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11430. iiibbb - 10/1/2014 9:40:13 PM

A counter point is hiring a woman for women's sake can be bad for women.

But given the level of incompetence in government agencies today, she is not alone by any stretch. The myriad of stories and statements coming out of the CDC really makes you wonder why I couldn't get a government job.... or maybe it explains everything.

11431. judithathome - 10/1/2014 11:00:18 PM

Director of the Secret Service resigns today....

11432. judithathome - 10/9/2014 9:58:27 PM

Here's an interesting story about a school football season being cancelled because of what SOME people are calling a schoolboy prank and what others are calling an outrage: it involves a sexual practice called a "Dirty Sanchez" and you will have to look THAT up in the Urban Dictionary for yourselves.

Really? Kids Will Be Kids? WTF?

11433. judithathome - 10/11/2014 1:47:01 AM

Microsoft CEO Makes Inane and INSANE Comment About Womens' Pay Equity

And he did this at a "Women in Tech Appreciation Conference".

11434. judithathome - 10/15/2014 7:19:04 PM

Second patient with Ebola at the Dallas hospital is going to be transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta...she was one of the healthcare workers who treated Duncan. That makes two healthcare workers who have contracted the disease from Duncan...and exposed god only know how many others.

And she must have been the most stupid: she flew to Cleveland, stayed with family there, and checked herself into the Dallas hospital the morning after she flew back to Dallas...checked herself in with a fever.

What sort of idiot decides to fly across the country while self-monitoring for EBOLA??

I suppose the sort whose Governor has been MIA since the first patient with it died at that Dallas hospital...Rick Perry is getting as far away from this as he can: he's currently in EUROPE. The week Duncan was admitted, Perry went to Iowa to spread his charm around...that evidently wasn't far enough.

Those glasses only make him LOOK smarter than he is.

11435. iiibbb - 10/15/2014 7:45:40 PM

So... I am concerned about Ebola for the people who will suffer the disease.

But I can't help my smugness that the same buffoons who bemoan Obama and Taxes and saw to it that we had a Congress that cut research funding are the ones freaking out the most about the "epidemic".

Unfortunately, it's not going to change their behavior in the long run, and my smugness isn't going to help the people who get it.

So I'm trying to squelch it. I am going to have to start ignoring/unfriending the fearmongers populating my facebook feed.

11436. iiibbb - 10/15/2014 7:47:24 PM

A guy from the NiH said they probably would've had a treatment by now if funding had not been cut. But that's easy to say.

11437. judithathome - 10/15/2014 11:13:31 PM

Well, it's also obvious...but I think part of the problem is that a great number of Americans would see developing a drug to cure this particular disease as a waste of time and money because it would have only benefitted people "over there".

The majority of people in the USA don't think "globally" even though the proof of not doing so is now right on their doorstep.

11438. judithathome - 10/16/2014 10:08:28 PM

Watched the House hearings on this "crisis" today and all I can say is, the Republicans may have come back from campaigning for this hearing but they are still on the campaign trail.

11439. judithathome - 10/17/2014 9:37:00 PM

Take This Test: Calm Down: You Are Not Going To Get Ebola

11440. iiibbb - 10/18/2014 12:02:15 PM

In the past 12 months my internet news experience has gotten very bad. NBC/MSNBC went to an unusable tile format. Not happy with CNN, BBC, or USANews. I have been using Google news because it is partially customizable, but the other thing I've noticed is that a vast array of news sites are so format/ad heavy the page won't load any usable or readable way on most mobile devices. Even if the reporting is halfway decent this trend utterly sucks.

May I just say that perhaps I'm waxing nostalgic about journalism' but reporting to me seems exceedingly poor these day. For a time, the internet was a good source of information, but it has turned the corner. I think it's making people dumber.... Well more ignorant.

The internet is no longer about facts or truth. It is about point of view, perhaps just shy of punditry. It is making the unsophisticated and untrained more ignorant because the have no capacity to filter the bullshit.

11441. arkymalarky - 10/18/2014 3:31:07 PM

AP is what I use. but I agree with your sentiment on general news. there's still lots of good stuff out there, in depth, but not from general news sources.

try AP. it's free and customizable and I like it better than google news.

11443. iiibbb - 10/18/2014 5:19:11 PM

Thanks for the AP suggestion. I do like the articles there. I didn't realize they had a decent news homepage.

What irks me about Google is it's to egalitarian. I've been taken to some very bad articles and clickbait.

11444. arkymalarky - 10/18/2014 5:25:01 PM

yeah, I deleted it. I hate yahoo too.

11445. arkymalarky - 10/18/2014 5:26:22 PM

BTW, I'm talking phone apps. I think the regular ap is good, best I recall.

11446. Trillium - 10/20/2014 10:47:45 PM

Judith: I wondered how people in Dallas were responding to the Ebola idiocy. The VOX article you linked was slightly out of date: it didn't include the Spanish nurse assistant/ "sanitary technician" who fortunately is ok now, although her poor dog was euthanized. The Spanish hospital didn't provide appropriate protective gear; a doctor who worked with Teresa Romero (nurse who was infected) said that there was gap between his gloves and his sleeves because the arms were too short. It sounds like the Dallas gear was similarly misfit, leaving the throat open.

11447. Trillium - 10/20/2014 11:05:04 PM

Ebola has killed more than 200 healthcare workers
You probably won't catch Ebola if you don't work at a job that directly exposes you to body fluids (nurses, doctors, nurse aides, morticians, plumbers, airline sanitation crews, etc.). Those fields are being taken for granted -- it's silly to tell them that they are "panicking" by objecting to risk. They are unlikely to feel that monetary compensation is worth risking their lives when the odds are strongly stacked against them. Dallas nurse Brianna Aguirre was rightfully angry and disappointed. She has two children to raise, and was put at terrible risk by careless administrators at higher levels who deserve shaming, and clearly don't deserve the levels of compensation they've been getting for responsibilities not carried out.

11448. Trillium - 10/20/2014 11:06:17 PM

how odds increase for healthcare workers
"For example, consider an activity that, each time you do it, has a 1% chance of exposing you to a highly dangerous chemical. If you do it once, you have a 1% chance of exposure. If you do it twice, your chances of at least one exposure are slightly under 2%. After 20 times, you have an 18% chance of at least one exposure, and after 69 times the exposure probability crosses above 50%. After 250 times, the odds of exposure are about 92%. And the exposure odds top 99% after about 460 times.

"In other words, even if the probabilities are strongly stacked in your favor if you do the activity only once, with repetition the probabilities flip against you. And while no single health worker in the U.S. is likely to have hundreds of contacts with an Ebola patient, the cumulative number of contacts across all health workers interacting with patients can be very high."

11449. Trillium - 10/20/2014 11:17:51 PM

You'd have to venture into right-wing news sites to see/hear mention of Dr. Nicole Lurie, who would have been in charge of all this, but is mysteriously absent. Her title is "Rear Admiral in US Public Health Service", also "Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response" in the current administration. Was she fired? or what? Wiki on Nicole Lurie

"Nicole Lurie, A Doctor for Her Country" /Penn Medicine

To save you from the taint of "enemy" information, here's an old 2011 CNN link about overcharging for an antiviral drug: Siga, Perelman, Lurie, and Chimerix

11450. Trillium - 10/20/2014 11:43:00 PM

The Liberian President's Son Is A Doctor; Here's Why He's Staying Away From Ebola

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