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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10378 - 10397 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10378. concerned - 7/22/2012 6:44:39 AM

Re. 10376 -

They haven't been repudiated by OWSers at all - in fact the OWS website briefly claimed James Holmes as probably one of their own.

'Repudiation' means little or nothing anyway in this context - Trotskyites and Stalinists repudiated each other to the point of internecine warfare but they were barely different from each other as a whole.

10379. concerned - 7/22/2012 6:47:00 AM

Shiites and Sunnis repudiate each other to the point of saying the other group are not even Muslims, but they are far more similar than different religiously.

So much for 'repudiation'.

10380. concerned - 7/22/2012 6:48:33 AM

10381. concerned - 7/22/2012 6:52:46 AM

We all know exactly how Con'd would have celebrated had Bush followed through on his "dead" part of the hollow boast he made back in the day...we'd have had fifty plus celebratory posts, almost dripping with gleeful spittle.

No, I would not have wanted Bush to handle bin Laden much differently than he did Saddam, and I believe he wouldn't have. If Bush had called an assassination attempt on bin Laden, I would have thought less of him.

Sorry, JAH - I'm just don't go for the depraved kneejerk hypocrisy that LWers wallow in .

10382. concerned - 7/22/2012 6:58:09 AM

According to themselves, Nazis are socialists. They used the Soviet swastika, red and black socialist flag color scheme and American Socialist salute. Nazis are statists requiring total government control of the private sector - much like what 0bama wants. Left Wing to the core.

Wombat - another Lefty without the intellectual capital to buy a clue. I'd say 0bama is much closer to Naziism politically than the average American.

10383. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:01:19 AM

Notice I didn't say 0bama was a Nazi per se, but neither was Hitler in WWI - then he leaned Communist.

Btw, I've got a Lenin era 1000 ruble note with the identical swastika the Nazis used - both proportions and angle exactly the same.

10384. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:10:50 AM

Here's a closeup of the Soviet swastika on a 250 ruble note of the time:

Nothing right wing about the Nazi swastika.

10385. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:15:08 AM

Ultimately, socialism by its very nature promotes nationalism (a source of power to grasping socialist despots), so there's no discrepancy in any way between 'national socialism' and the Left. It IS the Left.

10386. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:30:52 AM

Thanks to ABC News's Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos, James Holmes the 52 year old Tea Partier has received death threats from Leftards.

I hope the 52 year old James Holmes initiates a massive lawsuit against ABC News, Brian Ross and George Stephanopolous. They deserve it.

Dan Rather lost his job for less.

10387. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:46:22 AM

Aurara CO police are now looking for a second 'person of interest' in the Holmes murders who made a call threatening violence if Holmes wasn't released from custody.

Only a Lefty would be that stoopid. More proof that Leftism is a mental disease.

10388. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:47:50 AM


10389. concerned - 7/22/2012 7:54:26 AM

Why isn't scumbag Brian Ross right on this, naming names? Maybe because he couldn't find a Yoem Pyo Lee in the Tea Party maybe?

10390. Wombat - 7/22/2012 4:58:30 PM

I'd like the source of that banknote, Concerned. I don't see the Soviets putting imperial symbols on their currency, somehow.

10391. judithathome - 7/22/2012 6:18:55 PM

If Bush had called an assassination attempt on bin Laden, I would have thought less of him.

HE DID, dipshit...what do you think "dead or alive!" meant?

Bush Vows To Get Bin Laden Dead or Alive

10392. iiibbb - 7/23/2012 3:16:46 PM


I won't say the state of gun control in this country isn't a factor in his use of guns to cause his mayhem. Obviously a sleep nutcase can get access to guns.

But, I've always maintained that there is no gun law that would prevent a nutcase of this kind from creating a tragedy.

I'd still rather keep the right to arm myself against agents of mayhem, or even standard violent criminals, than give up that right in the name of preventing tragedies that can't be prevented.

All of the "common sense" gun laws on the table, including the reinstatement of the so-called assault weapons ban, would not have created a condition where this guy couldn't have armed himself. Licensing -- might have -- since I just heard a report that he tried to join a gun club and his interactions were them were strange enough that they were going to deny him membership/access to their premises; so he was throwing off some kind of vibe over the past 3 months that might have been caught by an interview process.

I've never been against licensing, but I've always held that it can't be a token license--- in order to get someone like me to agree to it, it would have to mean something -- specifically, that I could carry a weapon in any manner of my choosing, in any location of my choosing, without having to deal with the mosaic of laws and regulations from state to state, and municipality to municipality. The mantra of licensing is treat guns like cars... and I agree -- but a license means I can drive everywhere.

It is a horrible tragedy. Things like this are going to happen in a free society... either by gun, propane bomb, mass poisoning, etc.

10393. vonKreedon - 7/23/2012 4:55:19 PM

I pretty much agree with i3b3, we shouldn't try to outlaw and confiscate guns, but we should register guns and license owners. However I don't hold quite as firmly to the car analogy as he seems to, I'm happy to have some differences between states and localities. Also, just because you have a drivers license does not mean you can drive into a movie theater, or even on the sidewalk.

The thing about guns versus other means of killing people is that it is very easy and effective. I know how to shoot a gun at people, I don't know how to rig a propane bomb. Yes, I can probably find out on the internet how to rig a propane bomb, but I'd have to try it somewhere to know if it's going to work; I can go to Wade's gun shop and use their firing range to find out how to operate an AR-15.

10394. vonKreedon - 7/23/2012 4:57:12 PM

Con says - "'Repudiation' means little or nothing anyway in this context - Trotskyites and Stalinists repudiated each other to the point of internecine warfare but they were barely different from each other as a whole."

Well that's an easy out, should I take that the next time some conservative group repudiates something one of their members says? But really, the repudiation was specifically about the violent tactics that the five arrested wanted the Cleveland OWS to take on, so yeah the OWS repudiated terrorism.

10395. iiibbb - 7/24/2012 12:23:08 AM

The treat guns like cars mantra comes from the gun control proponents.

As far as licensing, if you want gun owners to concede their current freedom, licensing and regitration has to give something back... what would make it palletable to me is a smoothing out of the mosaic of restrictions that can be very inconvenient to anyone actually trying to follow the law.

As a for instance, we just moved to NY. I had to find a way to stable my couple of handguns because there is no legal way for me to move here with them in my possession, and licensing can tak 6 to 18 months.

You think a criminal or psychopath gives a shit about that?

The law only inhibits the law abiding.

10396. vonKreedon - 7/24/2012 3:29:08 AM

The law does not only inhibit the law abiding, it makes it more expensive and risky for the outlaws.

10397. iiibbb - 7/24/2012 3:42:36 AM

The treat guns like cars mantra comes from the gun control proponents.

As far as licensing, if you want gun owners to concede their current freedom, licensing and regitration has to give something back... what would make it palletable to me is a smoothing out of the mosaic of restrictions that can be very inconvenient to anyone actually trying to follow the law.

As a for instance, we just moved to NY. I had to find a way to stable my couple of handguns because there is no legal way for me to move here with them in my possession, and licensing can tak 6 to 18 months.

You think a criminal or psychopath gives a shit about that?

The law only inhibits the law abiding.

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