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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10349 - 10368 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10349. arkymalarky - 6/3/2012 2:15:31 PM

And no, that was not the mission. Why don't you bother with getting the facts before you read the far right screeching interpretation of them?

10350. judithathome - 6/3/2012 4:44:30 PM

You are just not temperamentally suited to an objective interpretation of law, Arky. You are obviously 100% non judgmental of who you like and totally dismissive of who you don't like.

...followed by this:

What is it with this 'cannibalfest'? We have at least 3 in the news now - all clearly Left leaning, btw

...almost made me spilt my stitches! Talk about unaware!!!

10351. Wombat - 6/3/2012 6:06:20 PM

Concerned is seeking to provoke...

10352. judithathome - 6/3/2012 7:29:36 PM

...and succeeding!

10353. arkymalarky - 6/3/2012 9:22:28 PM

That's what makes him so funny Wombat!

10354. concerned - 6/4/2012 9:32:17 PM

And no, that was not the mission.

Yes it was. Leon Panetta admitted that the assault team had authority to kill bin Laden 'if he didn't throw his hands up', which made it tantamount to an assassination.

10355. concerned - 6/4/2012 9:39:46 PM

Leon Panetta says he was told bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot in the head.

That settles it for me. Assassination.

10356. vonKreedon - 6/4/2012 9:55:29 PM

Well, I'm very much in favor of such assassinations; I wish that we'd do much less killing of AQ leaders with missiles and bombs and a lot more by SpecOps guys on the ground. There's more control of the violence and who gets killed with guys on the ground, plus all the intel we get from being able to take things from the people/grounds.

I do not believe that you really oppose the killing of ObL, just that it was done on Obama's authority.

10357. concerned - 6/4/2012 10:29:51 PM

I had no problem with Bush not having Saddam killed, and I happen to believe that if the US takes it upon itself to assassinate foreign nationals that this increases the likelihood of some of them repaying US officials in kind.

Then there is the matter of Gerals Ford's executive order prohibiting assassinations. What of that?

Plus capturing bin Laden alive and handing him over to the Afghani government in the way that things were handled with Iraq would tend to increase the authority of the Afghani government which could then try bin Laden according to its own laws.

Instead the 0bama administration acted in the way that you Lefties were so fond of accusing the Bush Administration of - like 'cowboys' and 'vigilantes'.

Perhaps this will make my position more clear to you.

10358. arkymalarky - 6/4/2012 10:56:09 PM

You're still wrong about the mission cond

10359. Wombat - 6/4/2012 11:19:38 PM

There is no f---ing way this country would have tolerated handing OBL over to the Afghans. One of the many differences between OBL and Saddam is that OBL was directly responsible for the deaths of American citizens on American soil. Furthermore, at very least, your Republican friends would have had an unholy, raving shitfit (and you along with them). Talk about Obama being weak, etc., yadda yadda.

There appears to be literally no depth that you are not capable of sinking to in your derangement about Obama. Beneath all your "crocodile tears," your only regret is that George Bush had more important priorities (such as invading Iraq) to bother with OBL, despite his "get him dead or alive" blustering.

I doubt that anyone on this site would have come out with the crap you've been posting, had OBL met his end during the Bush administration. I sure as hell wouldn't have.

10360. arkymalarky - 6/5/2012 2:37:53 AM

Wombat, don't you remember how Con'd got so indignant about Bush's "dead or alive" remark, and all his posts calling for due process? I'm sure they're in the archives.

10361. Wombat - 6/5/2012 2:23:55 PM

Arky. No I don't, and I spent way more time in the archives than was remotely productive. If chooses, he can produce it, and I will apologize for an instance of principle in a mass of partisan outrage snd intellectual dishonesty.

10362. arkymalarky - 6/5/2012 3:33:50 PM

I was being sarcastic

10363. Wombat - 6/5/2012 4:37:51 PM


10364. judithathome - 6/5/2012 5:45:11 PM

We all know exactly how Con'd would have celebrated had Bush followed through on his "dead" part of the hollow boast he made back in the day...we'd have had fifty plus celebratory posts, almost dripping with gleeful spittle.

10365. concerned - 6/5/2012 10:25:51 PM

Re 10359 -

I would certainly have noted the inconsistency if Bush would have assassinated bin Laden and not Saddam.

I remember a couple of Lefties who would have gleefully savaged Bush for years on end if he had assassinated bin Laden the way 0bama did (like JadeSphincter and Clueless-Cliff). And Wombat and JAH wouldn't have made a peep of criticism about 'partisan outrage and intellectual dishonesty' if they had which pretty much neutralizes all Wombat's frothing in the here and now.

10366. judithathome - 7/20/2012 6:39:31 PM

Congratulations, NRA...your beliefs in action!

Nutcase kills 12, injures over 50 at Batman movie in Aurora CO...

Don't tell me the lax gun laws aren't to blame....

10367. concerned - 7/21/2012 10:33:59 AM

And Brian Ross of ABC News misidentified the gunman, James Holmes, age 24 as James Holmes, age 52, of the Colorado Tea Party Patriots.

The MSM has sunk to the point where all they need is a name tied to a political affiliation they oppose and they are willing to smear that individual with any crime or wrongdoing whatsoever. Forget requiring corroborating evidence. Forget even cursory checking - the MSM has devolved into a tool of the Democrat Party that has no conscience, ethics nor honesty.

I hope James Holmes, age 52, sues ABC News for slander to the tune of a huge settlement.

I think 'gun laws' are a small part of the picture. This kind of nut would have obtained guns regardless of the laws.

10368. concerned - 7/21/2012 10:46:09 AM

James Holmes the shooter was a university student who dyed his hair green to more closely resemble the Joker, and clearly had problems distinguishing reality from fantasy - such behavior *is* much more associated with a particular political party.

It should come as no surprise that the large majority of armed offenses are committed by Left leaning perpetrators. For instance, about 98% of all inner city gun violence. Maybe we should pass laws preventing people who vote Democrat from possessing firearms? (that was tongue in cheek, JAH, so please unflip your lid).

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