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10431. concerned - 7/27/2012 10:33:54 PM

FWIW, when I did check his site a while back, I found it interesting. He certainly deals with information that a lot of people wouldn't want to talk about, which is a pity, since an open discussion of his information and claims should clarify which parts are truthful and which are not. And I am not talking about merely taking cheap shots at his credibility.

10432. Wombat - 7/27/2012 10:56:02 PM

Most of Concerned's information seems to originate with Rex Curry.

10433. Wombat - 7/28/2012 12:26:46 AM

Here's Curry on Franklin Roosevelt:

"The USA’s worst president, the socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt, imposed national socialism in the U.S., along with socialist slave numbers (social security) in 1935 as a workers program for Roosevelt’s vision of the industrial army that coincided with similar numbering programs of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. During that time children in government-schools were required by law to salute the flag with the straight-armed salute in military formation daily on the ring of a government bell, like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state."

10434. Wombat - 7/28/2012 12:30:50 AM

I've looked over Curry's website, and he seems to base his assertions on his own--uncorroborated--"research." I can see why this would appeal to Concerned.

10435. concerned - 7/28/2012 12:52:24 AM

Most of Concerned's information seems to originate with Rex Curry.

'Seems to'? Pot calling kettle black much here?

Fact is, I've got nothing from that site in any posting during the last several months, at least.

10436. concerned - 7/28/2012 12:55:14 AM

I agree that FDR was one of the worst presidents in history, as would any coherently thinking person. He deserves the lions share of blame for the persistence of the Great Depression all through the '30's with his anti-capitalistic policies when virtually the entire rest of the world except the USSR which was a real Socialist hell-hole had recovered by mid-decade.

10437. Wombat - 7/28/2012 1:41:53 AM

We've been over this before, you know. Roosevelt was concerned about running up deficit spending, so he cut back on stimulating the economy, and the recovery slowed...

What do you think of "Socialist Slave Numbers?"

10438. concerned - 7/28/2012 4:00:15 AM

Definitely over the top. I don't see any problem, and some obvious advantages with adults having SSNs.

OTOH, I would draw the line at mandatory RFID implantations.

10439. iiibbb - 7/30/2012 1:53:32 PM

Romney says we should protect Israel from nuclear attack

A preemptive "Yes".

But what I don't get is why people think the threat of a nuclear strike against what is as holy a city for Islam as it is for Judaism or Christianity.

Nuking Israel doesn't make it useful to Palestinians either.

I really don't get the "eminent threat" of it.

10440. Wombat - 7/30/2012 3:13:39 PM

There isn't an imminent threat...yet. I would have thought that our recent experience with "preventative" wars (Iraq), would make us reluctant to engage in another one in the Middle East at this time.

10441. iiibbb - 8/1/2012 12:36:07 PM

Apple Samsung court battle should be on everyone's radar. It skirts the fringes of patent law. I am rooting for Samsung; but the presiding judge seems to favor Apple. I don't see the iPhone as that unique... well unique for a phone, but not for a PDA.

10442. arkymalarky - 8/1/2012 3:10:29 PM

You're right. It's unique for its lack of crapware, and tho Stan's Samsung was a pos I liked my Motorola droid better than my iPhone.

10443. arkymalarky - 8/1/2012 3:13:12 PM

I will stay iPhone tho, until google and Verizon quit stuffing as much shit as they can into their droids. At least iPhone lets you turn everything off without jail breaking.

And iPhone's keyboard sucks. The buttons are fine, but the rest is way worse than droid.

10444. arkymalarky - 8/1/2012 3:15:23 PM

And don't even get me started on iPhones sucky gps. The update is supposed to improve that and Siri . Siri is a great idea, but it needs full access to the phone and to run without 3G.

10445. vonKreedon - 8/1/2012 3:46:21 PM

I really like my WinPhone.

10446. iiibbb - 8/1/2012 4:42:07 PM

Which product is superior is market question. I like my HTC droid in spite of the crapware (which has been quarantined without jailbraking -- I'm told this is an advantage of HTC's memory management). Apple is really nice on battery life.

However, that has little to do with deciding who should win this case. Apple is trying to say Samsung copied the "art" and function of the iPhone. They want to sue Samsung for billions because of the "large" screen and no buttons. I think it is ridiculous. The iPhone was a touchstone, but it only brought together a variety of PDA forms and functions and meshed them with a phone in a size/form that could finally be carried easily... and had one button (that's about the only thing I think makes iPhone unique). What did they invent that had not been implemented on other products before? All they did was bring existing tech together...

Everyone makes pepperoni pizza, some better than others, but it's still pepperoni pizza.

At any rate, I hardly think Apple deserves to win this case.

some of the best reporting can be found at Groklaw

10447. iiibbb - 8/1/2012 4:42:32 PM

I think if Apple wins it's going to cost consumers a lot in the end.

10448. arkymalarky - 8/1/2012 4:57:28 PM

The suit is a market move on their part, IMO. Samsung is kicking their asses. But they have to do some things to stay more like droids. Dependability and clean interface is important, but so are functions that they haven't incorporated that droids and their companies, especially Samsung, have.

10449. concerned - 8/3/2012 5:12:38 PM

Ruh-Roh! July unemployment ticked up to 8.3%. This is a delicate balancing act for the MSM. If they talk up the economy too much, previously 'discouraged' workers might reenter the job market, kicking the unemployment rate yet higher, and making it more likely that their presidential candidate of choice loses. If they don't talk up the economy enough, people start looking for someone to blame, making it more likely that their presidential candidate of choice loses.

10450. alistairconnor - 8/10/2012 2:52:24 PM

Hey, I know someone who likes their WinPhone!

(Oh. It's VonK. ;o))

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