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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10403 - 10422 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10403. iiibbb - 7/24/2012 6:37:25 PM

a) licensing and registration, where it exists, is very expensive and do not treat gun owners particularly well (Illinois is almost a gotcha state in terms of regulation). If society wants it to exist more broadly it would have to be cheaper and less Byzantine.

b) licensing and registration would have to mean something. It would actually have to convey some authority to the holder - in particular freedom from harassment by overzealous law enforcement. People who are genuinely trying to follow the law shouldn't be raked across the coals (so to speak)

c) places where guns are restricted should have the capacity to locker them while a gun owner conducts their business (police check weapons when they enter court houses).

10404. Wombat - 7/25/2012 3:06:02 PM


Do you seriously beilieve what you have written below?

"According to themselves, Nazis are socialists. They used the Soviet swastika, red and black socialist flag color scheme and American Socialist salute. Nazis are statists requiring total government control of the private sector - much like what 0bama wants. Left Wing to the core.

Wombat - another Lefty without the intellectual capital to buy a clue. I'd say 0bama is much closer to Naziism politically than the average American."

I'd be interested in your sourcing for your statements in the first paragraph.

10405. judithathome - 7/25/2012 7:41:04 PM

American socialist salutes? Are you serious?

Where do you think the American socialists GOT those salutes?

10406. vonKreedon - 7/25/2012 7:54:01 PM

So were the Nazis Hindu? Are the Hindu's Nazis? Is the Hindu religion inherently communist? I'm so confused.

10407. Wombat - 7/25/2012 8:19:50 PM

It's Concerned's unified theory of politico-religious affiliation. All religions/ideologies are "leftist" except for his...

Waiting for an answer to my question about sourcing. Don't make me do the research for you...

10408. vonKreedon - 7/25/2012 8:26:17 PM

Yeah, the Russian Imperial Eagle does seem an unlikely choice for Leninist money.

10409. concerned - 7/26/2012 7:11:32 PM

RE. 10404 -

I've already sourced this information in this forum in the past, perhaps multiple times so.

And of course, Occam's Razor says it's vanishingly improbable to be coincidence that the German National Socialists adopted both the American Socialist Party salute AND the provisional Soviet Government's swastika.

10410. concerned - 7/26/2012 7:12:59 PM

Re. 10408 -

It has been definitively established that scrip showing both the swastika and the Russian Imperial eagle was never issued while the Czars were in power.

10411. concerned - 7/26/2012 7:13:52 PM

HE DID, dipshit...what do you think "dead or alive!" meant?

'Alive' is not assassination, regardless of what you think.

10412. concerned - 7/26/2012 7:27:48 PM

There's nothing right wing about the Nazis - in fact the Nazi Party was popular among Leftists internationally during the 1930's until Germany began its military aggression. And who doesn't recall a well regarded (by Lefties) poster in the Mote who thought fascism was still a pretty a good idea a few years back? Then we have 0bama with his distinctly fascist Big Brother ideas. Face it. The Left owns fascism.

Note to Lefties: You can't get away with arbitrarily embracing Naziism as being part of your ideological brotherhood and then turn on a dime and assign them as 'right wing' (when they, btw, have none of the right wing's characteristics) simply because you decide you don't like them any more. Sheesh.

10413. concerned - 7/26/2012 7:37:28 PM

Where do you think the American socialists GOT those salutes?

From a Socialist, Francis Bellamy, in 1892, who recommended it for US school children. You could have looked this up yourself, you know, rather than asking such an ignorant question.

10414. Wombat - 7/26/2012 8:11:50 PM

So I guess Concerned will no longer be saying the Pledge of Allegiance, since Bellamy also wrote that. Darned Socialist...

10415. Wombat - 7/26/2012 8:20:06 PM

If the neonazi and holocaust-denying web-site where I found the currency is to be believed, the scrip was issued after the Czar abdicated but before the October Revolution. You do know there were two revolutions in Russia, Concerned?

Also, I must say that using a neonazi and holocaust-denying web site as a source for anything having to do the Nazis and their relationship to socialism is a new low for you, Concerned.

10416. judithathome - 7/26/2012 8:36:43 PM

You could have looked this up yourself, you know, rather than asking such an ignorant question.

And you might have noticed that your guy was the same one who wrote the Pledge.

Ignorant is as ignorant does, buddyboy.

10417. Wombat - 7/26/2012 9:04:30 PM

According to the Wikipedia, the origins of the umm... "socialist" salute may go as far back as Rome, but its first recorded use was during the French Revolution.

Concerned, when you get up every morning, do you look in the mirror and ask yourself "how am I going to demonstrate my profound ignorance and stupidity today?"

10418. vonKreedon - 7/26/2012 9:13:42 PM

Bellamy didn't really write the pledge, I mean his version didn't even have "under God" in it. Damned Socialist...

10419. Wombat - 7/26/2012 9:32:52 PM

Here's the web-site which Concerned appears to have used as his authority on the relationship between Nazis and Socialists. You might need to fumigate your computer afterwards...


10420. concerned - 7/26/2012 9:34:39 PM

And you might have noticed that your guy was the same one who wrote the Pledge.

That's an irrelevancy wrt my point, so I didn't want to confuse small minds with it.

10421. concerned - 7/26/2012 9:35:21 PM

Re. 10419 -

Facts are inconvenient things, sometimes.

10422. concerned - 7/26/2012 9:37:05 PM

re. 10418 -

Bellamy wanted his pledge to have international application, so there was no reference to the USA in it either - as a good Socialist he wanted to encourage nationalism which nurtures socialism.

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