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11122. woden - 8/21/2004 8:24:01 AM

E-mail me, and I'll send you the pics, if you like.

11123. SnowOwl - 8/21/2004 8:39:13 AM

I don't have your address. You can get me at moonbeam@es.co.nz

I'd love to see you.

11124. judithathome - 8/22/2004 5:05:44 AM

Here's a fun test...I got 17 outof 20. See how many you get!

Spot The Fake Smile

11125. wonkers2 - 8/22/2004 5:17:39 AM


11126. judithathome - 8/22/2004 5:19:35 AM

Wonkers, what did you rely on to spot the fakes? I watched their eyes.

11127. wabbit - 8/22/2004 5:40:52 AM


11128. Ms. No - 8/22/2004 5:59:31 AM

18/20 = I missed the weird looking girl because I was so fascinated looking at her face I forgot to really watch her. And the guy with the lazy eye.

Mostly I watched eyes, but I also watched them breathe. Some of them were very obviously chuckling or expelling that kind of "ha" breath that comes from a genuine smile.

Creepy as hell watching some of them, though. It's like their eyes were dead. They're not psychopaths or anything, but it did make them look strange.

Makes me wonder if I could do it --- fake it convincingly enough to fool an expert. I suppose that's any actor's question, though. Or card sharp. Or anyone else who makes a living off of lying convincingly. ;->

11129. judithathome - 8/22/2004 6:02:29 AM

Yes, I have long urged people to watch Bush's eyes, for which I was roundly ridiculed by some who seemed to take everything he said as gospel.

11130. wonkers2 - 8/22/2004 12:41:26 PM

I thought I was watching the extent of wrinkles around their eyes. But I must have been distracted by something else. (Cap'n Dirty sez, "You were probably starin' at the girls' tits!)

11131. Magoseph - 8/22/2004 6:55:48 PM

I see that concerned posted in Terrorism last night Message # 708 in thread 159. Let's hope that he is back to stay.

Hello, Mac, I spent the last two days working on my jogging because a neighbor told me that if I don't change my ways, I'll tip forward and knock myself out one of these days. How was your weekend?

11132. SnowOwl - 8/22/2004 7:00:25 PM

We're snowed in. It doesn't snow here very often, usually at most just once or twice a year. Consequently, the city is not geared up with equipment to deal with heavy snowfalls, and as it is very hilly when it does snow the whole place grinds to a standstill.

I've never seen it snow so persistently in the 30 odd years we've been living here. It hasn't stopped for more than a few minutes all day, and there's more forecast overnight and for the next couple of days.

11133. Macnas - 8/22/2004 7:09:16 PM

Grand altogether Mago.

I got 17/20 for that smile test. Being the fool that I am, I usually find myself smiling with the genuine smilers, which is a pretty god acid test for me.

11134. Macnas - 8/22/2004 7:14:37 PM


11135. Magoseph - 8/22/2004 8:16:37 PM

I did also, Mac.

11136. judithathome - 8/22/2004 8:17:28 PM

Good morning...I'm up early!

11137. arkymalarky - 8/22/2004 10:04:24 PM

I'm about to leave for a dentist appointment. Hate to miss a day this early in the school year, but it's actually better than later and it's stuff I was getting done this summer that they couldn't quite finish before school started.

I'd rather be at work.

Y'all have a good day.

11138. PelleNilsson - 8/23/2004 12:33:38 AM


Reminds me of Amman, also a hilly place, where it snowed two or three times a year. When it started to snow, the thing was to get home asap otherwise you would get stuck among inept drivers driving cars with blank tires.

I hope you're stocked with the essentials (gin, tonic, crisps, etc) or can get them within walking distance.

11139. robertjayb - 8/23/2004 1:01:58 AM

inept drivers driving cars with blank tires.

blank tires=bald tires

another nugget for my store of mostly useless information...

and a reminder to start pricing new tires...

11140. PelleNilsson - 8/23/2004 1:25:57 AM

Sorry about the Swedicism. They tend to creep in.

11141. PsychProf - 8/23/2004 1:58:49 AM


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