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10940. marjoribanks - 8/18/2004 12:27:49 AM


10941. judithathome - 8/18/2004 12:33:40 AM

Oh well.

Thanks for at least letting us know what you thought of them!

I kinda felt like they were both as good looking as they are smart, anyhow.

10942. Jenerator - 8/18/2004 1:47:50 AM

I have seen a pic of Resonance and let's just say that Marjori is being very, very gracious!

10943. judithathome - 8/18/2004 2:01:59 AM

Well, I've seen a picture of Res, too, and I think Marj is spot on...different tastes, I suppose.

10944. Jenerator - 8/18/2004 2:05:17 AM

Biting tongue

10945. judithathome - 8/18/2004 2:37:45 AM

Well, Jen...we're all entitled to differences of opinion. The picture I saw of him was certainly not that of an ogre.

I happen to think Brad Pitt is not that attractive but millions of people disagree with me. I can live with that.

10946. woden - 8/18/2004 3:54:47 AM

Judith, you're going to have mail in a minute.

10947. woden - 8/18/2004 4:03:38 AM

Occasionally there are mortals who can't sense A-5's magnificence. Sad, but it's for their own protection.

10948. Jenerator - 8/18/2004 4:54:06 AM

Thank God for mortality!

10949. marjoribanks - 8/18/2004 5:13:21 AM


Even in your current hysterics, perhaps you can see that epithets like 'Satan' are misplaced?

Or, um, d'you actually think that our old buddy Res is the devil himself?

If so, I suggest that you print up t-shirts.

10950. Ms. No - 8/18/2004 5:21:54 AM

Res is quite the modern-day Viking. A fine specimen of a man.

What in the world would possess someone to make nasty comments about another's appearance here?

How tacky.

10951. thoughtful - 8/18/2004 5:54:16 AM

Magos, you may want to move this post to the inferno. You know me and I don't say things with ill intent and I'm only saying this because I think Jen can think about what I'm about to say and benefit from it. But you be the judge. (I'd post it in religion, but I'm not sure she'll be stopping by again to see it.)

Jen, we've been conversants for a long time, and though we've not always agreed, I've always treated you with respect. The current situation is one in which you were caught in a mistake...anyone can make one. The real question of a person's character though is in how one responds to a mistake. One can respond by admitting the error and learning from it. One can respond by thinking about what the other person says, find flaws in it and reject it. Or one can respond with childish petulance, name calling and refusal to play anymore. I find your response in keeping with this last option. For someone who considers themselves to be so religious and xtian and moral, it is not attractive, demonstrative of good character, nor is it in keeping with anything I've ever understood (however misguided my understanding might be) of how a xtian is supposed to respond when faced with challenges of non-believers.


10952. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 8/18/2004 6:00:08 AM

10953. arkymalarky - 8/18/2004 6:51:04 AM

You people are such hypocrites. If you can't kill and eat an animal you're on first name terms with, then you shouldn't be eating animals.

This from a "non-practicing" vegetarian? Ha!


10954. angel-five - 8/18/2004 6:54:46 AM

I have seen a pic of Resonance and let's just say that Marjori is being very, very gracious!

Marjori is a very gracious fellow. I'm sure he would have been gracious had he seen your picture, but he probably didn't want to give the website his credit card number.

IAC I am indeed exceedingly lucky to have the hottie that I have -- not because I don't rate, but because people like Woden are exceedingly rare. We're both lucky we found each other single when we did, and we don't forget it. It helps keep us grounded, in fact. That's the nice thing about having a girlfriend that isn't a dollar a dozen at Wal-Mart.

10955. angel-five - 8/18/2004 6:56:09 AM

Thank God for mortality!

Thank god for yours, at any rate.

10956. Ms. No - 8/18/2004 7:02:25 AM

You know, as much as I prefer it when people get along I was kind of hoping for a nice little melee to take us up through the millennial.

I bet Ulgine will capture it in the night.

10957. anomie - 8/18/2004 7:03:09 AM

Now wait, I had a very nice date with a woman from WalMart. All dressed in the blue vest and everything. Lovely she was.

10958. anomie - 8/18/2004 7:05:35 AM

A5 and Woden: Request permission to see the photo. I'm a photo buff, you see. Would you authorize someone to forward to my email? Judith, maybe?

10959. SnowOwl - 8/18/2004 7:27:33 AM

anomie, I can offer you a single brunette with a European passport, but alas she's lacking a steady income.

Res, you and Woden are very well matched indeed and it's great that you found each other.

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