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10962. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 11:37:25 PM

For you, Judith, I can do anything.

Except leave.

10963. arkymalarky - 6/26/2013 11:55:24 PM

oh yeah. I've done it. What's funny is if you're in a hurry and send without reading it first. One day Stsn thought I was going nuts over a text I sent him through voice. it was hilarious.

10964. arkymalarky - 6/27/2013 12:47:23 AM

I knew I remembered posting it:

Of course Ranchita has no money because calling my purse so I'm not on a DB-15 yellow red velvet home anyway I'll call you when I pinworm going that night zero. But I have no money to buy gas. I'm on E yellow.

I found it n the teaching thread.

10965. arkymalarky - 6/28/2013 5:33:34 PM

OK you Texans, does Wendy Davis have a good shot at being governor? Dkos is all over the prospect of her running. Do you think she might?

10966. judithathome - 6/28/2013 6:10:23 PM

Given the Republicans will do everything they can to keep Dems away from the voting booth, I'm not sure she does.

The last election scared Perry a lot because it was close...for Texas. Hence the draconian voting laws he's instigated.

I feel like she could do better than anyone else who might be up for it...except for Julian Castro. But who knows?

It's a long shot mainly because the natural gas people own Perry but she had some of them on her side for the senate run. It was one of her "faults" according to some in this town.

I'd like to think she could do it because she undoubtedly would have almost every woman in Texas on her side. Especially the poor ones who will be missing their MedicAid which Perry is taking away. But whether those women will actually vote is another story.

Cecile Richards, daughter of the former governor, and head of Planned Parenthood, could have a lot of influence and has said she backs her 100%.

I can guarantee a nasty, dirty fight the likes of which we've never seen before if she runs. And I say that knowing how dirty and nasty Texas politics have been in the past.

10967. judithathome - 6/28/2013 6:12:23 PM

You'd think anything negative would have come out during her senate run but after the way Perry attacked her yesterday, I foresee some REAL nastiness ahead...truth will have nothing to do with it.

10968. judithathome - 6/28/2013 10:26:08 PM

Okay, this is a must-see...or at least, read: I saw it last night on Lawrence O'Donnell's show.

Tammy Duckworth Schools Contractor

I don't know if the tape shows it or not but she ran over her time and apolgized for it and the head of the committee said "That's okay...it was time well-spent."

Also, this guy went to West Point Prep School. And he went from there to San Diego State and played quarterback for the college football team with his alleged "disability". He never served in the military or put his life on the line in a war.

I'd be willing to bet he has Disabled Vet car tags, too.

10969. vonKreedon - 6/28/2013 10:32:16 PM

Don't feed the troll. PM makes no bones about his desire to insult and crush those he interacts with online; he has no desire for rational discussion and exploration and so is a waste of time. Don't waste your time.

10970. PincherMartin - 6/28/2013 11:14:57 PM

Crush? How can one crush somebody with mere words and arguments?

I already made reference to this fact over in The Mote Cafe, but you didn't have a problem being buddy-buddy with Ace of Spades, and that is one poster who is more than match for me in insults and online viciousness.

Why the double standard, von Kreedon? Is it some Star Trek thing?

10971. arkymalarky - 6/28/2013 11:52:04 PM

I saw that judith. Duckworth is amazing!

10972. judithathome - 7/5/2013 11:26:33 PM

Watching the Zimmerman trial...I have a fear that the verdict is going to be not guilty.

10973. anomie - 7/6/2013 1:42:09 AM

Judith, have you seen anything that gets you beyond reasonable doubt? I think this is the perfect case for the judge to acquit before it even goes to the jury.

The med examiner today was a comedy act.

10974. judithathome - 7/6/2013 2:13:27 AM

Well, he started out somewhat sane...ha!

Evidently the call for acquittal failed.

I think the entire prosecution has been a colossal joke but I think Zimmerman should go to jail.

Today they got in the fact that in his first class paper in "cop school", he commented that he was taking the course so he "hunt down" bad guys and take care of them...presumably, this is not a good thing to have as a life's goal.

Of course, this wasn't in front of the jury, it was during rebuttal to the acquittal plea.

10975. arkymalarky - 7/6/2013 2:55:56 AM

If he is acquitted it means it's okay to shoot people walking on the streets based solely on your own feelings of fear.

10976. anomie - 7/6/2013 4:20:42 AM

I'm concerned about convicting people of murder without proof. I think there's more than sufficient doubt about what happened. I think a conviction would mean it's okay to send a person to jail to satisfy public outrage and media frenzy.

This is why I asked Judith about evidence. Just as in the trial nobody here is offering any.

10977. vonKreedon - 7/6/2013 5:16:41 AM

No, I disagree, if Zimmerman is acquitted it will be a triumph of law over emotion. The evidence, IMO, clearly shows that Trayvon knocked Zimmerman down, straddled him and beat him. Yes, Zimmerman should not have followed him, but that's not a crime. Yes, if Zimmerman had been unarmed, then in all likelihood, no one dies. But within the law he should be acquitted.

10978. vonKreedon - 7/6/2013 5:17:12 AM

That was to 109075.

10979. anomie - 7/6/2013 5:27:54 AM

Good call, VK. I can't say Zimmerman is totally innocent, but 2nd degree murder is a reach on such slight evidence.

10980. arkymalarky - 7/6/2013 5:33:31 AM

We disagree on what the evidence we are aware of shows, but I think his 911 call is compelling. He followed someone for no reason, provoking a confrontation, and shot him. And I'll guarandamtee you that if Martin had a gun and killed Zimmerman, most defenders of Z would be calling for Martin to be convicted.

10981. arkymalarky - 7/6/2013 5:36:55 AM

He had been told to leave off by the 911 operator and didn't. And since he spent money he raised on himself he may not have the best representation.

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