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11249. thoughtful - 8/1/2013 1:26:01 AM

Just loved this week's cover of the NYer...entitled Carlos Danger!

11250. arkymalarky - 8/1/2013 2:30:36 AM

That's hilarious

11251. Wombat - 8/1/2013 2:58:13 AM

King Schlong (Yiddish for...take a guess).

11252. thoughtful - 8/1/2013 12:23:27 PM

I was think King Dong...same idea.

11253. thoughtful - 8/1/2013 12:24:57 PM

Hard to see in the small version, but he's broken off the spire in his right hand and is taking a picture of the top of the building with his cell phone cam in his left.

11254. thoughtful - 8/2/2013 2:45:19 PM

This is just too 1984.

Pressure Cookers, backpacks and quinoa

She seemed to apologize when she found out the search was based on her husband's work searches as well, but that's even more discomfiting to me...

If they can look at all our searches, can't they also use that to determine that you are not a terrorist? So they don't have to terrorize innocent civilians by sending armed men throughout the house?

She said they do this about 100 times a week! And of the 1 out of 100 that are followed up on, how many of them are needlessly put through the wringer.

This is just freakin' scary.

11255. judithathome - 9/6/2013 11:19:23 PM

Rush Limbaugh Vows To Warp Minds Of Children

11256. thoughtful - 9/6/2013 11:55:28 PM

Hah! To tell the true story of thanksgiving with a talking horse. Yup! Perfectly accurate and believable!

11257. judithathome - 9/7/2013 12:34:33 AM

From what I hear, it will be much more about the failure of socialism than anything.

11258. thoughtful - 9/9/2013 12:20:14 PM

Will someone please explain to me how bombing Syria, which will indiscriminately kill innocent civilians, teach Syria anything about not using chemical weapons which indiscriminately kill civilians?

11259. Wombat - 9/10/2013 3:23:27 AM

Perhaps it can be explained to Thoughtful how the threat of strikes on Syria may have created the opportunity to cause Syria to give up its chemical weapons (which, until now, it claims it didn't have).

11260. judithathome - 9/10/2013 5:14:54 AM

Has anyone seen the tape of Michelle Bachman, Louie Gohmert, and Steve King in Egypt this weekend?

I thought it was a SNL skit at first. Bachman blames the Muslim Brotherhood for, as she put it, "the nine one one attack on America".

Has To Be Seen To Be Believed

11261. thoughtful - 9/10/2013 9:54:56 PM

Different question, wombat...the threat vs. the actual bombing...

11262. thoughtful - 9/10/2013 10:10:27 PM

If Bachman's IQ were any lower, they'd have to water her once a week...

11263. Wombat - 9/11/2013 12:33:32 PM

You can't make the threat without the willingness to follow through. What we know of the proposed strikes is that precision weapons would be used on military targets. Civilians will die, because no system works perfectly, but it won't be indiscriminate, as opposed to--say--gassing an entire neighborhood, at night, when everyone was asleep and unable to flee. Do you still see no difference?

Agreed on Bachman.

11264. thoughtful - 9/12/2013 1:32:53 PM

Well perhaps we have found our own weapon of mass destruction...John Kerry. He is so dull that people will do anything to get him to stop talking....if we turn him toward Israel and Palestine, perhaps we can get him to finally solve that one. "Anything, anything he wants...just make him stop talking already!" Now where's my on-line poker game...

Wombat, if your family is killed, do you really care whether or not it was done intentionally, indiscriminately or to prove a point or back up a threat? Does it really matter who's running Abu Ghraib if you're the one being water boarded? We may want to play being the Organians, but we don't have that capability yet.

And who are we supporting? AFAIK, there are no good guys there.

And a point of curiosity, if you blow up a chemical weapons depot, don't you actually set them off?

11265. judithathome - 9/12/2013 3:37:47 PM

Maybe we should set Kerry loose on immigration, gun control, and the debt ceiling.

11266. Trillium - 9/12/2013 9:09:55 PM

This email came through a social circle, addressed to the each individual in the group:

"In case you did not get word, I received this email from XXX...Please share it.

Say NO to US military intervention in Syria!

Join me for a peaceful protest on Thursday, Sept. 12, from 5-5:30 pm on the sidewalk in front of (local courthouse).
Signs will be provided or bring your own.

President Obama says the US must intervene in the horror in Syria to send a “signal” to the Assad regime. US military intervention in a sovereign nation that poses no threat to us continues a dangerous policy that has cost hundreds of thousands of US, Afghan and Iraqi lives. No matter how noble our intent, we cannot control unintended consequences, assure our action will be effective, or reassure the rest of the world we would never do it to them.

I hope to see you there!

I can't be there, and I know that I am in disagreement with many of the people who will be participants (over other issues). However, I'm glad they are out demonstrating, and I hope the thunderstorms will be over by then...

11267. Wombat - 9/12/2013 11:15:59 PM

So far the principle "unintended" consequence of Obama's THREAT to carry out missile strikes on Syria has been the reinsertion of Russia into the process. Some folks here and around the country need to take a really deep breath and calm the heck down. If the last four-plus years have shown us anything, it is that Barak Obama is no George W. Bush.

The spectacle of many Republicans suddenly finding their inner peace-freak is particularly nauseating; if Romney had been elected, we'd probably already be in Syria, and they'd be cheering him on.

11268. judithathome - 9/13/2013 1:17:40 AM


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