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10451. vonKreedon - 8/10/2012 3:55:03 PM

Yep, like my WinPhone a lot. I listen to NPR on it on my bus commute among other nice things about it.

10452. iiibbb - 10/8/2012 5:48:11 PM

Arabs' real enemy

10453. Ms. No - 10/9/2012 6:44:29 PM

What an excellent, brave article. I was also noticing that the comments on it were intelligent and reasoned --- a really nice view.

10454. robertjayb - 10/25/2012 4:39:08 PM

Perfect Storm coming?

Sandy: a potential billion-dollar storm for the mid-Atlantic, New England, and Canada...

The latest set of 12Z (8 am EDT) model runs are in, and they portray an increased risk to the U.S. and Canadian East Coasts for early next week. The GFS model, which had been showing that Sandy would head to the northeast out to sea, now has changed its tune, and predicts that Sandy will double back and hit Maine on Tuesday evening.

The ECMWF model, which has been very consistent in its handling of Sandy, now has the storm hitting Delaware on Monday afternoon. These models are predicting that Sandy will get caught up by the trough approaching the Eastern U.S., which will inject a large amount of energy into the storm, converting it to a powerful subtropical storm with a central pressure below 960 mb and sustained winds of 60 - 70 mph. Winds of this strength would likely cause massive power outages, as trees still in leaf take out power lines.

Also of great concern are Sandy's rains. Given that ocean temperatures along the Northeast U.S. coast are about 5°F above average, there will be an unusually large amount of water vapor available to make heavy rain. If the trough of low pressure approaching the East Coast taps into the large reservoir of cold air over Canada and pulls down a significant amount of Arctic air, as predicted...

...the potential exists for the unusually moist air from Sandy to collide with this cold air from Canada and unleash the heaviest October rains ever recorded in the Northeast U.S.

. Another huge concern is storm surge flooding. Sandy is expected to have tropical storm-force winds that extend out more than 300 miles from the center, which will drive a much larger storm surge than its winds would ordinarily suggest. The full moon is on Monday, which means astronomical tides will be at their peak for the month, increasing potential storm surge flooding.

(Dr. Jeff Masters, Weather Underground...via Kos)

10455. robertjayb - 10/29/2012 7:45:25 PM

Sandy advisory excerpt 11 a.m. EDT 10/29 via Miami Herald:

Landfall along or just south of the southern New Jersey coast is expected late this evening...at which time a turn to the west-northwest is expected. After moving inland over the mid-Atlantic states a decrease in forward speed is expected. By 48 hours...the Post-tropical cyclone is forecast to move northward and then northeastward. The official NHC forecast track is similar to the previous advisory track...and lies close to a blend of the consensus models...

10456. robertjayb - 10/29/2012 11:38:30 PM

The Houston Chronicle's SciGuy writes informed and unhyped analysis on hurricanes and other weather matters. Here he is on the outlook for Sandy and with advice from a Gulf Coaster to an East Coaster:


10457. judithathome - 10/30/2012 12:19:26 AM

This thing is scarier than any I've ever seen....

10458. iiibbb - 10/30/2012 12:55:24 AM

As a measure of storm potential. Presently "Mother-in-law's concern about when the baby is coming" > "Mother-in-law's concern about the coming storm apocalypse".

10459. thoughtful - 10/31/2012 2:30:02 PM

Very sad...we lost a fireman in town during the storm....they responded to a call and a tree fell literally on him and the fire truck. He was a grade behind me in school. That's the problem with a small town...everyone knows everyone....

We are out of power and probably will be for a week. House about a mile from here had a huge pine tree come down and smash through the 2nd story of her home...no news if she was hurt or not. Most of the trees that are down are evergreens. When/if I get power back I'll post some more pics.

This picture says it all though.

10460. thoughtful - 10/31/2012 2:32:05 PM

This fundamentally also gives the election to Romney, as so many voters who would support Obama simply won't be able to get to the polls....

10461. arkymalarky - 10/31/2012 3:27:33 PM

Oh my. Hope y'all manage and recover soon. So sorry for what you're dealing with, as well as the other mote folks. Wombat hasn't posted since the storm. Neither has Wabbit.

10462. arkymalarky - 10/31/2012 3:31:23 PM

I think Obama will still win. Many there may think twice about who they want as pres if another disaster strikes, and most of that region is heavily Democratic.

10463. thoughtful - 10/31/2012 4:57:01 PM

It matters not how many supporters he has if they can't get to the polls....

10464. judithathome - 10/31/2012 5:22:07 PM

That's true...in some places, they may not even HAVE polling places.

10465. concerned - 10/31/2012 8:40:40 PM

This fundamentally also gives the election to Romney, as so many voters who would support Obama simply won't be able to get to the polls....

I've seen this questionable assumption from the Left before. This is where the Electoral College may help Democrats, assuming equal electoral motivation for supporters of both parties.

10466. concerned - 10/31/2012 8:42:21 PM

I'd rather not give such succor to the wayward and wicked, but this needs to be pointed out.

10467. concerned - 10/31/2012 8:45:56 PM

Re. 10461 -

Oh, Wombat made his appearance in Politics. He would go over hell and high water rather than miss an opportunity to snark at Romney and me.

10468. concerned - 10/31/2012 9:11:14 PM


No Sandy Federal Relief efforts so far........


10469. judithathome - 11/7/2012 12:13:28 AM

I have info about Pelle from a fellow poster on my forum:

I know that many of us posted on Pelle Nillson's International board.

I received a note from his wife today that Pelle died of Cancer in early June. It was heartbreaking. Pelle was a fine, intelligent and humorous man and we have missed him on his board.

If anyone would like his address to send a card or letter or flowers to Christina, let me know.

10470. judithathome - 11/7/2012 12:26:57 AM

Here is his wife's email:

I regret that I have awful news. This email came today from Pelle's wife.

Dear Michael,

Thank you very much for the letter you sent to my loved husband Pelle. I received it yesterday. I feel so sad, and it is so difficult for me to tell you that Pelle he passed away on the 8 th of June. I can not understand how my life will continue without him. We have been married for almost 44 years. I do not know if Pelle ever mentioned for you about his cancer. Everything went so fast for him. On the 15 th of March 2012 he went through a major surgery. He removed a tumor from his spine, which made him unable to walk. He was admitted to hospital for 20 days. He came home and was so full of hope to recover and happy to be back in our home. Pelle has always been so mentally strong and he was training hard at home to try to walk. He was able to walk with a Beta support (I do not know the name in english). We where so happy.

In the beginning of May he started radiation therapy. After a few treatments his larynx was so damaged. He was put in a respirator. After that he never recovered. I was beside him when he died. His mind was so clear till his last breath.

It is very difficult for me to go on whithout him. He was my loved husband and my tutor.My life will be so bored without him.

Please send my best regards to Erwin. His book is on the top of Pelles writing- table. Till now I am not in mood or able to remove anything.

Michael I feel good that you sent your letter. Warm regards, from me Pelles wife.

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