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11129. judithathome - 7/14/2013 11:04:01 PM

" The man has been through hell, and there's more to come."

Oh yeah...he's been through hell...he got over $300,000 on-line and he gets profits from that friend's book which probably sold like hotcakes after the guy testified...they had the name of the book up each time he opened his mouth. And next will be George's book, plus the fees he'll get from a re-interview with Hannity and god knows who else.

Yeah, he's been through hell all right...I'm sure Trayvon Martin would trade places with the "hell" Zimmerman CAN go through but unfortunately, Martin has no choice in the matter, does he?

11130. judithathome - 7/14/2013 11:08:34 PM

The man has shown not one whit of remorse over carrying out "God's plan". Those were his exact words...he "wouldn't change a thing he did" that night and considers it "God's plan" for him.

Hopefully, God is a bit miffed and has really rotten things in mind as part of that plan.

But we all know that won't happen...he'll continue to rake in money and have a nice tidy little life, not bothered at all by tawdry little things like regret or remorse.

11131. anomie - 7/14/2013 11:15:43 PM

Of course his death deserves a hearing. No question.

Martin's death is tragic no matter what part he played in the events. I don't know if he attacked Zimmerman, but something happened that triggered a series of events. You can cite FACT FACT only up to a point, and none that describe an illegal act. After that point of known events, you're just emoting. Let's say Arky is right and Martin was scared or angry and he attacked Zimmerman. I suppose Zimmerman's right of self defense is somehow revoked in your view. Why? At what point does he have the right to stop having his head bashed in?

11132. judithathome - 7/14/2013 11:24:36 PM

"but something happened that triggered a series of events."

Yes...Zimmerman got out of his truck after he was told not to...and followed Martin after he was told not to. None of this would have happened if he done what he was told...they told him that FOR A REASON.

11133. anomie - 7/14/2013 11:44:34 PM

And then...?

11134. judithathome - 7/15/2013 12:37:11 AM

Well, we only seem to have one person left alive to explain it...and the jury believed that was enough. Not strange at all that he was also the one with the gun.

I'm wondering if the 911 people suspected he had that gun...after all, they'd spoken with him 46 times in the past and maybe that's why they told him to stay in his truck.

11135. anomie - 7/15/2013 12:49:39 AM

I think what happened next was self-defense, but I have absolutely no proof of that. The state has no proof otherwise, and the burden is theirs. Do you wantto revise that concept? Many tragic aspects to this case. The loss of life being the greatest. In the end we are all better off that the presumption of innocence prevailed.

11136. anomie - 7/15/2013 12:51:05 AM

I think police in some states should assume everyone is packing. Arizona, Nevada, Texas... Maybe every state come to think.

11137. robertjayb - 7/15/2013 12:59:46 AM

Arky writes: "That kid's death deserved a hearing."

Yes. Absolutely. And it should have happened promptly in a grand jury hearing for Zimmerman even though as the much-maligned local officers believed, under law, there was no crime. The locals blew the sensitivity/public relations part of their duty.

The delay allowed genuinely aggrieved members of the "community," as well as race-baiters far and wide and hand-wringing media blowhards to raise such a clamor that a state attorney moved in. Being no more political than LBJ or Richard Daley, she caused Zimmerman to be charged and then supervised his prosecution. Neat.

But the law and six courageous women stood between her and a legal brass ring.

11138. anomie - 7/15/2013 1:07:10 AM

Yes, and I wanted to puke when she and another of the prosecuters talked about "God" and "prayer"... Cheap pandering. Must be an elected office.

11139. anomie - 7/15/2013 1:08:22 AM

I was wondering if Florida had a grand jury system. Apparently it's not mandatory.

11140. judithathome - 7/15/2013 3:48:54 AM

"Do you wantto revise that concept?"

What I want is to revise the cockamamie gun laws...I would like if ALL the concealed carry laws were overturned.

11141. anomie - 7/15/2013 4:11:21 AM

No argument there, Judith. I'd vote to amend or repeal the second amendment. It's out of date and unreasonable at this point in history. As it is, it just subsidizes the gun industry at the cost of all the misery created by gun nuts.

11142. Ms. No - 7/15/2013 7:09:09 AM

Florida Mom Gets 20 Years for Firing Warning Shots

And once again I'll remind anyone who wakes up tomorrow not as a poor black woman to thank the creator for it.

11143. iiibbb - 7/15/2013 3:47:13 PM

The problem that example is that Florida law is explicit about warning shots. There is no room there.

It's like open carry in Florida which is explicitly not allowed... so if you "print" while concealed carrying you can potentially get into a bit of trouble.

The self-defense law, on the other hand, is entirely vague. All you need is a "reason to believe" that you are in danger...

It is completely out of whack because they are so strict up until you actually pull the trigger.

11144. iiibbb - 7/15/2013 3:47:27 PM

...and shoot someone.

11145. iiibbb - 7/15/2013 3:49:07 PM

It's like gun controllers were having a lot of success on one end of the spectrum... and gun rights people were having a lot of success on the other... and it's created this body of law with weird magnetic fields.

11146. Trillium - 7/15/2013 10:39:15 PM

Arky, just curious. What do they teach about "innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" in your high school's civics class?

I just caught a snippet of Holder on the news talking about how he wants to go after people's thoughts and attitudes. This sounds like Inquisition territory.. What is Holder thinking? Does he want to be part of a Thought Police?

This shreds the constitution, blatantly.

11147. arkymalarky - 7/15/2013 11:04:27 PM

that it applies differently to black people and white people.

11148. anomie - 7/15/2013 11:11:46 PM

True Arky, but this is not the case. We have many better examples. This case just cheapens the whole argument.

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