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11415. iiibbb - 3/7/2014 4:23:47 PM

I don't understand the logic of that quote at all. If a woman rides a subway naked, and gets her photo taken, she can't complain.

But if she's dressed... she still can't complain?

I don't get it.

11416. judithathome - 3/7/2014 5:31:44 PM

So I guess we can barge into a men's room and photograph a man using a urinal? Or walk into a public gym and snap his ass while he's changing into gym shorts?

11417. wabbit - 3/8/2014 1:57:11 AM

I guess wearing a skirt that isn't long enough to cover your ankles leaves your crotch out in public? iiibbb, I felt the same way.

11418. judithathome - 4/25/2014 6:22:51 PM

Colossal Dust Storm Blankets China

It's not often that weather rolls in carrying a distinct "mouthfeel." Yet that's been the case the last few days in China, where a massive windstorm coated buildings, cars, and tongues with gritty desert dust.

Northern China's not unaccustomed to dust barrages triggered by Siberian weather fronts to the north. This one's a bit different: It moved eastward across the country with incredible speed and power. Look how far the leading dust-wall had surged in these NASA satellite images, taken on Wednesday at 12:35 p.m. local time and then 2:20 p.m.

11419. judithathome - 4/25/2014 9:39:44 PM

Well....Steven Colbert is without doubt the best satirist around...his riff on Cliven Bundy and Sean Hannity last night was comedy gold!

The Ballad Of Cliven Bundy

11420. judithathome - 7/17/2014 7:54:52 PM

Breaking News:

More bad news for Malaysian Airlines...plane down in Ukraine, 20+ Americans on board. Ukrainians claim Russia did it, Russia claims they did not, leader of a separatist group claims HE did it...experts claiming-shoulder held rocket launcher couldn't have done it due to altitude.

What I want to know is why in the hell did the pilot CHOOSE to fly over a war zone?

11421. judithathome - 7/26/2014 7:01:00 PM

Breaking News today:

US Embassy In Tripoli Evacuated This Morning

The U.S. Embassy in Libya evacuated its personnel on Saturday because of heavy militia violence raging in the capital, Tripoli, the State Department said.

About 150 personnel, including 80 U.S. Marines were evacuated from the embassy in the early hours of Saturday morning and were driven across the border into Tunisia, U.S. officials confirm to CNN.

U.S. officials stress that this is a relocation of embassy personnel and the operations have been "temporarily suspended" until "the security situation on the ground improves." The embassy will continue to operate from other locations.

A senior State Department official said some of the staff from Libya will be sent to other U.S. embassies in the region and others will come back to Washington.

11422. judithathome - 7/27/2014 7:31:05 PM

This should please Darrel Issa and the Benghazi crowd.

Of course, that statement is nonsense...they will label it a stunt by Obama...

11423. judithathome - 8/4/2014 9:49:08 PM

James Brady, RIP

If you'd like to honor him, don't buy a gun.

11424. judithathome - 8/6/2014 1:12:04 AM

Steve King Is Lucky a High IQ Is Not A Qualification For Serving In Congress

...The video's description identifies the pair as Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas. In the video, Andiola approaches King and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), telling them she's a Dreamer who's originally from Mexico but was raised in the United States and is a graduate of Arizona State University. (Paul quickly got up and left.)...

11425. judithathome - 8/6/2014 1:14:33 AM

After seeing more of that Steve King video, I have to say, I don't blame Rand Paul for escaping from that debacle...I blame him for being there in the first place but anyone who wants to avoid being tarred by the stupidity spewed by that asshole King is just trying to survive the avalanche of what that jerk deserves.

King actually asks this young lady if she is a drug dealer...then he tells both the young people that he is sorry they come from a "lawless country" but "please don't bring that lawlessness here". (As an aside, I'd like to ask Steve King just who BUYS all those drugs dragged over the border by Mexicans with calves the size of cantaloupes...it's not Canadians, you asshole.)

The young lady has graduated college and qualifies for a law degree but can't get it because she is not a "citizen"; ditto the young man with her: he tried to enlist in the military but cannot because he is an "immigrant".

These two people, who would be the sort of citizens we should be welcoming, were treated like dirt by an arrogant asshole who got a lot of xenophobes from Iowa to vote his ass into Congress.

It's embarrassing to see this fool get air time. And to know his image and what he stands for is going to be blasted on the airwaves world-wide.

11426. judithathome - 9/5/2014 7:34:00 PM

F 15s Following Unresponsive Airplane Headed Toward Cuba

Since posting this on my forum, the F 15s dropped out as the plane flew over Cuba...the Cubans let the plane cross over and the F 15s picked up the trail after the small plane cleared Cuban airspace.

The windows of the plane are fogged up and they are calling this incident "hypoxia"...same as when the golfer Payne Stewart died in similar circumstances.

11427. judithathome - 9/5/2014 7:38:16 PM

Okay...update: Plane has cashed on the island of Jamaica.

11428. judithathome - 9/29/2014 4:40:21 PM

Day of mourning for the ladies: George Clooney has married a lovely and very intelligent woman in Venice over the weekend.

11429. judithathome - 10/1/2014 6:39:00 PM

Be on the lookout: Prepare yourselves for the firing/resignation of the head of the Secret Service...and headlines that you just can't trust a woman with a serious job.

Frankly, after watching her performance before the House committee, I'd fire her myself.

One Rep. held up an ADT Home Security sign and said "These guys are cheaper and are ready 24/7".

11430. iiibbb - 10/1/2014 9:40:13 PM

A counter point is hiring a woman for women's sake can be bad for women.

But given the level of incompetence in government agencies today, she is not alone by any stretch. The myriad of stories and statements coming out of the CDC really makes you wonder why I couldn't get a government job.... or maybe it explains everything.

11431. judithathome - 10/1/2014 11:00:18 PM

Director of the Secret Service resigns today....

11432. judithathome - 10/9/2014 9:58:27 PM

Here's an interesting story about a school football season being cancelled because of what SOME people are calling a schoolboy prank and what others are calling an outrage: it involves a sexual practice called a "Dirty Sanchez" and you will have to look THAT up in the Urban Dictionary for yourselves.

Really? Kids Will Be Kids? WTF?

11433. judithathome - 10/11/2014 1:47:01 AM

Microsoft CEO Makes Inane and INSANE Comment About Womens' Pay Equity

And he did this at a "Women in Tech Appreciation Conference".

11434. judithathome - 10/15/2014 7:19:04 PM

Second patient with Ebola at the Dallas hospital is going to be transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta...she was one of the healthcare workers who treated Duncan. That makes two healthcare workers who have contracted the disease from Duncan...and exposed god only know how many others.

And she must have been the most stupid: she flew to Cleveland, stayed with family there, and checked herself into the Dallas hospital the morning after she flew back to Dallas...checked herself in with a fever.

What sort of idiot decides to fly across the country while self-monitoring for EBOLA??

I suppose the sort whose Governor has been MIA since the first patient with it died at that Dallas hospital...Rick Perry is getting as far away from this as he can: he's currently in EUROPE. The week Duncan was admitted, Perry went to Iowa to spread his charm around...that evidently wasn't far enough.

Those glasses only make him LOOK smarter than he is.

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