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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10589 - 10608 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10589. thoughtful - 12/31/2012 6:43:43 PM

You're right...this kind of thing could be very serious...it could travel to the brain as well...that poor woman has been working herself to an absolute frazzle. I'm surprised she hung in as long as she did. That travel schedule she had is not healthy no matter how comfortably you get there.

10590. judithathome - 12/31/2012 6:46:50 PM

The hunky doctor on CNN whose name I cannot spell said the blood clot might have formed due to the imposed rest and inactivity she was on after the recent concussion.

10591. judithathome - 1/12/2013 9:41:58 PM

Anyone see this asshole?

Gun Nut Threatens Death

The officials in the city where he lives cancelled his concealed-carry permit after this ran yesterday...gee, that makes me feel SOOOOO much safer.

10592. arkymalarky - 1/13/2013 1:23:05 AM

He's really squirming now. He'll be lucky if that's all that happens to him. I always hated that whole Billy Badass act. It's funny when they show the fear that makes them act that way in the first place. Like how Ted Nugent got out of Vietnam. The loudest tough talkers are almost always the biggest cowards, Dick Cheney.

10593. iiibbb - 1/13/2013 3:09:54 AM

Message # 10591

One reason I love freedom of speech. People use it.

I have(had) a concealed permit... why?... because the laws in my state governing possession of a firearm can vary from municipality to municipality; the laws governing permit holders are uniform across the state. So basically I got it in order to prevent me from being the victim of an overzealous police officer if I inadvertently break a law I don't know.

The other reason is the areas that I hunt down there do have sightings of feral dogs. Given that I am miles from anywhere and my rifle is just a single shot, I carry a handgun with 15 rounds in it (I don't want to much around with changing magazines if I'm dealing with dogs).

So that's that.

But people paint all concealed carry permitted holders as nutballs because of this idiot.

But at the end of the day, permit holders should be lauded by gun control people... we get trained... we get vetted by the state with a background check that goes pretty deep... and we are registered with the state.

Instead, this guy becomes the standard bearer.

10594. arkymalarky - 1/13/2013 4:07:30 AM

He's a big fraud anyway. He doesn't have the credentials he claimed. If he makes it clear from being in trouble for inciting violence against the government, being exposed as a fake expert won't help his "business."

10595. Wombat - 1/13/2013 10:47:17 PM

Maybe if gun owners spent more time condemning the NRA and ass-clowns like the guy above, they wouldn't get lumped in with them. Sister Souljah moment anyone?

10596. arkymalarky - 1/14/2013 12:23:59 AM

I thought that's what this gun owner just did!

10597. arkymalarky - 1/14/2013 12:25:35 AM

Organizations like hunting groups might step up, but most aren't familiar with any group but the NRA.

10598. iiibbb - 1/14/2013 2:15:09 AM

I thought that's what I just did too.

Maybe if anti gun people took the time to listen to what normal gun people said instead of these freaks the press lines up for them they would have a better sense of what a real gun owner is like instead of letting their imaginations get the better of them.

10599. arkymalarky - 1/14/2013 2:46:28 AM

Lots of people own guns and don't object to changes. For us it's a necessity of country living. You don't have animal control out here. Nothing they're talking about doing would affect us, and if it doesn't work at least they're trying something. There is a segment of nuts that's arming to the teeth who illustrate the need rather than advocating their views. There's not a thing in this country that isn't regulated. Guns shouldn't be the exception.

10600. arkymalarky - 1/14/2013 2:49:36 AM

Because most average gun owners don't belong to any groups, crazies and the NRA are the only gun owner voices .

10601. iiibbb - 1/14/2013 2:57:00 AM

I think the NRA is crazy... but I also happen to think the gun control people are no well enough informed to write legislation about guns.

10602. Wombat - 1/14/2013 3:24:45 AM

Hopefully there will be more like you, iiibbb.

10603. robertjayb - 1/14/2013 6:32:07 AM

Today's is not your father's NRA or your grandfather's or even the NRA of my gun-toting and hunting youth. Friends and foes alike can profit from an article which is second-lead in today's online Washington Post. I will attempt a link but it is easily found.

Second thought. I won't. Look it up.

10604. judithathome - 1/14/2013 6:47:11 PM

Just as the Republican party is not the party of 20 years or even 10 or 5 years ago, the NRA's members with common sense seems to be shrinking, too. And the people who DO have better sense are not speaking out and saying their organization has been taken over by nutcases...a least the most outspoken ones seem to be in that catagory.

And they are taking they cues from the worst of the Republicans, using "compromise" as a curse word and demanding everything be their way or the highway....creating a stranglehold on any small steps toward progress.

10605. judithathome - 1/14/2013 6:48:37 PM

Pardon the typos...seem=seem; they=their. And whatever else is in there. I just woke up....

10606. judithathome - 1/14/2013 6:49:13 PM

Ha...even made a typo in the correction!

10607. arkymalarky - 1/15/2013 4:30:07 AM

Sane NEA members should do what GHW Bush did and send them their membership cards.

10608. arkymalarky - 1/15/2013 4:30:59 AM

NRA. Grrrr

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