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10574. iiibbb - 12/26/2012 11:30:04 PM

This is why it is hard to take "Common Sense Gun Laws" seriosuly

People play by the rules. Register their guns.... only to have their rights trampled on by a newspaper trying to prove what?

People demand registration... demand training... demand whatever else... and those who comply are vilified, while the ones who ignore the law go on their merry way.

Concealed carry permit holders should be held up as champions of what gun control advocates say they want... but then they go off and turn these law-abiding people into targets.


10575. arkymalarky - 12/26/2012 11:40:02 PM

Stan and I have argued about the issue of how far our right to privacy goes in the Internet age. I don't think records of that type should be public information. As much as I enjoyed seeing Anonymous hack the Westboro nutjobs, I think we all have a right to a certain amount of security wrt our information being disseminated online. He thinks it's public information and people shouldn't expect it not to be.

10576. iiibbb - 12/26/2012 11:49:08 PM

I wonder how many women on that list were trying to keep their addresses secret from abusive partners...

There is a difference between it being public information, and making it too easy. I can find out all kinds of personal information about people... but I have to go to a county courthouse to get it.

Another side effect of this list is that it a) tells criminals where they can find guns, and b) where people might not have guns.

But mostly it just demonstrates why people are resistant to giving in to "common sense" gun laws. Why would I willingly subject myself to this kind of thing?

10577. alistairconnor - 12/27/2012 12:44:13 PM

So, that was already publicly-availailable information (the paper did nothing illegal). So any bad guys who wanted to access the information could already do so.

The paper is being accused, it seems, of bad taste.

So, the question is : transparency or not? Either the register should be confidential, or there's nothing wrong with publishing it. Any other position is self-defeating.

10578. iiibbb - 12/27/2012 3:39:54 PM

There's two kinds of transparent. If you have to look up each record individually, that's one thing. If you have a database that can batch lookup and browse, that's another.

I suppose I could, as a matter of public record collect names and addresses of rape victims. Should county workers just hand me that data without cause?

But you're right, it is about taste and New York gun owners who have a registry.

Why should I be in favor of a national registry if this is how it's going to be used. Fuck that.

10579. arkymalarky - 12/27/2012 6:30:54 PM

No national registry of voluntary legal behavior should be used like that IMHO.

10580. Wombat - 12/27/2012 7:00:31 PM

Agreed. It being a centralized Federal registry should ease security.

10581. robertjayb - 12/28/2012 2:58:22 AM

Texas Tower revisited...

AUSTIN — The Austin police officer who helped stop Charles Whitman's 1966 sniper rampage from atop the University of Texas tower has died.

Houston McCoy fired two blasts from his shotgun to bring down Whitman, who killed 16 people during nearly two hours of terror on the UT campus. Wayne Vincent, president of the Austin Police Association, said McCoy died Thursday in the rural West Texas town of Menard.


An interesting (then and now) sidebar to the story told of motorists along Guadalupe Street (UT's main drag) who pulled deer rifles from their vehicles and either joined in the suppressing fire or gave the guns to cops.

10582. robertjayb - 12/28/2012 5:04:11 AM

This lengthy Wikipedia account of the sniper Charles_Whitman and other similar incidents is an eerie but interesting and informative read in this time so soon after Sandy Hook.

Just giving it a quick skim I briefly thought I detected some commonality among the shooters and the Oklahoma City bomber. But maybe I'm nutty too. I think it is a good piece and I will go over it again.

10583. robertjayb - 12/28/2012 5:31:24 AM

Sorry. Can't make a working link. If you are interested try Charles Whitman on Wikipedia.

10584. iiibbb - 12/28/2012 5:59:29 AM

L.A. Morons pay $100 for useless tubes in buyback program

What hacks. They will score tons of points with the gun-control nutjubs... except these "rocket launchers" are single-use meant-to-be-discarded non-reloadable tubes with buttons on them.

10585. robertjayb - 12/28/2012 6:52:07 AM

General Halftrack and I have the same condition.

10586. arkymalarky - 12/31/2012 3:24:21 AM

Hillary Clinton is in the hospital with a blood clot.

10587. Wombat - 12/31/2012 3:53:04 AM

She'll do anything to avoid testifying about Benghazi, right Concerned?

10588. judithathome - 12/31/2012 6:26:47 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was sent to the hospital on Sunday with a blood clot stemming from a concussion she suffered earlier this month and was being assessed by doctors, a State Department spokesman said.

"In the course of a follow-up exam today, Secretary Clinton's doctors discovered a blood clot had formed, stemming from the concussion she sustained several weeks ago," spokesman Philippe Reines said in a statement.

"She is being treated with anti-coagulants and is at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital so that they can monitor the medication over the next 48 hours," Reines said, adding that doctors would continue to assess her condition.

This is a serious condition; my mother died of a blood clot going to her lung.

10589. thoughtful - 12/31/2012 6:43:43 PM

You're right...this kind of thing could be very serious...it could travel to the brain as well...that poor woman has been working herself to an absolute frazzle. I'm surprised she hung in as long as she did. That travel schedule she had is not healthy no matter how comfortably you get there.

10590. judithathome - 12/31/2012 6:46:50 PM

The hunky doctor on CNN whose name I cannot spell said the blood clot might have formed due to the imposed rest and inactivity she was on after the recent concussion.

10591. judithathome - 1/12/2013 9:41:58 PM

Anyone see this asshole?

Gun Nut Threatens Death

The officials in the city where he lives cancelled his concealed-carry permit after this ran yesterday...gee, that makes me feel SOOOOO much safer.

10592. arkymalarky - 1/13/2013 1:23:05 AM

He's really squirming now. He'll be lucky if that's all that happens to him. I always hated that whole Billy Badass act. It's funny when they show the fear that makes them act that way in the first place. Like how Ted Nugent got out of Vietnam. The loudest tough talkers are almost always the biggest cowards, Dick Cheney.

10593. iiibbb - 1/13/2013 3:09:54 AM

Message # 10591

One reason I love freedom of speech. People use it.

I have(had) a concealed permit... why?... because the laws in my state governing possession of a firearm can vary from municipality to municipality; the laws governing permit holders are uniform across the state. So basically I got it in order to prevent me from being the victim of an overzealous police officer if I inadvertently break a law I don't know.

The other reason is the areas that I hunt down there do have sightings of feral dogs. Given that I am miles from anywhere and my rifle is just a single shot, I carry a handgun with 15 rounds in it (I don't want to much around with changing magazines if I'm dealing with dogs).

So that's that.

But people paint all concealed carry permitted holders as nutballs because of this idiot.

But at the end of the day, permit holders should be lauded by gun control people... we get trained... we get vetted by the state with a background check that goes pretty deep... and we are registered with the state.

Instead, this guy becomes the standard bearer.

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