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11465. arkymalarky - 10/30/2014 12:36:29 AM

haha! don't know about the nurse.

11466. iiibbb - 10/30/2014 3:57:33 AM

She's been tested for Ebola and is asymptomatic.

The Maine Governor said they'll arrest her if she defies the order. Who's going to touch her unless they think she's safe enough to touch... and if she's safe enough to touch... why is she being quarantined... and if they do arrest her... where are they going to put her?

And what if she never has it.

Fucking stupid.

11467. arkymalarky - 10/30/2014 4:32:26 AM

The Maine governor is known for being a little bit out there.

11468. iiibbb - 10/30/2014 5:43:15 PM

She's made two forays without being arrested. Governor posturing busted.

Now she just has to make it the 3 weeks without actually getting Ebola.

11470. arkymalarky - 10/30/2014 5:57:04 PM

of course, before the man from Liberia, doctors and nurses had been going back and forth treating Ebola patients for literally years.

11471. iiibbb - 10/30/2014 6:58:46 PM

But if she did happen to get it... people will freak out and the Teabola idiots will feel vindicated.

11472. judithathome - 10/30/2014 11:01:37 PM

Face it, she is getting what she desires out of this: attention. And a possible gig with FOX News.

Whatever, I hope someone gets hold of her and gets control of those ridiculous eyebrows.

11473. judithathome - 10/30/2014 11:05:23 PM

Face it...Duncan's family was put in a 21 day quarantine because if they hadn't been, Texans would have lynched them, more than likely.

And they never developed the virus...neither did they carp and moan and defy the requirement that they be monitored.

This woman is an idiot. Pure and simple. The very definition of Andy Warhol's axiom about 15 minutes.

11474. judithathome - 10/30/2014 11:06:50 PM

Apologies for the over-use of "face it"...it's late in the afternoon. Sundowners. ;-)

11475. robertjayb - 10/31/2014 3:45:24 AM

Today at our doctor's office spouse was asked, in apparent seriousness, if she had been in Africa recently.

11476. alIstaIrcOnnOr - 10/31/2014 10:46:30 AM

I agree with everybody on this issue :)

Sure, she's a health professional and should be trusted to keep an eye on herself. But a she's a health professional and shold not make a libertarian wingnut spectacle of herself... You nailed her, Judith.

Epidemiology trumps individual liberties, every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Even if it's medically unjustified, there is *no* harm done.

11477. iiibbb - 10/31/2014 2:34:31 PM

Nurses and Dr's have returned from Ebola Africa for years and years.

Why quarantine now? What's different right now?

Whisking people into hospitals, treating them like livestock, having keystone cops be the point people for dealing with this issue who can't even take temperatures.

She is attention whoring purely in response to the chicken little crowd.

11478. iiibbb - 10/31/2014 2:34:49 PM

Meanwhile --- flu season.

11479. judithathome - 10/31/2014 8:19:42 PM

Exactly...flu season will cut a bigger swath in this country FAR bigger than the one from Ebola...IN THIS COUNTRY. And the lack of inoculating for measles and whooping cough by mothers who are "afraid" of autism will kill more children than Ebola IN THIS COUNTRY.

Yet no one is up in arms about people continuing to go to work or send kids to school when there are symptoms of those diseases in evidence.

In fact, I've already seen the first ads for cold and flu medicine that show an attractive mom listing off her symptoms to the camera while her kids and husband stand by in disappointment...give her a bottle of the magic elixir and she is all smiles, chortling "Oh what a relief it is!" and sledding down a hill with squealing kids in tow...WTF? Same ad only person trots off to work, seemingly infecting everyone along the way.

Where's the outcry when unthinking assholes infect all of us with FLU?

11480. judithathome - 11/28/2014 9:26:13 AM

I'm putting this in here today because at the rate I'm going, mind-wise, I may forget it by tomorrow: Shocking Mistake By Prosecutor's Team In Darren Wilson Grand Jury

11481. arkymalarky - 11/28/2014 11:53:55 PM

I saw that "mistake" pointed out almost immediately, before O'Donnell but on MSNBC. I'd like to know whether in his history as a prosecutor he has pointed that out in any other cases: No, you can't shoot someone while they're running the opposite direction.

11482. arkymalarky - 11/28/2014 11:54:06 PM

I saw that "mistake" pointed out almost immediately, before O'Donnell but on MSNBC. I'd like to know whether in his history as a prosecutor he has pointed that out in any other cases: No, you can't shoot someone while they're running the opposite direction.

11483. judithathome - 12/3/2014 10:58:17 PM

Well...evidently you can kill someone in NYC for holding a handful of loosies: Cop Cleared in Choking Death of Eric Garner

11484. arkymalarky - 12/3/2014 11:27:01 PM


11485. judithathome - 12/4/2014 1:24:21 AM


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