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10849. robertjayb - 4/19/2013 2:10:20 PM

Boomantribune.com is running an interesting tic-tock of events in Boston this morning.

10850. robertjayb - 4/19/2013 2:15:01 PM

A sample:

Update [2013-4-19 8:41:28 by Steven D]: Law enforcement (SWAT) has surrounded house in Waterdown, including an armored vehicle (from CBS Boston video).

NBC reporting (Pete Williams) that a third family member may be involved. Not sure who is his source for that statement other than generic "law enforcement."

Update [2013-4-19 8:54:4 by Steven D]: CBS Boston reports that police evacuating neighborhood in Cambridge where brothers lived. Also the CBS Boston reporter said police took two people into custody, at least one who appeared to be a female.

Update [2013-4-19 9:12:29 by Steven D]: Mother Jones found You Tube video allegedly posted by Tamerlan Tsarnaev (the dead suspect) "extolling an extremist religious prophecy associated with Al Qaeda ..." The prophecy is associated with end time apocalyptic beliefs:

10851. robertjayb - 4/19/2013 4:03:35 PM

Good time to open up that pathway to citizenship.

Whaddaya think?

10852. judithathome - 4/19/2013 7:18:58 PM

Especially since the still-alive younger brother gained legal citizenship on 9/11/2012.

Robert, I had the same thought...the anti-immigrant crowd is going to ride this into the barn and bolt the door behind it.

10853. wabbit - 4/19/2013 7:53:38 PM

It's a pretty amazing thing, no trains, no buses, people told to stay in their houses and businesses staying closed. Watertown is being searched door-to-door, Cambridge, Somerville, Brighton-Allston, Brookline, Belmont, Waltham, all shut down. UMass Dartmouth was evacuated and shut down.

A lot is coming out about the Tsarnaev brothers, now that they've been identified. The younger brother is the one people are shocked by, the classic "most popular kid in high school, friendly, well-liked, good athlete, not a weird kid" type of thing.

A "controlled explosion" is scheduled for Cambridge later this afternoon.

10854. wabbit - 4/19/2013 8:01:35 PM

JaH, I was looking at a satellite picture of West and was surprised to see how close the nursing home and junior high were to the fertilizer plant. Couldn't be more than 250 yards. So many first responders dead, such a sad situation.

10855. robertjayb - 4/19/2013 8:40:29 PM

Breaking news

Tonight's Red Sox-Royals game at Fenway has been postponed 3:20

(Boston Globe)

No, no, no. Play the damn game. "Don't give them power," is a sorta hokey line often repeated in a series of crime novels I once enjoyed. It contains a useful truth.

10856. wabbit - 4/19/2013 8:43:51 PM

Red Sox and Bruins, both cancelled for tonight.

10857. judithathome - 4/19/2013 8:46:43 PM

Robert, those facilities were built AFTER the plant...which was built in 1958. You can tell the houses nearby were built around the 1970s because of the style of the homes.

It was utter insanity to build a school that nearby.

And in other ludicrous news, Rick Perry has asked for federal disaster relief...and the Rep. from that area...Flores...voted against Sandy relief.

Hypocrisy, thy name is politicos from Texas.

10858. judithathome - 4/19/2013 8:47:59 PM

Play the damn game. "Don't give them power,"

Then again, a crazed bomber is still on the loose so.....

10859. arkymalarky - 4/20/2013 1:55:17 AM

Not any more!

10860. robertjayb - 4/20/2013 3:46:58 AM

Print Lives...online...

I seldom see USA Today except as a motel freebie. This morning I somehow fumbled across it on Kindle, was immediately impressed with the clarity of their Boston coverage and checked in from time to time throughout the day. Plain words, frequent updates and a coherent story line made a welcome contrast to the usual dueling egos of TV news. Boston's Herald and Globe did well too.

As a onetime ink-stained wretch, I was proud of the craftsmanship. Pulitzers all around!

10861. wabbit - 4/20/2013 2:39:08 PM

I kept going back to the local NPR station, WBUR. Their coverage was very good, not sensationalized.

This is too funny not to share.

10862. robertjayb - 4/21/2013 11:03:24 PM

A man intent on his mission.

On the farm I made lots of trips over and through barbed wire fences. Don't believe I would have tackled those spikes. More at risk there than the jeans. Looks hazardous to the credentials

BTW, in the vernacular barbed wire is "bob wire."

10863. robertjayb - 4/22/2013 4:34:15 PM

Wow! What a surprise: People intent on doing crime don't follow rules.

Who would have thought...

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts police official say the brothers suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon before having shootouts with authorities didn't have gun permits.

"Cambridge Police Commissioner Robert Haas tells The Associated Press in an interview Sunday that neither Tamerlan Tsarnaev (tsahr-NEYE'-ehv) nor his brother Dzhokhar had permission to carry firearms."

More rules. That should stop 'em. Ya, youbetcha!

10864. arkymalarky - 4/22/2013 7:13:05 PM

Yes, when They have no way of keeping up with them it's easy to get around the law. And, using that line of reasoning, we should Make murder legal

10865. judithathome - 4/23/2013 7:25:07 AM

And do away with speed limits because people just speed, anyhow.

10866. iiibbb - 4/23/2013 3:10:48 PM

Speed limits essentially inform drivers the speeds that statistically speaking society has determined offer the best balance of getting somewhere safely with okay fuel economy.... it doesn't keep people from going 100 mph if that's what they're intent on doing.

In NY they are going to modify the SAFE act so that 10-round magazines will be allowed, but only 7 rounds can be in them. You know, "common sense gun control".

10867. robertjayb - 4/23/2013 6:29:32 PM

Arky and Judith miss the perhaps obscure point of my post on guns. I'll try to do better. But basically it is that setting up ineffective rules that serve primarily to agitate, inflame, and inconvenience the innocent and law-abiding may not be a productive route to the desired goal, whatever that may be.

10868. arkymalarky - 4/23/2013 7:03:24 PM

I don't see background checks and limits on magazines as inconveniencing legitimate gun owners.

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