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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 11072 - 11091 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
11072. arkymalarky - 7/11/2013 4:46:49 PM

The phone records are proof. Without them you'd have an argument. With them you simply don't.

11073. anomie - 7/11/2013 4:48:28 PM

Arky. Proof. Don't keep citing facts and scenarios that could be true or not. Give me proof that IN THIS CASE it was not self defense. I can agree in principle with much of what you've said, but that's not the point.

11074. anomie - 7/11/2013 4:51:10 PM

Phone records? Proves it was murder/manslaughter? Proves what exactly? Are you being serious?

On that insane note, I'm quitting this discussion. I hope I'm wrong, but I see a real travesty of justice about to take place. I hope he gets a good appeal attorney.

later, ya'll

11075. iiibbb - 7/11/2013 4:54:31 PM

Jury will decide...

Zimmerman's phone conversations don't seem to convey that he had knowledge that Martin had actually done something... but the law is worded "had reason to believe"

I suppose someone, particularly someone predisposed to paranoia, can talk themselves into anything then and just shoot away.

I'm not a lawyer... I'm not on the jury.

Zimmerman's story stinks.

11076. iiibbb - 7/11/2013 4:55:49 PM

and I am as pro-gun, pro self defense as you can get.

just goes to show, that it is best to avoid confrontations of all kinds...... especially if you're packing a gun.

11077. arkymalarky - 7/11/2013 5:05:11 PM

What's the proof OJ killed his ex wife?

11078. arkymalarky - 7/11/2013 5:07:15 PM

He was acquitted and people were outraged, but there's less doubt and more evidence here than in that case.

11079. iiibbb - 7/11/2013 5:10:29 PM

Who's making stuff up?

FACT - Martin was in the neighborhood
FACT - Zimmerman followed him and was recorded following him in his car
FACT - Zimmerman was advised to stay in car, but got out anyway
FACT - Zimmerman was followed martin into an area where cars can't go
FACT - Martin Confronted Zimmerman

UNKNOWN - what was said, who attacked who first

FACT - Zimmerman shot Martin

Impossible to know - Zimmerman's state of mind
Impossible to know - Martin's state of mind

Obvious through logic - Zimmerman, if assuming Martin is up to something unlawful, should have recognized the inherent risk in confronting a person alone, in the dark.

Obvious through law - There is no duty to retreat - for either Martin or Zimmerman
Obvious through law - If you witness or have reason to believe that someone was up to something unlawful as shown above, you can shoot.

He may very well get off as the law is written... but Zimmerman stinks...

Obvious --- don't get into confrontations with people in Florida, because they can shoot you purely on what they believe you're going to do.

11080. arkymalarky - 7/11/2013 5:13:20 PM

The last obvious on your list is the one that I think is the most important one wrt impact.

11081. arkymalarky - 7/11/2013 5:14:00 PM

If Z is acquitted.

11082. judithathome - 7/12/2013 12:22:18 AM

My "facts" are coming from what I have observed every day in testimony from the trial. I have heard everything the jury has heard. Yes, it shows a bit of madness in me that I taped...and watched...ALL of the trial. But I think I know what I heard and I think I am intelligent enough to interpret what I heard.

Z has told many things to the police that don't add up...for instance, he was on his back, in the grass, on the concrete and yet, at the police station, the picture of the back of his jacket is shows it to be immaculate...not grass stains, no scrapes from the cement, no wetness....nice trick for someone who was on his back being pounded and ground into the surface of both grass and cement.

11083. judithathome - 7/14/2013 3:00:25 AM

Not Guilty.

11084. robertjayb - 7/14/2013 3:14:16 AM

Brave, smart women. They did good work

11085. anomie - 7/14/2013 4:17:04 AM

Yes, kudos to the jury and I'm happy to have been wrong.

I agree with Don West, one of the defense attys, the prosecution was shameful.

11086. Wombat - 7/14/2013 4:28:30 AM

A teenage boy is dead because some wannabe larry-lawman took the law into his own hands. I understand how the verdict was reached. I hope Martin's family sues the living shit out of Zimmerman.

11087. anomie - 7/14/2013 4:37:26 AM

Hey Wombat. Prove it!

11088. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 4:37:35 AM

I accept the jury system and a jury verdict. I wonder if people on the other side of the case would feel the same had it played out differently.

11089. anomie - 7/14/2013 4:39:29 AM

No, because a guilty verdict would have been appealed and would have been thrown out.

11090. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 4:40:39 AM

either you accept the legal system we have or you don't based on whether or not you get your way.

11091. anomie - 7/14/2013 4:45:04 AM

Too simple, Arky. There was no evidence of murder. There was no evidence Z took the law into his own hands. You want to live in a country where we convict people with no evidence? I have never seen a trial where the conversation about evidence has been so silly, and where so many assumptions are just taken as fact. There is absolutely no way in your mind that Martin could have attacked Zimmerman. Just could never happen because he was just a poor innocent teen with skittles. That's your evidence.

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