmed stranger. Whether people can justify helping his defense, people waste their money on all kinds of crap. But there's zero indication he needed monetary help with his defense.

10299. concerned - 6/1/2012 11:22:03 PM

Not to mention he had no business following him with a gun in the first place.

Just curious, JAH -

If you were George Zimmerman, what would you have done with the gun?

And if Martin was on top of you beating you to a bloody pulp, please explain to us what you would have done to defend yourself. Nothing? I don't think so.

10300. arkymalarky - 6/1/2012 11:22:06 PM

That was to vk

10301. arkymalarky - 6/1/2012 11:25:13 PM

You must be kidding. If any of us were Zimmerman we wouldn't have done what he did from start to finish. What would you have done had you been Martin? Would Martin have been guilty had he killed Zimmerman? We're someone stalking my teen son with a gun I'd hope my son got the best of him whatever it took.

10302. judithathome - 6/1/2012 11:25:51 PM

Con'd, what I would have done is what the 911 operator suggested I do...leave the kid alone.

That would have avoided the entire episode...he wouldn't have (allegedly) beaten me to a bloody pulp because I wouldn't have been following him with a concealed weapon in my possession.

10303. arkymalarky - 6/1/2012 11:25:55 PM

We're someone stalking...

10304. arkymalarky - 6/1/2012 11:27:36 PM

Dammit I HATE autocorrect!!


10305. concerned - 6/1/2012 11:29:58 PM

So, let me get this straight - you're saying by the time Martin attacked Zimmerman, Zimmerman had legally forfeited his right to self defense because he 'stalked' Martin longer than some specified length of time?

Is that what you're saying?

10306. arkymalarky - 6/1/2012 11:44:17 PM

In a word? Yes!

You try to come at my home or my person as a dangerous aggressor with a loaded gun and in the course of defending myself I have the advantage I will do what it takes to remove the threat. By your actions you forfeited legal protection for "self-defense."

Do you mean to tell me you're one of those weak kneed liberals who thinks a burglar should be able to sue the homeowner for tripping over his carpet and breaking his nose?

10307. concerned - 6/1/2012 11:59:37 PM

You sound close to supporting 'stand your groundism' in the case you propose for the homeowner, arky.

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