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11229. Ms. No - 8/27/2004 5:21:56 AM


Sure! I'll send my new addy along momentarily.

11230. judithathome - 8/27/2004 5:22:44 AM

Well, I love it and have since I was young and my auntie would bring me little samples from her world travels.

When I was a teenager, my dad would give me sets of Chanel #5 soaps, powder, and perfume. I've smelled good since the 50s!

11231. Ms. No - 8/27/2004 5:23:47 AM

And I can't believe I just posted both of those before announcing that I just got the call from my brother and my sil is due to be induced in two hours which means we'll be welcoming another boy to the family between 12a and 2a PST tonight!!!!


Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

Of course, that's not the greatest state of mind to be in some 12 hours before he's likely to show up. Sheesh. I'll have to take a nap or something.

Like THAT will happen. ;->

11232. wonkers2 - 8/27/2004 5:27:11 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "The Cap'n's glad Summer Woman stays away from perfume cause after a moonlight cruise aboard the Tomater Sloop, the missus can detect strange perfume clear acrost the room! So, hop aboard."

11233. Ms. No - 8/27/2004 5:27:57 AM


You do always smell good and I've never noticed you wearing anything that irritated my nose.

Some perfumes are to blame all by themselves other times it's the amount of scent or occasionally the body chemistry of the person wearing it. Also, I tend to get waaaay overdone on trendy scents. If I never smell Giorgio or Escape for Men again I'll be perfectly content. And have you ever known anyone who could wear Magie Noir?

11234. judithathome - 8/27/2004 5:42:19 AM

Magie Noir

Many have tried, unfortunately.

And all the little old ladies who worked at Neiman's would wear Tea Rose...arrrggghhh. I will never smell like that, even though I am probably as old as they were when we shared an elevator every morning.

11235. Ms. No - 8/27/2004 6:00:16 AM

I had a PE teacher that loved Tea Rose.

My paternal grandmother - my bopka --- loved the Estee Lauder perfumes. White Linen and the like. I like the smell of them from far away because they make me think of her, but I could never wear any of them and they're to sharp for me in strong doses or close quarters.

11236. judithathome - 8/27/2004 6:06:16 AM

Don't go to work at Neiman's, then.

Oh, congrats on the impending new nephew!

11237. Ms. No - 8/27/2004 6:33:15 AM


11238. wonkers2 - 8/27/2004 6:43:57 AM

What's wrong with Ivory soap?

11239. Magoseph - 8/27/2004 6:47:59 AM

Not a thing, wonk, I personally spray my perfumes in the house.

11240. anomie - 8/27/2004 7:29:08 AM

Well, okay then all you sweet smellen, earthy women. I like it either way.
So, my laptop is thoroughly corrupted and I didn't want to spread anything around. So I dis as Macnas suggested and set my old desktop - which I never use online - back to Apr. It's an XP machine, of course, but it doesn't even have SP1 loaded. I'll close down and attempt an update before I pick up lord knows what. Shouldn't take more than a few days. See ya later.

11241. arkymalarky - 8/27/2004 7:31:06 AM

It might not be too bad, Anomie. Mine are both spiffy-clean at home and at work. I'm going to try to clean up Mose's this weekend. She's got Clearsearch and all sorts of stuff on hers, from what she was reading me over the phone.

11242. anomie - 8/28/2004 4:18:31 AM

You were right Arky. It wasn't too bad. Gotta give credit to that free Ad-aware program or whatever it's called. I found it at PC World.

So, I'm fixen to post some more pics in Escapes. Just to forewarn you.

Good thing about online slide shows is that no one knows if you get up and leave the room.

11243. arkymalarky - 8/28/2004 5:11:51 AM

PCWorld and Cnet have saved my computer butt, I must say.

11244. arkymalarky - 8/28/2004 5:13:29 AM

Hey, the stuff in Escapes is great. I say post away. I have got to get that Canon software and get on Shutterfly so I can post the stuff I have.

I also have a truckload of work to do this weekend, including getting started on a white paper that I've got to finish by October, so it'll probably be another week or two at least.

11245. anomie - 8/28/2004 5:28:42 AM

Arky, I'm a photo buff but I never thought I could post online. I thought it was beyond me. I know that's not the case with you, but once you get the hang of it, it goes fast. So, not too time consuming.

I'll be watching for you.

11246. arkymalarky - 8/28/2004 5:31:20 AM

Thanks. BTW, Pelle had a couple of questions for you in the Escapes thread.

If I could download that Canon software Mose lost from their site, I could do it, but I have to reorder it by phone (it's $20). I really can't believe she would have just thrown it away, but she can't find it anywhere and she went through all her stuff before moving back up to the university.

11247. anomie - 8/28/2004 5:37:39 AM

I'll have to check on Pelle's questions.

11248. Bill Russell - 8/29/2004 2:42:39 AM

The Door Stopper

Two church members were going door to door. They knocked on the door of a woman who clearly was not happy to see them. She told them in no uncertain terms she did not want to hear their message and then slammed the door in their faces.

To her surprise, the door did not close. In fact, it bounced back open.

Seeing the two church members at the door frustrated her. She stormed back to the door and flung it shut.

But the door still didn't close. Furious, she grabbed the door with two hands and shoved it as hard as she could. But again, the door wouldn't shut.

Convinced one of these rude church members was sticking a foot in the door, she reared back to give the door a slam that would really teach them a lesson.

Just then, one of the church members said, "Ma'am, before you do that again, you might want to move your cat."

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