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10627. Wombat - 1/17/2013 6:53:19 PM

The only way Palin and Cuomo are comparable is that they are both human and are/were governors.

10628. iiibbb - 1/17/2013 7:46:14 PM

and they are as likely to get my vote.

10629. judithathome - 1/17/2013 8:18:55 PM

Sarah Palin is a buffoon...she in no way will ever be elected to any office in this country.

Maybe she'll get whatever awards they give out for exercise videos...I hear she's making one.

How the mighty (in their own heads) have fallen!

10630. alistairconnor - 1/18/2013 6:23:01 PM

Tful : We need to instead make empathy and compassion laudable efforts. We need to honor the intelligent over the brutal.

I don't know how to do that except one person at a time. That's how we've fought racism and sexism and sexual orientation bias.

Yes and no. Racism and sexism and sexual orientation bias were fought through social engineering. You decide, top-down, that people's attitudes need to change, and you do that through the education system, and through the media, and over time, it becomes not-OK for people to express the attitudes we're trying to change. People who still have those attitudes have to keep quiet about them, at least in public. And after a generation or so, those negative attitudes are durably weakened by the emergence of younger people who are less tainted.

So that needs to be done with respect to gun violence. Glorifying the gun culture in public needs to stop, it needs to be made uncool, out of bounds. Just like racism, sexism, homophobia.

10631. judithathome - 1/18/2013 10:14:48 PM

Remember the last public shooting in the MidEast...some radical nation with hot-headed militants march a dozen people out into the town square and murder them?

We, as a nation, are appalled and horrified and we carry on with condemnation and voice our opinions about how barbaric a country that one is.

Well, so is THIS one...we just do our executions in homes and schools and theatres.

It's expected of renegade countries with no leadership and mayhem ruling the day. However, the USA is a civilized country that seems to be just hunky-dorey with arming everyone just in case the government decides to round us all up and what? Shoot us in the town square? We're letting the tyrany of the few rule the many, just like radical, "uncivilized" countries.

10632. iiibbb - 1/20/2013 12:48:56 AM

One of my regrets is that I never gave Clinton enough credit as a president

10633. judithathome - 1/22/2013 6:59:11 PM

Akistair, I agree with you on everything you said in post #10630.

10634. robertjayb - 1/25/2013 12:33:20 AM

What happened to the Chevy?

ROCKLAND, Maine (AP) — "American Pie" singer Don McLean has been fined $400 for driving his Chrysler too fast through a school zone in Maine and has paid the levy.

10635. Wombat - 1/25/2013 1:21:49 AM

Fortunately his checkbook did not go into the wash by mistake, so the levy was dry.

10636. judithathome - 1/25/2013 7:50:53 PM

Oh groan!!! Very funny, though!

10637. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 3:08:13 AM

The Armed Citizen...

Investigators are looking for three burglary suspects who forced themselves into a Magnolia, Texas home where there was a mother and her 6 year-old child inside.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office says around 9:30 Friday night, they were called out to a home on the 18700 block of Mink Lake Drive in Magnolia. Investigators say three male suspects went into the home where they found a 33-year-old female with a pistol in her hand and her 6-year-old child alone inside.

Investigators say the mother fired the pistol at the burglars and thought she hit one of them, but they all escaped.

Mother should spend some time at the range.

10638. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 6:21:03 AM

The armed and crazy citizen...

A driver of a school bus in Dale County was shot several times, and a 6-year-old student passenger has been taken as a hostage by the suspected shooter near Midland City.

Police report that the incident happened at approximately 3:36 p.m. Tuesday when the suspect demanded the driver to let a student off the bus. When the driver refused, the suspect boarded the bus, shot the driver before taking the child and fleeing the scene.

Law enforcement officials are currently negotiating with the suspect who took the child to an area behind Destiny Church.

(Birmingham, Alabama news)

Maybe we should register nut cases.

10639. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 6:58:14 AM


Gomer Pyle, USMC” star Jim Nabors married his longtime male partner at Seattle’s Fairmont Olympic Hotel earlier this month, according to Hawaii News Now.

Nabors, a Hawaii resident, had never publicly come out. But his relationship with Stan Cadwallader wasn’t a secret before they decided to take advantage of Washington’s new same-sex marriage law.

(Seattle Times)

10640. alistairconnor - 1/30/2013 6:14:36 PM

Robt :Maybe we should register nut cases.

Or maybe it would be better if ordinary people in stressful everyday situations (such as, for example, divorce with an acrimonious custody dispute) didn't have such a high probability of being armed.

10641. judithathome - 1/30/2013 7:24:46 PM


10642. Wombat - 1/31/2013 12:55:36 AM

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Actually, I had always found him a bit un-Marine-like on Gomer Pyle. Early gaydar...

10643. iiibbb - 1/31/2013 4:29:31 AM

he also came out a while ago

10644. iiibbb - 2/2/2013 8:18:25 PM

It looks like Feinstein's new AWB is DOA.

Here would be my modest proposal on magazine capacity.

Limit magazine sizes to the design of the firearm. For pistols, this would be whatever fits in the grip (nothing extending below). For rifles this would be a maximum of 20.

Limit the number of rounds that would be permitted to be loaded in magazines, of any capacity, while in your possession away from your residence or at a firing range. I would set this limit at 30.

Hardly anyone using a gun for a legitimate reason would be in violation. There would be no queer hardware workarounds.

10645. Wombat - 2/3/2013 12:45:45 AM

Seems reasonable.

10646. judithathome - 2/3/2013 8:01:29 PM

Limit the number of rounds that would be permitted to be loaded in magazines, of any capacity, while in your possession away from your residence or at a firing range. I would set this limit at 30.

And that kid from Newtown? He'd abide by that rule, right? Oops, I'm away from home...can't use the 30 round clip!

One thing that amazes me is how much fear and loathing is expressed by everyday people...and how scared everyone is of seemingly everyone else...hmmm, wonder why this could be in a country where almost everyone is armed and we have the strongest military in the world...plus 8 years of being told by a Republican government that the entire would is out to get us and there are evildoers everywhere...just waiting to attack us. I wonder why we're so scared of our own neighbors and the rest of the world?

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