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11236. judithathome - 7/28/2013 8:19:06 PM

I'm so sick of the Anthony Wiener scandal...the real scandal is how much time is being devoted to it.

The man has an illness...he craves attention and will obviously go to any extreme to get it. If he had flashed women on the street while wearing a raincoat, he'd have been arrested. He needs to go into therapy and find out why having money, a career, a beautiful family is not enough for him.

Thus far in his mayoral race, I have heard not one thing on what he plans to do if he gets the job. He was a below-lackluster Congressman and even THAT job was not enough to feed his need for attention...does he even qualify to run the largest city in this country? Does he understand city budgets, city crime prevention, city business and tax code? Has he said ONE thing about his plans for anything in NYC? If so, it certainly hasn't been covered by the press.

Heck, even Jesse Ventura had plans for his state when he ran for governor...he was notorious as a performer but he didn't run on personality alone.

Wiener is actually still flashing for the cameras...he is eating up all this attention. If New Yorkers vote him into office, they are saying just as much about themselves as they are about Wiener. Don't give me this second chance BS...he's had that and more.

11237. thoughtful - 7/29/2013 1:59:18 AM

Did you see the cover of the NYT mag? They ran all the candidates with what looks like mug shots...none of them look trustworthy enough to handle a pet rat, let alone run the biggest city in the country. Somehow Weiner fits right in with the rest of them.

11238. Wombat - 7/29/2013 4:10:25 AM

Fun with Photoshop? At least it's Weiner's face we're looking at.

11239. iiibbb - 7/29/2013 3:34:43 PM

I hope the Asian wins... the rest look like putzes.

11240. judithathome - 7/29/2013 5:58:41 PM

Funny that they didn't even put in the picture of the front runner: Christine Quinn.

11241. thoughtful - 7/29/2013 11:56:19 PM

She's there...middle row, 2nd column.

11242. judithathome - 7/30/2013 12:26:26 AM

Wow...and I just watched a program yesterday about how the brain tricks the eye into seeing things NOT as they are...ha!

11243. arkymalarky - 7/31/2013 5:59:24 AM

Put a fork in his campaign. What a joke:

11244. thoughtful - 7/31/2013 3:40:39 PM

The thing is, he's certainly got name, if not penis, recognition which is very important in a campaign...

11245. judithathome - 7/31/2013 4:05:16 PM

OMG...I loved, like, every time that article, like, put in every "like".

Very mature, like, staff....Carlos Danger!

11246. judithathome - 7/31/2013 4:22:04 PM

And to show how this Weiner thing has "coarsened" everything in it's path: just now Thomas Roberts, live on his show on MSNBC, used the words "batshit crazy" in describing these latest revelations in the continuing daytime soap that is La Drama Weiner.

Roberts offered apologies immediately...which is more than Weiner has done.

11247. arkymalarky - 7/31/2013 4:50:06 PM

Not after this. He'll be hoping people forget his name.

11248. alistairconnor - 7/31/2013 4:58:56 PM

Penis recognition eh?

Please, please do not look at this collection of Weiner-inspired pictures.

11249. thoughtful - 8/1/2013 1:26:01 AM

Just loved this week's cover of the NYer...entitled Carlos Danger!

11250. arkymalarky - 8/1/2013 2:30:36 AM

That's hilarious

11251. Wombat - 8/1/2013 2:58:13 AM

King Schlong (Yiddish for...take a guess).

11252. thoughtful - 8/1/2013 12:23:27 PM

I was think King Dong...same idea.

11253. thoughtful - 8/1/2013 12:24:57 PM

Hard to see in the small version, but he's broken off the spire in his right hand and is taking a picture of the top of the building with his cell phone cam in his left.

11254. thoughtful - 8/2/2013 2:45:19 PM

This is just too 1984.

Pressure Cookers, backpacks and quinoa

She seemed to apologize when she found out the search was based on her husband's work searches as well, but that's even more discomfiting to me...

If they can look at all our searches, can't they also use that to determine that you are not a terrorist? So they don't have to terrorize innocent civilians by sending armed men throughout the house?

She said they do this about 100 times a week! And of the 1 out of 100 that are followed up on, how many of them are needlessly put through the wringer.

This is just freakin' scary.

11255. judithathome - 9/6/2013 11:19:23 PM

Rush Limbaugh Vows To Warp Minds Of Children

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