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11109. anomie - 7/14/2013 2:46:54 PM

I heard that Vick nonsense. I think in Vick's case ceratin proofs were offerred that he committed a crime. Same with the other cases she mentioned.

11110. anomie - 7/14/2013 2:52:42 PM

Robertjay, the prosecuters lied all the way through this trial in an attempt to generate as much hate as they could against Zimmerman, knowing they couldn't prove anything. It was disgraceful. The defense talked about seeking sanctions against them. Not sure what they can get, but I hope it's painful for them.

11111. judithathome - 7/14/2013 3:40:30 PM

How do you know they lied?

You ask me, the die was cast when the police didn't even bother to go door to door asking who this dead kid was...they assumed he couldn't possibly live there, that he was an interloper. He was taken to the MEs office as a John Doe.

That speaks volumes about MINDSET...Zimmerman assumed he was a thug cruising the complex to break in and rob...or worse...the people living there...and the cops did, too. They got that "mindset" from Zimmerman and from their own prejudices.

You seem to think it is a RIGHT to kill someone if you "feel" threatened...we'll probably never see eye to eye because I think it is insane to let people walk around armed to the teeth like it was still the wild, wild west.

11112. judithathome - 7/14/2013 3:50:37 PM

The defense talked about seeking sanctions against them. Not sure what they can get, but I hope it's painful for them.

They are posturing, trust me...they are going to get so much business out this trial, they won't have TIME to bring sanctions. Their comments before and after this trial are what's shameful.

Don West raised two grown children that think it's okay to ridicule a young black woman on twitter...that's the sort of person he is.

11113. judithathome - 7/14/2013 3:53:03 PM

....this damned new version of Microsoft that installed ITSELF screws up my HTML. Looks fine in preview, effs up in post.

11114. judithathome - 7/14/2013 4:10:00 PM

Anomie, did you see the back of Zimmerman's jacket from pictures at the police station right after the shooting? It was immaculate...not a scratch, not a grass stain, not a smudge. There is no rain on earth that could have rendered that jacket like new after what he claimed he went through on his back on both cement and grass.

11115. anomie - 7/14/2013 4:20:30 PM

The prosecution's whole case was deceitful, Judith. Lacking evidence they just made up a false scenario of the incident and used to to generate hate against an innocent man. They tried to corrupt the jury by giving them permission to convict based on emotion and revenge...continually referring to Martin as a "child" and hot words like that. It was a sham.

I don't know enough about the other extraneous stuff to comment. But I don't see the police letting the body lie there while they try to find someone to identify it. Much of what is being brought up is just not pertinent to the trial.

11116. judithathome - 7/14/2013 4:39:39 PM

They evidently didn't try very hard...the defense made constant references to how close Martin was to apartment...all they had to do was knock on doors.

Why is it deceit to point out inconsistencies in Zimmerman's story? His claim that his head was beaten enough to make him fear for his life when in reality, he didn't want to go to the hospital and actually had two cuts that required bandaids, not stitches. If he'd had his head beaten to a bloody pulp, with gashes that were inches long instead of less than one centimeter, I could see him making that claim. His jacket was pristine, not even wrinkled.

And they only used the term child in the closing...not once did they use it during the body of the trial.

I watched the entire thing, not just updates on the news.

But this claim by defense that they are going to ask for sanctions is a bunch of hooey...the epitome of a sore and classless winner.

11117. anomie - 7/14/2013 5:12:18 PM

Really Judith, I fell like you and Arky are communicating from some alternate universe. One more post and I can't do any more. I have to let it go.

How did Zimmerman get those minor cuts and bruiises? Huh? I mean were they self inflicted? And didn't the prosecution concede that Zimmerman was on the bottom? Polyester has amazing dirt shedding properties.

Arky said it was justified to attack someone who is merely following you. How much more justified is someone who defends himself from such an attack.

And where's your bruise meter that correlates cut/bruise size vs fear for your life or of bodily harm.

Zimmerman is a human being too. Flawed and imperfect. Maybe he's an asshole. But you just don't have the proof that he's a murderer.

I don't mean to cop-out on the discussion but we're repeating ourselves. I'm amazed you can't tell the difference between an unfortunate tragic situation and murder/manslaughter.

11118. judithathome - 7/14/2013 5:37:24 PM

I'm amazed you can't see that this was about more than that...last night, Mark O'Meara was asked what thought the outcome would have been had the positions been reversed and Martin had shot Zimmerman...he actually said "Had the positions been reversed, there would have been no arrest or trial"....are you KIDDING me? What universe is HE in?

This country is going backward as far as progress in race relations is concerned. You have only to look at our prison system to see that and the recent push about restricting voting rights.

To say this case wasn't the least little bit about race is not accurate...even the defense attorneys let race be a part of it, in their statements and in their attitudes.

11119. robertjayb - 7/14/2013 5:59:26 PM

The "child" was a fit teenager (17-18?), a full head or more taller than Zimmerman with weight appropriate to his height.

Zimmerman's Mixed Martial Arts instructor considered him so athletically inept that he would not allow him to box and he rated his skills at 0.05 on a 10-point scale.

(a TV interview with the MMA guy.)

11120. judithathome - 7/14/2013 6:14:58 PM

And that gym owner had no vested interest in promoting his services while testifying, did he? Although if he can't get a guy's proficiency past a 1 on the 1 to 10 scale in 8 months, he's services are pretty piss-poor.

11121. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 6:37:01 PM

If you are following me down a dark street, you're damn right I can confront you and defend myself. It's like I tell kids about bullying. I have a basic right to be left alone. If you go out of your way to harass someone on a dark street you get what you get. Had Martin killed Zimmerman too bad for Zimmerman. It just didn't occur to Martin for whatever reason that he would be shot, evidently.

11122. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 6:39:51 PM

And in response to anomie, I accept the jury system outcome. The fact that you only do when it agrees with you is telling wrt your civics instruction.

11123. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 6:42:59 PM

Manslaughter is a tragic event precipitated by negligence and usually stupidity.

11124. anomie - 7/14/2013 9:33:45 PM

Arky, I was a fairly mediocre student but it's not hard to understand the concept of appeals vs double jeopardy. According to you, Rosa Parks should have just accepted her conviction, I suppose? All of you who so graciously proclaim how accepting you are of the verdict fail to mention the fact that you have no other choice. You can't retry him for the same crime. Of course you can continue to harass him with civil or Federal charges, but in fairness I sure hop not. No one's doing any favors by "accepting" verdicts of not guilty.

11125. anomie - 7/14/2013 9:36:02 PM

"If you go out of your way to harass someone on a dark street you get what you get..." And there you go again. Convicting Zimmerman on an unproven if/then scenario.

11126. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 9:56:22 PM

If you say Zimmerman wasn't following Martin you're hopeless. if you think following somebody on a Dark night is not harassment then your doubly hopeless.And you doknow MLK spent time in jail, right? No one said anything about double jeopardy. Yes, there's an appeal process for the accused. So? No one argued Zimmerman shouldn't have the right of appeal. My contention is that had he hone through the entire process and lost you'd be screaming "travesty of justice!"

11127. anomie - 7/14/2013 10:18:10 PM

I think it's a travesty of justice as is. The man has been through hell, and there's more to come.

11128. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 10:51:02 PM

Boo. Hoo. That kid's death deserved s hearing.

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